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Israeli security expert confirms prior knowledge of bomb in Jordan

David | 11.11.2005 22:40 | Anti-militarism | World

A quote from a former senior Israeli security official poses questions about this week's hotel bombings in Amman.
What did the Israeli govt know, and when did they know it?
Could they have stopped the bombings?
Why weren't non-Israelis evacuated?

From this Los Angeles Times article:,0,2022733.story

...comes an interesting quote:
"The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that Israelis staying at the Radisson on Wednesday had been evacuated before the attacks and escorted back home "apparently due to a specific security threat."

Amos N. Guiora, a former senior Israeli counter-terrorism official, said in a phone interview with The Times that sources in Israel had also told him about the pre-attack evacuations.

"It means there was excellent intelligence that this thing was going to happen," said Guiora, a former leader of the Israel Defense Forces who now heads the Institute for Global Security Law and Policy at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. "The question that needs to be answered is why weren't the Jordanians working at the hotel similarly removed?"



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A little logic

12.11.2005 00:59

So the Israelis evacuate the hotel. Does the hotel management not ask why? Is no one at all curious? The word used is 'evacuation' - so presumably it was fairly hurried. And if the Israelis did have some intelligence on the matter, did they pass it on? If they did, why didn't the Jordanians act on it?

The tone of these posts is hinting - without quite going as far as pointing the finger - that it was another 'Zionist plot'. Well, if the Israelis were responsible, they'd hardly chose a hotel so full of Israelis that it had to be evacuated in a hurry, would they?

Reading this newsline gives the impression that there are two vastly evil forces in an otherwise peaceful world - AmeriKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKa and Israel. Oh, Zimbabwe doesn't matter, nor does Darfur, or Tibet, or Burma or (continued P 94)


scooby doo or deja vu?...those pesky terrorists

12.11.2005 10:04

didn't we have all this during the London bombings as well


the same distractions work every time don't they???

another less reported
eye opener is the statement
made to reporters that a bomb was in the false ceiling
of one of the locations....

crafty eh... those suicide bombers
once again show perfect timing

"The operation was executed by three suicide bombers who were wearing explosive belts. Two entered the hotels, the other blew himself up outside the hotel in a car," Deputy Prime Minister Marwan al-Muasher told reporters.

THE head of the Palestinian intelligence services, Bashir Nafeh, and a high-ranking official of the Preventive Security forces --Colonel Abed Allun was among 4 known Palestinians killed -,10117,17199844-23109,00.html

so we have Al-Zarqawi killing his own allies

by cunningly placing suicide bombers [wait for it]
in the false ceilings of hotels? er!!!

Jack Straw said on a visit..."We are all paying the price for being civilised."

Scary: Chinese members of a delegation from University of National Defense among the dead -

as a round up drags 120 off the streets the four alleged bombers
were named :
Abu Khabib, Abu Muaz, Abu Omaira, and Umm Omaira.

all Iraqis:

So now Bush has that Al Queda / Iraq link he's been so keen on

Perfect to take the heat off those Niger documents and that
nasty tasting threat of further indictments as - Condaleeza Rice
visits the war torn country...for the empires photo op


Alright everyone, calm down

12.11.2005 21:13

Untwist your knickers. It's a false alarm. The Israelis were NOT forewarned. It was all apparently due to an over-enthusiastic reporter not checking his facts.


Of course, for those of you who can't bear not to believe that Israel is involved in every bad thing that happens worldwide, this will probably not convince you.


The Capper

12.11.2005 23:17

What doesn't convince me is the utter lack of evidence which always accompanies the accusations made by the people who swore Saddam Hussein had WMD, in order to feign justification for a war they knew to be illegal, against "ze terrorists" ...

Not when we have the documented history of US/Israeli intelligence services and False Flags, we are at the whim of Fascists, and Israel and pro-Israel Extremists in the US are driving this Madness and Aggression.

Don't Fall for the PsyOps

Well now

13.11.2005 09:46

Okay then, lets have a link to the supposed Al-J story. I've had a look on the real site, not the dodgy conspiracist one, and I can't see it.

And hey, PsyOops persona back again. What's wrong, Twi'i't getting too much of a doing these days?
