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Activist Legal Briefing at A-spire

Tame | 17.11.2005 12:58 | Education | Free Spaces | Repression | Sheffield

This will be an update on legal issues affecting activists, experience sharing of legal challenges, laws affecting polital actions from demonstrations to surveilence. It is open to all people who want to know their basic 'rights' through to examining more specific experiences such as squatting/site living or affinity group action with campaigns

This will be an update on legal issues affecting activists, experience sharing of legal challenges, laws affecting polital actions from demonstrations to surveilence. It is open to all people who want to know their basic 'rights' through to examining more specific experiences such as squatting/site living or affinity group action from a range of campaigns.
please check out for handy downloads of their legal guides.



Display the following 2 comments

  1. oh and...... — Tame
  2. Location, Location, Location — T@ME