vietnam 2005
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc) | 22.11.2005 03:12 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Globalisation | World
those who fail to learn history are doomed, those who fail to learn history correctly why they are simply doomed
Vietnam 2005
An editorial
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
Mr. President, you have own little Vietnam, if what I thought I read our kids are getting tired; accused of killing civilians so the net says. We get weaker and Osama and his cowards get stronger pouring into the ITO and as I said in my previous articles every whack job with an AK47 and RPG and ied’s are martyring themselves taking as many American with them as they can. America it’s time to get out of the Middle East, out of their business; and stay out. So far we have lost two thousand sixty men and women in the ITO.
Our guard and reserve has had the hell kicked out of it, and now parent are discouraging their kids from entering the service well guess what I don’t blame them. Were bleeding and were dying for what so republicans can fill their war chest and the rich their wallets with black Gold. You find money for war and cut funding for social welfare programs, schooling. To be man or a women or a warrior you need one thing that make you different from others their wits.
There are fifty thousand names on a black wall on the Washington Mall from 1965 to 1973, the list got long dead and MIA’s men and women; never again will we hear their laughter, but the tears of the families they left behind, no more laughter, and no more joy, any more Christmases or Thanksgivings, no more Easters. Now in two thousand and three and the end of two thousand and five, Two thousand and fifty confirmed dead and climbing every day and four thousand WIA with thirteen hundred or so returned to duty.
We don’t pick fights in America and we don’t violate the rules of war, because if I remember my history we signed the Geneva accords and ratified them. I know one thing we running out of places on the Washington Mall. I guess we will have another black marble wall Mr. Bush for broken hearted love ones to go to. September 11, 2001 is our day of infamy, politically and militarily we had every right to blow the hell out of the Taliban and El Gadia. There is a big difference what were doing in the ATO and the Ito, in the ato we have every right to be there as for the ato there is no just reason to be.
If you look at things we violated several international laws, I remember filing charges against the administration which the Republican USAG ignored and file 13 then into the shredder. So far we have had nothing but scandal in what they call honest government. Honest my mule’s ass, if they are honest General Pace I will volunteer for service in force reconosense battalion. But their honesty is crooked politics, and carpet bag government, cutting the legs out of the poor, the low income, and the elderly and the disabled. I guess you get what you paid for; we bought a crooked President, a liar and a coward. I do how ever half to agree with Mark Warner of Virginia there are some good in republican and some who are competent to run government. In Washington D.C however that’s a different story from the house, the Senate and the White house finding an honest man or women in the RNC is like trying to find an honest man in parliament.
‘Here’s everything I know about War; someone wins; someone loses; and nothing is ever the same again”
Fleet Admiral Constanza Q. Stark; chief of Staff Commonwealth fleet
You have us in a blood bath in Iraq, the ITO, and now two thousand and fifty families have lost fathers, sons and daughters and futures why? I ask because it is senseless death for our brothers and sisters in the British Expeditionary force and the American Expeditionary force and our other allies. Mr. Bush how many barrels of oil will be paid for by the blood of warriors, our airmen and our fleet? The mid term elections are November 2006. Shall it be business as usual? Or shall it be honest government? And restored hope for those who have lost everything in the gulf coast and the rest of America. Come November rain and wash the bitter taste of totalitarianism and restore hope and freedom, make the words constitution, bill of rights and declaration of independence sweet again as the Florida sun. to the republican national party and committee clean your own house before you judge another. To the far right, the fallwells, the sweggerts and Limbaugh, the living God is my judge not you or some bigot in Augusta Maine or on the woods or in the south. Life, Liberty and justice, freedom and independence for all man kind, come bitter rain and wash away the saddest of all words hate. And remember this to our fleet and lancer serving around the word “we don’t start fights we finish them” to so com I say this Una Sallies Victus” in English translation last hope of the doomed to brothers and sisters in the Royal Marines and the legion Una Sallies Victus. My body is here but you have my soul, my heart, my faith Una Sallies Victus.
An editorial
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
Mr. President, you have own little Vietnam, if what I thought I read our kids are getting tired; accused of killing civilians so the net says. We get weaker and Osama and his cowards get stronger pouring into the ITO and as I said in my previous articles every whack job with an AK47 and RPG and ied’s are martyring themselves taking as many American with them as they can. America it’s time to get out of the Middle East, out of their business; and stay out. So far we have lost two thousand sixty men and women in the ITO.
Our guard and reserve has had the hell kicked out of it, and now parent are discouraging their kids from entering the service well guess what I don’t blame them. Were bleeding and were dying for what so republicans can fill their war chest and the rich their wallets with black Gold. You find money for war and cut funding for social welfare programs, schooling. To be man or a women or a warrior you need one thing that make you different from others their wits.
There are fifty thousand names on a black wall on the Washington Mall from 1965 to 1973, the list got long dead and MIA’s men and women; never again will we hear their laughter, but the tears of the families they left behind, no more laughter, and no more joy, any more Christmases or Thanksgivings, no more Easters. Now in two thousand and three and the end of two thousand and five, Two thousand and fifty confirmed dead and climbing every day and four thousand WIA with thirteen hundred or so returned to duty.
We don’t pick fights in America and we don’t violate the rules of war, because if I remember my history we signed the Geneva accords and ratified them. I know one thing we running out of places on the Washington Mall. I guess we will have another black marble wall Mr. Bush for broken hearted love ones to go to. September 11, 2001 is our day of infamy, politically and militarily we had every right to blow the hell out of the Taliban and El Gadia. There is a big difference what were doing in the ATO and the Ito, in the ato we have every right to be there as for the ato there is no just reason to be.
If you look at things we violated several international laws, I remember filing charges against the administration which the Republican USAG ignored and file 13 then into the shredder. So far we have had nothing but scandal in what they call honest government. Honest my mule’s ass, if they are honest General Pace I will volunteer for service in force reconosense battalion. But their honesty is crooked politics, and carpet bag government, cutting the legs out of the poor, the low income, and the elderly and the disabled. I guess you get what you paid for; we bought a crooked President, a liar and a coward. I do how ever half to agree with Mark Warner of Virginia there are some good in republican and some who are competent to run government. In Washington D.C however that’s a different story from the house, the Senate and the White house finding an honest man or women in the RNC is like trying to find an honest man in parliament.
‘Here’s everything I know about War; someone wins; someone loses; and nothing is ever the same again”
Fleet Admiral Constanza Q. Stark; chief of Staff Commonwealth fleet
You have us in a blood bath in Iraq, the ITO, and now two thousand and fifty families have lost fathers, sons and daughters and futures why? I ask because it is senseless death for our brothers and sisters in the British Expeditionary force and the American Expeditionary force and our other allies. Mr. Bush how many barrels of oil will be paid for by the blood of warriors, our airmen and our fleet? The mid term elections are November 2006. Shall it be business as usual? Or shall it be honest government? And restored hope for those who have lost everything in the gulf coast and the rest of America. Come November rain and wash the bitter taste of totalitarianism and restore hope and freedom, make the words constitution, bill of rights and declaration of independence sweet again as the Florida sun. to the republican national party and committee clean your own house before you judge another. To the far right, the fallwells, the sweggerts and Limbaugh, the living God is my judge not you or some bigot in Augusta Maine or on the woods or in the south. Life, Liberty and justice, freedom and independence for all man kind, come bitter rain and wash away the saddest of all words hate. And remember this to our fleet and lancer serving around the word “we don’t start fights we finish them” to so com I say this Una Sallies Victus” in English translation last hope of the doomed to brothers and sisters in the Royal Marines and the legion Una Sallies Victus. My body is here but you have my soul, my heart, my faith Una Sallies Victus.
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
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The Iraqi insurgency explained
22.11.2005 11:00
The insurgents attacks have mostly been by Sunni militias against Shia targets and sometimes vice versa with militant Shias attacking Sunni targets. Meanwhile the Kurds have stayed neutral allying themselves with western allied forces in Iraq, and hoping for their own state or at least greater automony within a deferal Iraq.
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22.11.2005 17:20
Non-news : posts which are clearly purely comment, opinion or rants unrelated to a recent event or action etc.
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