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An abundance of evidence support the Iraq - Al Qaeda connection theory!

Concerned | 21.11.2005 10:04

In the wake of 9/11 we lived in fear that the perpetrators might be plotting another action or, worse, that our most dangerous enemies -- al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein's murderous regime in Iraq -- could be banding together against us. Unfortunately our fears were correct.

The Bush administration and CIA director George Tenet warned against complacency and pointed to growing indications that al Qaeda and Iraq were in league. But their case was undercut by unnamed intelligence officials, skeptical politicians, and a compliant media. So America relaxed. A comforting consensus settled in: Osama bin Laden was an impassioned fundamentalist, Saddam a secular autocrat. The two would never, could never, work together. ABC News reported that there was no connection between them, and the New York Times said so too, and pretty soon just about everyone agreed. But just about everyone was wrong.

In The Connection, Stephen Hayes draws on CIA debriefings, top-secret memos from our national intelligence agencies, and interviews with Iraqi military leaders and Washington insiders to demonstrate that Saddam and bin Laden not only could work together, they did -- a curious relationship that stretches back more than a decade and may include collaboration on terrorist acts, chemical-weapons training, and sheltering some of the world's most wanted radicals.

Stephen Hayes's bombshell Weekly Standard piece on this topic was cited by Vice President Cheney as the "best source of information" about the Saddam-al Qaeda connections. Now Hayes delves even deeper, exposing the inner workings of America's deadliest opponents and providing a clear-eyed corrective to reams of underreported, politicized, and just plain wrong information. The Connection is both a gripping snapshot of the War on Terror and a case study in how bureaucratic assumptions and media arrogance can put us all at risk.



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Hello Concerned/Rockwell/Realist/Micheal

21.11.2005 10:35

Thanks for the informative copy & paste from that book jacket: it was easy to tell it wasn't written by you, since it wasn't strewn!!! with!!! deafening!!! exclamation marks!!!!

I'll hurry over to Amazon and buy this fine product right away, seeing as it's written by a drone from Rupert Murdoch's lossmaking Neocon propaganda giveaway sheet the "Weekly Standard":

...whose writers have been publicly proven to be shamless warmongering liars again and again.

The Cheney endorsement is a particularly nice touch: nothing like a big thumbs-up from the man responsible for the Iraq invasion, and still making millions from it, to boost the book's reputation for credibility and objectivity.

PS: Have you actually read it yet? Just wondering.


Abandon ship!!

21.11.2005 12:59

This ship is sinking, the leaks are springing up all over the Good Ship USS State of Denial. It's time for the rats to abandon ship, haven't you noticed.


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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.


21.11.2005 13:11

The links between Al-Quida and the Saddam Hussain regime have been documented by many but I'm not sure why you would bother trying to convince readers of the IMC UK site of that. People here tend to follow a strict line about the reasons for the Gulf War and some facts won't deter them

R Barret

Depending on journos for going to war!

21.11.2005 13:16

Am I missing something here. This abundant evidence (we note you dont cite any of it) comes not from the CIA, MI6, Mossad or any other intelligence agency, but from a journalist for a business newspaper! Gee, I believe every word you write.

Get a grip. This is not news, it is a pisstake.

Thaggy Matcher

Sometimes war actually is neccessary.

21.11.2005 14:19

You lot are taking the reasons for not going to war with Iraq to rediculous extremes, even when confronted with overwhelming evidence of Al Qaeda and Iraqs' co-operation over many years you stubbornly refuse to believe it. No one actually wanted war. No one ever wants war. But when the world is confronted by such grave threats to world peace and stability such as those posed by insane dictators like Saddam then war is sometimes the last and only option.


Overwhelming evidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21.11.2005 15:26

Dear god you are seriously deluded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



21.11.2005 15:40

And just remind us will you concerned,who exactly are al quaeda? oh thats right they are actually the group of cia agents based in the middle east,used to stir up wars for wherever the neo con admin demand....So yes ,they would probably have worked with saddam as he was also trained , armed and funded by the very same cia.
Grow UP...People are dying for these lies.

Silicone Synapse

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