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shocked shocked

prager | 16.11.2005 10:27 | Analysis | Education | Workers' Movements | London


Jordanians Are Shocked -- Shocked! -- That A Wedding Would Be Blown Up
By Dennis Prager

Jordanians are shocked that Islamic terrorists would blow up families, including families celebrating a wedding. They are so shocked that for the first time in history, Muslims have taken to publicly demonstrating against Islamic terror.

And why are they shocked? Because the terrorists blew up Jordanians. As long as Islamic terrorists blew up men, women and children who are Jewish, Christian, Hindu, American, Australian and black Sudanese, the Arab and larger Muslim worlds were not particularly disturbed. In fact, Palestinians, who comprise the majority of Jordan's population, celebrated when Jews were blown up at Passover seders and at weddings. And they took to the streets and cheered in the Palestinian fashion, handing out candy, when Americans were incinerated in office buildings.

For some reason, Palestinians, most other Arabs and many Muslims around the world thought that the credulity-straining evil of targeting the most innocent for death, paralysis, blindness and brain damage would be confined to non-Arabs and non-Muslims. In fact, the idea that this Palestinian-made cancer would target Arab Muslims is so inconceivable to most Arabs that many now believe the terror attack in Amman was orchestrated by Jews (the Israeli Mossad).

Of course, Arab Muslim men, women and children are blown up almost weekly in Iraq, but, hey, that's OK because the monsters doing it hate America and seek Israel's annihilation. And in the Arab world -- and in much of the Muslim and leftist worlds -- hatred of America and Israel gets you a moral pass. In the Arab/Muslim worlds (with individual exceptions, of course), as among the world's leftists, an act is almost incapable of being judged evil if it is committed by those who hate America (especially the America of George W. Bush) or Israel.

In a previous column, I proposed that supporters of the war in Iraq ask opponents of the war just one question: Without in any way compromising your opposition to the war, would you at least acknowledge that the people we are fighting in Iraq are evil? Virtually every one of the many letters I received from readers opposed to the war was incapable of answering in the positive. By fighting America and George W. Bush, the "insurgents" are essentially inoculated against moral judgment.

Likewise it has been nearly impossible for the Arab, Muslim and leftist worlds to morally condemn the blowing up of Israelis.

"Palestinians have no Apache helicopters -- what do you expect them to do?"

"They are simply resisting occupation."

"The Israelis are also terrorists."

These arguments of the Left, the Arab world and countless other Muslims have given the Islamic terrorists the moral green light to continue their atrocities.

Until, that is, they inflicted one of these atrocities on Arabs in the land of the Palestinians. So, at least for the time being, the sight of charred and dismembered Arab families at a wedding has trumped the anti-Americanism and anti-Zionism of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's killers.

Now there is widespread condemnation of Zarqawi's terror in Jordan. There is even a fear that the name of Islam will suffer. Unfortunately, however, it is only because Zarqawi was foolish enough to massacre Jordanian civilians, and not confine his massacres to Iraqis and non-Arabs. What has aroused Arab voices against Zarqawi has nothing to do with the immorality of blowing up people celebrating at a wedding -- it has to do with the immorality of blowing up Muslims celebrating at a wedding.

Nevertheless, it is possible that a moral awakening of sorts may be taking place in parts of the Arab world. The London Telegraph reports that "Munder Moomeni, a 38-year-old former soldier who lives next to Zarqawi's house, 13 Ramzi Street, described his former neighbour as 'a bastard.' 'By killing Jordanians here in Jordan, civilian Jordanians going to a wedding, they did something that not even a Jew would do,' he said."

That a neighbor and former supporter of Zarqawi publicly acknowledged that Jews would not engage in such terror may be a first step toward the moral awakening that the Arab world needs even more than oil revenues.

It may even come to realize the greatest truth regarding terror and evil: People who blow up Israeli weddings and cut Americans' throats are very bad people. And if you don't fight them, they will eventually blow you up, too.



Hide the following 11 comments

great article

16.11.2005 13:54

I am surprise to find such an article in Indymedia without being deleted!
Incredibly you are advocating that if we do not stop terrorism abroad soon or later they will strike us at home!
This can't be really be read in Indymedia, something is wrong...hello admin??are you sleeping?
This post opposes Palestinian and Afghan terrorism! Please delete it as soon as possible!


Brilliant article!

16.11.2005 13:58

Great article by the always brilliant Mr Prager.

Excellent last paragraph, which bears repeating:

"It (the Arab world) may even come to realize the greatest truth regarding terror and evil: People who blow up Israeli weddings and cut Americans' throats are very bad people. And if you don't fight them, they will eventually blow you up, too."

Pro-Israel's right to exist


16.11.2005 15:01

You seem to think that Arabs or Muslims are all the same, that they are a simple homogenous mass. This is dangerous stereotyping and does nothing to further any understanding of a complex situation.

The killing of innocent civilians is always wrong, whatever their nationality, colour religion, etc. and it is wrong whoever is doing the killing whether it is the US Army, Islamic fundamentalists, Israeli Army, etc.

Miss Point


16.11.2005 15:25

Have we a new sort on terrorists : running on the ceilings

SEE the photographies:

and stop the neo-cons likudniks liars .


Who are the real terrorists?

16.11.2005 15:28

I hate the word terrorism, it seems to be a word that applies only to brown people. People like Blair, Bush and Sharon can launch big bombs against civilian targets, but that's not terrorism that's a "war against terror".
More than 100,000 Iraqis have died since March 2003, and that is not counting the wounded, the starving, diseased and traumatised.
In the first few months of the Afghan war over 4,000 civilian were killed by bombing, and that is not counting those thousands that fled into the mountains during winter, to starve or freeze to death. Remember how the USA twice bombed the Red Cross, depriving the people of much needed supplies.
The Israelis have killed hundreds of Palestinian children. They have also wounded and crippled nearly 20,000 Palestinians. Until the withdrawal from Gaza, the Palestians, nearly a million were locked into a gigantic concentration camp, fenced in by electric fences and armed road blocks. It's still the case today.
The Israelis have nearly 200 nuclear bombs aimed at every important city in the middle east. Forget the Zionist/Imperialist conspiracy this nuclear blackmail is the main reason the Americans support Israel. If they didn't the Israelis might nuke the Saudi Arabian oilfields.
Israel is also a racist state which is fundamentally against the principles of the United Nations. Why do they only allow Jewish people to immigrate whilst driving out palestianians and denying them the right to return?
So many questions.

luvly jubbly

We need censorship! Suppress free speech! Mind control now!

16.11.2005 15:41

Let's not let any anti-terrorist or nor-treasonous articles on Indymedia!


a true face

16.11.2005 16:24

As with commondreams before it, Indymedia UK is now showing its true face. Many of those that run Indymedia UK are agents of the State (and even under normal circumstances, we would expect nothing less from our tax billions). Indymedia is nothing more than an asset, but an asset (like The Guardian) that will certainly suffer significant damage if too much is demanded of it in too short a period of time by its New Reich controllers.

If Indymedia UK is prepared to suffer the same amount of damage to its reputation as The Guardian did (with its INVADE IRAQ campaign), we can only assume that Blair has ordered ALL of his forces to align behind a movement that will rapidly "prepare" us for the next major war.

Blair's False Flag in Jordan is of far greater significance than almost any of you can conceive. It also has the common character (911, 7/7) of presenting the most ludicrous set of circumstances (Iraqi sunnis apparently assassinating a bunch of high ranking Palestinians) that one could possibly imagine.

Forget the trolling of the monsters from Israel and their supporters. Focus on the actual event, and the consequences it is designed to generate. BLAIR IS GOING TO WAR WITH IRAN. You have the unlucky privilege of watching his manoeuvers to make this possible.


Reply to "Who are the real terrorists?"

16.11.2005 16:45

br />
"More than 100,000 Iraqis have died since March 2003, and that is not counting the wounded, the starving, diseased and traumatised."

The VAST MAJORITY of those killed and injured by Islamic terrorists!!!

"The Israelis have killed hundreds of Palestinian children. They have also wounded and crippled nearly 20,000 Palestinians."

Conveniently ignoring the hundreds of Israeli children killed and crippled by your 'freedom fighting' Hamas scum!

Israel has a right to defend itself!


16.11.2005 17:23

"I hate the word terrorism, it seems to be a word that applies only to brown people."

Yeah, nobody every applied it to Timmy McVeigh, the IRA, ETA, the Unabomber and so on and so forth...


the games of chess

16.11.2005 17:33

well put twilight

james gillray

A repost from

16.11.2005 18:25

" is on the forefront of the battle for values such as free-enterprise, limited government, a strong national defense, and traditional values. We will wage a strong fight in this battle, and with your support, we can win."

Not what Indymedia stands for is it?