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MUHAMMAD HAQUE POLITICAL POETRY on the 'debate on policing'

© MUHAMMAD HAQUE | 19.11.2005 10:55 | Analysis | Social Struggles | London | World

The call for arming the UK police as uttered by Michael Winner is not a contribution to the alleged debate on the future of policing in this country. Evidence must be sought and established BY ALL OF SOCIETY before any fundamental changes are made for the worse

Muhammad Haque Political Poetry on the morning after the shooting of a policewoman in Bradford, England


The incident was a multiple tragedy
Compassionate souls mourn a tragedy
And add with this one others un-cited
Losing their lives in wrongs unrighted

Mourn the loss of one police life
Renew respect for all life no strife

How many people in need of police protection
In times of crisis and sheer desperation
Would have said yes to Michael Winner
Mixing up policing with being a gunner?

Especially so soon after the latest tragedy
No time to indulge in knee jerk ‘comedy’
And flogging yet another deadly ‘best’ seller
Winner deserves slot only when a truth teller

By all means call for any genuine police change
Do so only with true evidence justifying change
Turning the ‘debate on policing’ into an excuse
To push hidden agendas will only reduce
It to another opportunistic abuse and ploy
Denying people the say and will destroy
Any scope for people to participate duly
The ‘debate’ will have been killed unduly!

1024 Hrs GMT
Saturday 19 November 2005



Hide the following 6 comments


19.11.2005 14:25

Afternoon, Rik. I do believe that's the third time within the two months past you've opted to rhyme 'life' with 'strife'. Alternative monosyllabic rhymes include:


Via Amazon, a copy of the Penguin Rhyming Dictionary (ed. Rosalind Ferguson) can be obtained for as little as £2.00, second-hand. Potential rhymes for your consideration:

Jew - poo
infidel - Hell
woman - Shaytan (a half-rhyme, but Allah knows as much hasn't deterred you hitherto)
kaffir - fear (i.e. your wrath)


to the spaced out

20.11.2005 12:16

Did you hear about John Stalker today?

Even he is outraged at the abuse of powers by the Met police boss! Isn’t there some hint that things might be quite serious
where policing powers are concerned?

Should’t that be the focus of ‘comments’?

And try to find an intelligent word or phrase to put near your ‘comment’.

Political reader


21.11.2005 22:10

>> try to find an intelligent word or phrase to put near your ‘comment’

I tried, God knows I tried, but 'Despite his being an inadequate poet and advocate of an obscurantist, reactionary ideology of death, Mohammad Haque continues to enjoy the indulgence of indymedia, its readers and correspondents' lacked for scan.



23.11.2005 18:31

that's the worst poem yet.

and now to return to my reading of Philip Larkin.

Moho Mad-Hack

Indymedia is wrong to allow racists and xenophobes to publish

25.11.2005 17:52

it must be the political poet's name! Nothing else makes sense to the nameless abusers leaving ‘comments’.

The name must be ‘negative’ because it is
reminiscent of the name
of the prophet.

The simple fact is that MUHAMMAD HAQUE has not posted anything in his
Indymedia pieces about
religion. Not at all about any issues that are at the centre of the main ‘debates’ and exchanges this time.

Yet the INDYMEDIA ‘comments’ have been about topics and prejudices that are symptomatic of the ‘comment’ ‘writers’ states of the petty and racist minds. Not based on the contents or the discernible purposes of the POLITICAL POETRY above their vile words.

What does this say about INDYMEDIA? Is it being controlled;ed by the army of
‘radical’ persons having the enlightenment that they must have if they are to be treated as being for a democratic future?

Of all the contributors who have shown the basic decency to leave their names, MUHAMMAD HAQUE has been the only one over the past few months whose writing has been consistently cosmopolitan and internationalist. Yet he has been attacked with the most foul ‘comments’ that bear no relationship whatever with what the man has been writing about or stands for.

INDYMEDIA is sadly showing signs of having been hijacked by the very forces that prompt and control all that is bad about GW Bush, Tony Blair and their military industrial allies against society.

The ‘comments’ have been uniformly of an ignorant racist variety and low standard that would not have been allowed had INDYMEDIA been ‘edited’ and ‘volunteered’ by educated, non-racist pro-democratic personnel.

The worst racist and xenophobic crypto-fascists have been represented in the outrageously inappropriate and the anti-Muslim ‘comments’.

What does this say about
INDYMEDIA and their racist
‘comment’ makers!

It says that THEY do not even understand what makes any difference to society. They most certainly do not know what democratic debate is. They lack the basic intelligence.
Constitutional issues are thus far too difficult for them to grapple with.
They are happy in the land of drunken racist sleazy
mono or duo syllabic
grunts and swear words. Anything more demanding will overtax their sad, pathetic beings!

No wonder there cannot be a proper debate on any subject on INDYMEDIA. Unless the subject resembles the rhetorical
opium of the masses - which in the BUSH-BLAIR
axis of aggression is to be found only in a ‘Muslim name’. Only in a ‘Muslim land. No matter what any ‘Muslim’ says! No matter what any ‘Muslim’ land is entitled to have as its
legitimate government and representative.

The sickness shown by the racist anti-Muslims posting comments is the most abhorrently obvious evidence of why Blair ignored the mass rallies in Hyde Park in February and March 2003.

Blair ‘knew’ that in the end, he could rely on the irredeemably barren and empty ‘majority’ of ignorant
xenophobes who would
see the ‘fun’ of devaluing and undermining a ‘Muslim’, any ‘Muslim’!

Or doing so against anyone they ‘spot’ with a ‘Muslim’ name!

If this is not proof of how sick and shocking the ‘internet forum’ has become, I do not know what is..

political reader

Poetry is about expressivility and speed of communication of meaning

25.11.2005 18:40

Full marks to MUHAMMAD HAQUE for getting across the key intellectual points so fast and so effortlessly.
Policing is one of the most pressing problems facing society and MUHAMMAD is so correct to make the point so clear
