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Bird Flu Cure

Cal Crilly | 17.11.2005 02:15 | Health

Ways to treat yourself if Bird Flu ever gets to you.

OK, Bird Flu, I guess I’m a skeptic and can’t see the reason for hysteria and panic yet, you can get on a train or bus any winter and hear someone hacking their lungs up from flu anyway.
So let’s put Bird Flu in perspective, 70 deaths have occurred over two years.
“On an international scale, acute respiratory infection ranks as the third most frequent cause of death among children less than 5 years old and was responsible for approximately 3.5 million deaths in 1998.”
Deaths from Pneumonia
The rest seems to be a fear mongering campaign to generate sales for drug companies.

U.S. buys $100 million of bird flu vaccine
“Drugs giant Glaxo-SmithKline is boosting production of its Relenza flu treatment to combat a potential human outbreak in Europe of the deadly Asian bird flu.”
Glaxo plans bird flu boost
Financial Mail, 28 August 2005
“Swiss drugmaker Roche Holding AG is in talks with a dozen countries, including the United States, to supply stockpiles of its Tamiflu drug to protect their populations against a possible bird flu pandemic.
“We have received orders from around 12 governments and we are in discussions with the same number again,” David Reddy, head of Roche’s Tamiflu Pandemic Taskforce, told Reuters.
Governments around the world are pre-purchasing millions of doses of the flu medicine on the advice of the World Health Organization. It is not a cure, but can reduce symptoms and may prevent the spread of infection.”
Roche negotiating Tamiflu deal ahead of possible bird flu pandemic
Tamiflu doesn’t make everyone happy anyway.
There are 6 ratings for the drug: tamiflu
That’s lots of our tax payer money getting taken away from other health care needs.

Yet bird flu works like most influenza viruses and binds to sialic acid receptors on our cells.
“Infection with H7N7 influenza virus was confirmed in 87 of these cases; one person, a veterinarian, died of the infection. There was also human-to-human transmission of the virus and serologic evidence of H7N7 infection of pigs. This outbreak was controlled by culling and quarantine of infected poultry; to prevent the emergence and spread of human–avian virus reassortants, the poultry workers were given human influenza vaccine and antineuraminidase drugs.”
Nueraminidase is the enzyme a virus releases to dissolve sialic acid and bind to our cells.
“The transmission of H5N1 “bird flu” to humans in 1997 first established the ability of avian influenza viruses to be transmitted to humans despite their preferential binding to avian sialic acid receptors.”
The evolution of H5N1 influenza viruses in ducks in southern China
“despite their preferential binding to avian sialic acid receptors”.

Birds are more susceptible because they have low levels of sialic acid or Neu5Gc.
Or look at it this way, if you have higher levels of sialic acid the virus needs to produce more enzymes to bind to you and this neutralises the virus before it can get a good foothold.
If you have higher levels of sialic acid in your blood, the virus binds to this before it gets to the sialic acid receptors.
“We found that Neu5Gc is rare in poultry and fish, common in milk products, and enriched in red meats.”
Human uptake and incorporation of an immunogenic nonhuman dietary sialic acid
Wild birds are more likely to eat berries which have sialic acid in them.
Chickens get fed rubbish and that’s why they will go first.
The people so far affected have also worked in close contact with the birds and would have a higher viral dose to deal with.
Simple old whey powder has the highest level of sialic acid, the plain powder can sell for as low as $3 a kilo in Oz.
“Whey protein isolate or concentrate – not the powder (even those allergic to dairy products are able to tolerate this substance. It appears that the concentrate has a higher amount of sialic acid than the isolate.)”
N-acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid)
This is about the use of whey with HIV.
Look here and note the content of sialic acid in milk, it’s high.
Survey of total sialic acid and Neu5Gc content of common food items
Or mother’s milk.
“The breast fed infants, when compared with formula fed infants, were found to have almost two times more free sialic acid in saliva”
“The findings provide a preliminary indication that an exogenous source of sialic acids derived from human milk may contribute to higher concentrations of sialic acid in body fluids.”
Sialic acid content of infant saliva: comparison of breast fed with formula fed infants.

The other antiviral nutrients are Selenium compounds in whey, garlic, brazil nuts or broccoli.
Selenium is highly protective for the cells as well.
Also Vitamin C from lemons, the first thing to reach for.
The old herbal cure for viral infections is Elderflower tea due to sialic acid content.
“Purified Sambucus Nigra precipitates highly sialylated glycoproteins.”
The elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) bark lectin recognizes the Neu5Ac(alpha 2-6)Gal/GalNAc sequence.
“Mumcuoglu, an Israeli virologist, was the first to discover elderberry constituents neutralize the activity of the hemagglutinin spikes found on the surface of several viruses. When these hemagglutinin spikes are deactivated the viruses can no longer pierce cell walls or enter the cell and replicate. Based on these findings, Sambucol, a syrup containing 38-percent standardized extract of black elderberry, was developed. Numerous studies using the Sambucol preparation have shown it to neutralize and reduce the infectivity of influenza viruses A and B, HIV strains and clinical isolates, and Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) strains and clinical isolates.”
Sambucus nigra or Elderberry

My last tip is to take cod liver oil for Vitamin D or get some sunlight and sleep.
You need a hormone called TGF-Beta to actually tell the immune system to calm down otherwise the immune cells pour out too much Nitric acid and burn holes in the lungs, this is what kills the bird flu patients, their own prolonged immune system overload.
The suppressive effect of TGF-beta on IL-12-mediated immune modulation
This is what someone else said.
“In a second line of research, Schultz-Cherry located a compound, called TGF beta (transforming growth factor beta), that stimulates the human immune system during flu infections. (I wouldn’t use the word stimulate) When she disabled the TGF beta response in a culture of human cells and in test animals, flu viruses that were once tolerable became lethal. It's an intriguing result, but Schultz-Cherry is not sure what it means. Is TGF part of the P53 regulatory pathway? Would increased levels of TGF-beta help protect cells against flu?”
Bird Flu
“There are sufficient levels of TGF-beta activated by virus to induce apoptosis in cells. In addition, influenza virus- induced apoptosis is partially inhibited by TGF-beta-specific antibodies. These novel findings suggest a potential role for activation of TGF-beta during the host response to influenza virus infection, specifically apoptosis.”
Influenza virus neuraminidase activates latent transforming growth factor beta
What the TGF-Beta seems to be doing is telling infected cells to commit suicide (apoptosis) and give up the ghost instead of turning into virus factories for the virus.
This is how to make your own TGF-Beta.
Melatonin is made by avoiding TV shows about pandemics at night and getting a decent sleep.
Get the Vitamin D from going out in the sun or cod liver oil.
Melatonin and vitamin D3 increase TGF-beta1 release and induce growth inhibition in breast cancer cell cultures.
Not likely to sun it if you’re sick so go the cod.
More perspective, a friend says driving is a pandemic and it’s true, it kills more of us than Bird Flu probably ever will.

And more to wonder about…I don’t quite know why it’s necessary to make the 1918 flu again, seems like one of those terrorist novel plots in the making?

“Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger, chief of the molecular pathology department at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, in Washington, D.C., told the paper: "I would not say it's [a bird flu epidemic] imminent or inevitable. I think in the future there will be a pandemic." But, he continued, whether that pandemic will be bird flu or another type of flu is impossible to predict at this point.”
U.S. Not Ready to Handle Massive Flu Outbreak: Report
“In March of 1997 the influenza research community was startled by the appearance of a remarkable 3-page report¹ in the journal Science. In the paper Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger and colleagues, of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, announced that they had recovered and analyzed fragments of the RNA genome of the virus responsible for the infamous 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic.”
Interview with Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger
“The pandemic influenza virus of 1918-1919 killed an estimated 20 to 50 million people worldwide. With the recent availability of the complete 1918 influenza virus coding sequence, we used reverse genetics to generate an influenza virus bearing all eight gene segments of the pandemic virus to study the properties associated with its extraordinary virulence.”
Characterization of the reconstructed 1918 spanish influenza pandemic virus. 2005 Oct 7
The prospect of a bird flu outbreak may be panicking people around the globe, but it's proving to be very good news for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other politically connected investors in Gilead Sciences, the California biotech company that owns the rights to Tamiflu, the influenza remedy that's now the most-sought after drug in the world.
Rumsfeld's growing stake in Tamiflu
Defense Secretary, ex-chairman of flu treatment rights holder, sees portfolio value growing.

Bill Sardi’s take on Bird Flu….he’s more cynical.
Don’t panic…
And don’t kill your chickens, give them a week and most will be over the flu anyway.

Here are two interviews I’ve done recently.
Michael Ellner of HEAL/AIDS interview
Kim Bannon Interview on HIV test court case

People presume I believe HIV is a lab virus, my viewpoint is far more complex.
AIDS, Cancer DNA Methylation
Just before anyone presumes and H5N1 is probably not a lab virus, I just wonder why they need to make the 1918 flu again.

Cal Crilly
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Thankyou very much

17.11.2005 11:24

A most informative article and about the best I've read or listened to in all forms of media so far.

Indymedia does it again - non-corparate news media for the people.

Tax payer


17.11.2005 11:29

I just take Lemsip Max Strength capsules.


What's happening with email forwarding facility????

18.11.2005 12:45

THis looks to be a brilliantly researched piece and I want to send it to everyone who knows something about this. I don't like milk, so am off to buy elderflower tea!

Thank you!


More on Bird Flu, HIV and Selenium

31.03.2006 05:18

Here’s an update, this study basically said the bird flu drugs have side effects and don’t work.
“Because of their low effectiveness, neuraminidase inhibitors should not be used in seasonal influenza control”

“INTERPRETATION: The use of amantadine and rimantadine should be discouraged. Because of their low effectiveness, neuraminidase inhibitors should not be used in seasonal influenza control and should only be used in a serious epidemic or pandemic alongside other public-health measures.”
Antivirals for influenza in healthy adults: systematic review.

Or Tamiflu, helps a bit….
“Oseltamivir treatment reduced the duration of fever and oseltamivir recipients returned to usual activities 2 to 3 days earlier than placebo recipients (P 400/cumm). Furthermore, treatment of blood cultures from human immunodeficiency virus infected subjects with N-acetyl cysteine, a glutathione precursor, caused improved control of intracellular M. tuberculosis infection. N-acetyl cysteine treatment decreased the levels of IL-1, TNF-alpha, and IL-6, and increased the levels of IFN-gamma in blood cultures derived from human immunodeficiency virus-infected subjects, promoting the host immune responses to contain M. tuberculosis infection successfully.”
Glutathione and growth inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in healthy and HIV infected subjects.

Whey powder with high levels of Glutathione is used for treating HIV.

Recent Reports relating to HIV and Whey Proteins

Glutathione for Herpes as well.

Evidence for antiviral activity of glutathione: in vitro inhibition of herpes simplex virus type 1 replication.
The Role of Glutathione in Cell Defense, with References to Clinical Deficiencies and Treatment

This study gives the clues to what happens with a viral infection, HIV or others.
A virus depletes nutrients and uses up Selenium and other vital nutrients needed in particular for cell protection but also DNA Methylation of our Genome.
S-Adenyl Methionine is a Selenium compound vital for DNA methylation.
Folate is another that the body needs for DNA Methylation, this is why it is recommended in pregnancy.

So these kids on protease inhibitors (something that stops the body putting protein together, deadly) or any chemotherapy including neuraminidase inhibitors then end up with Selenium deficiencies because Selenium is needed to metabolise and move the drugs out from the liver and cells.

“CONCLUSIONS: The hyperhomocysteinaemia and low methionine : tHcy ratios observed in our group of HIV-infected children are probably a consequence of the low folate values, which interfere in the remethylation of homocysteine to methionine. Patients on protease inhibitor treatment showed significantly higher plasma tHcy concentrations, and lower folate values and methionine”
Hyperhomocysteinaemia and folate deficiency in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children.

Demethylation of the Genome then causes the increase in retroviral activity, this is what causes AIDS, the HIV test is simply picking up the 8% of retroviruses that then get expressed from our genome.
The test cannot differentiate between retroviruses from our bodies or other animals because the HIV antibody test is a blood screening test and not specific.

“In addition, when researchers treat cells or mice with drugs that demethylate the genome, the result is activation of previously silent retroviruses and endogenous genes.”
Genomic Methylation for AIDS and Cancer Therapies

While Stanford University said all of this for me.

‘STANFORD -- Researchers at Stanford have found that HIV patients with ample levels of a small, hardworking molecule normally found throughout the body are likely to outlive patients whose stores are low.

The more of these molecules patients carry in their CD4 T cells (the primary cells targeted by the HIV virus), the longer the patients are likely to survive, report Leonore and Leonard Herzenberg, genetics professors at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

The molecule, called glutathione, plays a role in many of the body's normal activities, ranging from cell division to mopping up oxidants and other toxic molecules.

"It's been known since 1989 that people with HIV have CD4 cells deficient in glutathione. Now we know that glutathione levels matter to patients' survival," said Leonard Herzenberg, who will present the new finding Saturday, Feb. 22, at the annual meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, in San Francisco.

The Herzenbergs' finding could help doctors treat HIV disease more effectively, perhaps by preventing further loss of glutathione or by boosting its levels in patients who need more of it, he said.

The finding also raises the possibility that drugs such as the common painkiller acetaminophen (sold under the brand name Tylenol and others) are hazardous to people with HIV or with other conditions that suppress immune function, added Leonore Herzenberg.

"What we show for the first time in this work is that people with HIV who have lower glutathione levels have a much lower probability of surviving over the course of three years than do people with normal glutathione levels," Leonard Herzenberg said.

The study also demonstrates that glutathione levels can be used with CD4 counts for a more reliable indicator of the progression of HIV disease, according to the researchers.

Clinicians today commonly track the progression of HIV disease by measuring the total number of CD4 cells in a blood sample; patients with low counts are considered at risk of earlier death due to HIV. "But total CD4 counts don't reliably predict how long an individual patient is likely to live or how rapidly the person's disease will progress. Some patients with low CD4 counts unexpectedly survive for a very long time," Leonore Herzenberg said.’
Key molecule found critical to surviving HIV

And to finish the job….

“Together, the data suggest that the thiol antioxidant GSH has an anti-influenza activity in vitro and in vivo. Oxidative stress or other conditions that deplete GSH in the epithelium of the oral, nasal, and upper airway may, therefore, enhance susceptibility to influenza infection.”
Inhibition of influenza infection by glutathione.

CU’s Cal

Cal Crilly
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