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I'd Rather Be Drinking | 15.11.2005 05:36 | Analysis | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

Announcing "WORK . COMMUNITY . POLITICS . WAR" a new coloring book for the angry wage-worker.

In 28 pages, "WORK . COMMUNITY . POLITICS . WAR" is an introduction to the world as we know it and a class war manifesto. Check it out for yourselves at

The pdf is available at

Print it off, copy it, give it to comrades, co-workers and the kids who hang out at the local comic book shop. Get out your crayons and colored pencils and go to town. We recommend several shades of red.

If you haven't been to, stop by. We have a number of printable pamphlets and online texts from left-communist and class struggle anarchist perspectives.

I'd Rather Be Drinking


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Hitler was an anti-capitalist too!

15.11.2005 09:49

People think that anti-capitalism is cool but people like Hilter, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot and Stalin were all anti-capitalists too and they murdered millions. Life would be far worse under an anti-capitalist regime than a capitalist one. Just ask anyone from eastern Europe who remembers the communist era!


dont feed

15.11.2005 11:57

...the trolls.

It is bad for your health and for Indymedia

Harry Potter
mail e-mail:

No Hitler wasn't an anti-capitalist

15.11.2005 15:22

Totally agree with 'Don't Feed The Trolls' but just for t'record:

Hitler and the Nazis were _not_ anti-capitalist. Look at the huge profits made - and never repaid - using East European slave labour by private corporations under the Nazi regime.

Of course they used anti-capitalist rhetoric to get into power. Nazis will say anything to get into power and at the time that was the popular line. But virtually the first thing Hitler did on being named Chancellor was to order his fanatical SS to kill the leaders of the SA, the front organisation the Nazis used for organising among workers. They were a stepladder, thrown away once used. Just like anyone daft enough to vote for the likes of the Nazi BNP.

Mr Spoon

Big file?

15.11.2005 20:38

This must be a huge file- despite having broadband I wasn't able to get this pdf document to open...


Yup its a big file...

18.11.2005 00:45

Yup this colouring book is 30+ megabites... Big even for the avarage broadband connection let alone those using dial up...

can you folks please reduce the file size somehow, I'd like to check this out...
