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Solidarity with the Paris Rioters - ideas

Snodgrass | 11.11.2005 23:52 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles

The riots across France are the explosive beginnings of a powerful new political movement. The Parisian ethnic minorities are rejecting staggering racism, police discrimination and 40% unemployment. They need our solidarity, and quickly. 2005 is our 1968

The Parisian riots may be the definining moment of French politics this decade. The youth of the banlieue are rejecting the povery brought about by racism, they are demanding dignity, and their violence represents their attempt to find a voice using the only method they have left.

This is a plea for solidarity actions on the part of the UK progressive community. We need to organise displays of support for the French rioters, and get in touch with the communities at the heart of the violence, so that these two movements, whose goals are the same (regardless of differences of opinion about methods), can open a dialogue and benefit from each other.

We mustn't stand by and let the French movement peter out; thanks to the effective segregation of French society there appears to be little effective communication between rioters and established radical organisations. This is a community of oppressed people trying to take their destiny into their own hands, and it would be a dereliction of our duty not to help them as best we can, and forge long-lasting connections.

This isn't an unreserved defence of the methods of the French rioters; many of us may disagree with violence and arson, many of us may not. But that's not the issue, a change in methodology is for the French rioters to arrive at themselves. This is a call to action for everyone who believes that state racism must be defeated, and that the inhabitants of the banlieues deserve a voice.

Start public discussions here, set up a webgroup, whatever; just let's all of us get involved now, and turn these riots into the defining event of European politics this century.



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Let's have a look at reality..

13.11.2005 12:48

Yes, a new powerful political movement with the aim of burning cars!
What a bright future for mankind these heroes are creating out of their own bare hands.

The french politicians don't give a damn about these immigrants. They never have. It's been like this since the end of the war between France and the algerian liberation movement, FLN (not to be confused with the FNL of Vietnam).

I don't give a damn about a few burning cars and in the long run no one in France will as well.
This doesn't mean I don't care about the future of young people in France or elsewhere in this world.
But what I do want to emphasize is the importance of understanding some basic aspects of the european phenomena of mass unemployment.

The real problem, which is indeed an all-european one, is that our governments COULD do something for the unemployed masses of this continent, but will NOT as long as these invertabrates accept being subordinated to the finacial market.

Today there is an urgent need for a better infrastucture in all of Europe. One example is the idiotical lack of proper motorway connections between Italy and her neighbour countries in the alp region. Another one is the lack of decent rail and road connections between Sweden (and because of this also Norway and large parts of Finland) and Germany.
In both these cases things have been done to some extent, but far from enough.
Both northern Italy and Sweden are parts of Europe with lots of heavy and other industry as well as a devoloped business life in general. The (true) merging between these regions and the european "heartland" is a question as vital to european economy as that of creating a rail connection between Ohio and the american east coast was in the 19th century.
All experience of economical history tells us that when communications between important centres of production are greatly improved this will have a major, beneficial impact on the economy as a whole.
A good example of this is the positive effects of the newly built bridge between Denmark and Sweden (connecting Denmarks largest city, Copenhagen with Swedens third largest city, Malmoe).
In eastern Europe even more work is needed.
Investments in these areas WOULD pay off.

We could go on talking about energy distribution, enviromental protection, health care etc, etc.
Also in these cases heavy investments would be economically beneficial for society as a whole.
In these different fields, people who today are unemployed could make a great contribution to european development.
But they're not allowed to.
Austerity programmes are top priority on the agendas of european governments, as well as the EU.
What a sensless waste of human ability and opportuniy.

Being intellectual hostages to the (macro) economical theory of monetarism (which main decree simply is that politicians ought to leave the devolopment of a market economy up to private business and only to private business) most european politicians are sitting around, being satisfied with planning different austerity measures, waiting for things to improve by themselves.

In economical history the greatest improvements hasn't been made through such moronic policies. Sooner we can conclude that the contrary concept, that of active government investment in infrastucture is more effective.
Have a look at these examples:

- How Roosevelt got the US out of the depression
- How Japan and Germany miracuosly were rebuilt after the end of WW2
- How Germany developed from a backward, feudal economy to an industrial super power during the years round 1850 to the beginning of WW1
- How Sweden managed to achieve the most dramatic economical growth any country has ever enjoyed measuring centurywise fom 1870-1970.

These success stories has nothing to do with obeying the sacred decrees of monetarism.
When all of Europe, politicians as well as french rioters, start realizing this, we can go to work and create a continent where everyone will be "integrated" with the societies they live in.



14.11.2005 23:46

SO what does the E.U. think about all of this . There is to many cars . We should all have rights to live what's the point if not 0 well fight it will be .

doman ellisa


16.11.2005 23:32

I will bake them cookies. Plus, I will bring them 2% white milk to drink. It will be glorious.
