THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream
IMCista | 18.11.2005 16:33 | London
In an ongoing showcase of contemporary filmmakers who are finding new forms of cinema to show resistance to globalization throughout the world, indymedia London presents...
World Oil Peak and the inevitable decline of fossil fuels. With brutal honesty and a touch of irony, 'The End of Suburbia' explores the American Way of Life and its prospects as the planet approaches a critical era, as global demand for fossil fuels begins to outstrip supply.
'THE OIL FACTOR: Behind The War On Terror'.
After assessing today's dwindling oil reserves and skyrocketing use of oil for fuels, plastics and chemicals, this film questions the motives for the US wars in the Middle-East and Central Asia. It documents the spiraling violence now engulfing Iraq... and Afghanistan, a country now conspicuously absent from the commercial media's news segments.
doors open 7pm, films from 8pm
@ The Synergy Centre, 220 Farmers Road, London SE5 (nearest tube is Oval)
'THE OIL FACTOR: Behind The War On Terror'.
After assessing today's dwindling oil reserves and skyrocketing use of oil for fuels, plastics and chemicals, this film questions the motives for the US wars in the Middle-East and Central Asia. It documents the spiraling violence now engulfing Iraq... and Afghanistan, a country now conspicuously absent from the commercial media's news segments.
doors open 7pm, films from 8pm
@ The Synergy Centre, 220 Farmers Road, London SE5 (nearest tube is Oval)

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