NeoFascists in Conspiracy Theorist Clothing?
Knight of the Sun | 10.11.2005 20:21 | Analysis
This article tackles the hypocracy of many alternative news sites like, and
Fascists in Conspiracy Theorist Clothing?
By Knight of the Sun
For a few years now I have enjoyed weekly browsing of various independent alternative media websites. These include,,, and David Icke’s headlines. I agree with much of what these sites present; their advocating privacy and civil liberty, free speech and the right to bear arms. They investigate the dangers of vaccinations, cloning, genetic engineering and the importance of organic agriculture. It is important what these men are doing, providing different angles to view civilization’s plight. But intertwined in their pages are messages of hate.
Jeff Rense drew the line recently by posting an article about Rosa Parks coinciding with her death by a misogynist neo fascist wacko name Herny Makow ( claiming that Rosa Parks and MLK were communist tools of the “New World Order). This was one of the most disturbing, disrespectful articles posted on and yet. It is like symbolically spitting on the entire civil rights movement-suggesting it was a commie plot. Rense in the past has posted David Duke articles and also defends the Nazi like Afrikaner philosophy. Jeff Rense and James Neff of also are holocaust revisionists, and have proclaimed everything from “Jews perpetrated the Holocaust” to “The Holocaust never happened”. Ask my Grandpa who fought for liberation in Germany if the holocaust didn’t happen.
All of these websites are hypocritical because they advocate free speech and individual liberty, and turn around and implement McCarthyist style attacks on anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Anyone who isn’t a nationalist conservative is part of the “Jewish, Socialist/Communist, Homosexual Secular New World Order”.
Alex Jones of claims he is a defender of the constitution and says he believes the government should not tamper in our personal lives. Same with British Nationalist zealot Paul Watson of Yet they both simultaneously make these claims while espousing the beliefs that “there should be no separation of church and state” that America and Britain are “Christian Nations”, and that gays should not be allowed to marry or adopt. They blame most of our economic problems on non-Caucasian immigration, think Halloween should be outlawed and that Harry Potter is turning teens onto Satan.
Recently on an article was published entitled “French Riots: Plan Engineered by Globalists”. The following is an excerpt:
“A sizeable proportion of the secular humanist Westerners who like to think of themselves as part of the establishment, when in reality they are unwitting tools of the true elite, have bought into the cuddly utopian philosophy that the West is a global village which welcomes all comers and has the enlightened innate ability to homogenize millions of different people of all different colors and creeds into one giant melting pot.
The reality couldn't be further from the truth and images of flaming buses, schools, nurseries, terror and panic betray that fact.
The mainly Algerian Muslims causing the chaos hate the country that has afforded them a greater living standard than their birthplace ever could. They have been programmed from day one to believe that the West owes them big time, and this is only abetted by the establishment media and the liberal hierarchy in France.”
So according to Alex Jones and Paul Watson, it is multiculturalism and secularism that is causing the riots in France, as well as being the source for problems facing the industrialized western nations. The article goes on to glorify French neo-fascist Jean-Marie Le Penn, an accused war criminal and leader of France’s ultraright National Front, a group with ties to the openly racist National Alliance. He has rubbed elbows with openly proclaimed neo-nazi and fascist groups in Germany and Russia and has also been received by dictators like Mobutu Sese Seko in Zaire, and El Hadj Omar Bongo, in Gabon. And Le Pen is also famous for making a trip to Baghdad in 1991, to shake Saddam Hussein's hand and express solidarity with Saddam in opposing the United Nations embargo and his support of Suicide bombers in Israel. ( The common thread is that most of these dictators believe in a world wide socialist secular Jewish Masonic cabal, just like Alex Jones and Henry Makow.
I agree that unchecked illegal immigration can strain the public services of the country. But I disagree with the vision these authoritarians have for the solution. If the likes of Alex Jones had their way, according to their own words, we would live in a country where there is no separation of church and state, where there is no environmental regulations of corporations(only sinners need to worry about the environment because God will take the righteous in the rapture), all services would be privatized, homosexuality would be a crime, creationism would be the accepted science, and all those suspected of being illegal immigrants would be rounded up Nazi style and deported. It doesn’t matter to Watson, Rense, Jones and Le Penn that the Europeans carved up Africa, raped it for its resources, enslaved its people and took their land. To these fascists, imperialism is good for the “barbarians” and is part of their “education” and the descendents of those peoples deserve nothing because this generation were not the perpetrators of the oppression, even though the fruit money of this exploitation is the source of wealth for the West.
Le Pen and Alex Jones both share a common fantasy of implementing their anti immigration policies. This would be implemented through a “utopian Sixth Republic”, as envisaged by National Front doctrine, and would craft a constitution founded on the principle of "national preference." That means priority for the French in all things: schools, workplaces, culture, housing, and so on. The right of the soil, by which France traditionally granted citizenship to nearly everyone born within its borders—a right that was severely eroded by recent legislation—would be replaced by a German-style blood right. Laws would be rewritten to accelerate the expiration of immigrants' residency permits, thereby rendering the country's three or four million legal immigrants illegal, and illegal immigrants would be deported ( Alex Jones is apposed to the right of soil in the USA and believes that all illegal Mexicans in the USA should be expelled similarly. This idea is no different than the Nazi’s expelling the Jews. They seem to forget that their ancestors were once immigrants too.
These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. These sites reach millions of viewers, and while I recognize their right to free speech, I find them highly suspect, believe they do create fear of anything nonwhite and Christian, and wouldn’t be surprised if some of them are actually counter-intel operations by the CIA to discredit the common man who believes there is a corrupt global conspiracy. They constantly rail against occult science, echoing puritanical drivel, yet Paul Watson advertises for the academy of Remote Viewing on his website, which is a paranormal science. They claim that the new age, mysticism and esoteric are all satanic, when in fact many of these movements are simply about developing inner power that lays dormant in all people. These are fanatical fundamentalists hypocrites who accuse anyone who disagrees with them as part of the new world order.
I believe there is a new world order conspiracy that aims through globalization to create a totalitarian world state. But I in no way believe the cliché soviet/nazi propaganda that a Jewish cabal is the head of this NWO nor do I believe these site’s McCarthyist scapegoating tactics of anyone who isn’t a conservative. I agree that the right and left are both a sham. I believe in the right to bear arms, and that abortion is morally wrong, and that unchecked illegal immigration can damage a nation’s social services, and observe the right of free speech. But I am also against the death penalty, and I understand that it plainly states in the 1st amendment of our constitutional republic that church and state must remain separate. I believe all people should have free health care, and that people should be able to marry who ever they want without the state interfering. Although I believe abortion is wrong, if it is totally criminalized there will be even more problems with it, such as increases in abandoned children at birth and deaths from unsanitary black-market abortions. And although I think we need to access the immigration threat, the idea of mass deportation and the end of right by soil is totally draconian and inefficient. Maybe its you who are an agent of the New World Order Mr. Jones, Mr. Rense, Mr. Makow, Mr. Icke.
By Knight of the Sun
For a few years now I have enjoyed weekly browsing of various independent alternative media websites. These include,,, and David Icke’s headlines. I agree with much of what these sites present; their advocating privacy and civil liberty, free speech and the right to bear arms. They investigate the dangers of vaccinations, cloning, genetic engineering and the importance of organic agriculture. It is important what these men are doing, providing different angles to view civilization’s plight. But intertwined in their pages are messages of hate.
Jeff Rense drew the line recently by posting an article about Rosa Parks coinciding with her death by a misogynist neo fascist wacko name Herny Makow ( claiming that Rosa Parks and MLK were communist tools of the “New World Order). This was one of the most disturbing, disrespectful articles posted on and yet. It is like symbolically spitting on the entire civil rights movement-suggesting it was a commie plot. Rense in the past has posted David Duke articles and also defends the Nazi like Afrikaner philosophy. Jeff Rense and James Neff of also are holocaust revisionists, and have proclaimed everything from “Jews perpetrated the Holocaust” to “The Holocaust never happened”. Ask my Grandpa who fought for liberation in Germany if the holocaust didn’t happen.
All of these websites are hypocritical because they advocate free speech and individual liberty, and turn around and implement McCarthyist style attacks on anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Anyone who isn’t a nationalist conservative is part of the “Jewish, Socialist/Communist, Homosexual Secular New World Order”.
Alex Jones of claims he is a defender of the constitution and says he believes the government should not tamper in our personal lives. Same with British Nationalist zealot Paul Watson of Yet they both simultaneously make these claims while espousing the beliefs that “there should be no separation of church and state” that America and Britain are “Christian Nations”, and that gays should not be allowed to marry or adopt. They blame most of our economic problems on non-Caucasian immigration, think Halloween should be outlawed and that Harry Potter is turning teens onto Satan.
Recently on an article was published entitled “French Riots: Plan Engineered by Globalists”. The following is an excerpt:
“A sizeable proportion of the secular humanist Westerners who like to think of themselves as part of the establishment, when in reality they are unwitting tools of the true elite, have bought into the cuddly utopian philosophy that the West is a global village which welcomes all comers and has the enlightened innate ability to homogenize millions of different people of all different colors and creeds into one giant melting pot.
The reality couldn't be further from the truth and images of flaming buses, schools, nurseries, terror and panic betray that fact.
The mainly Algerian Muslims causing the chaos hate the country that has afforded them a greater living standard than their birthplace ever could. They have been programmed from day one to believe that the West owes them big time, and this is only abetted by the establishment media and the liberal hierarchy in France.”
So according to Alex Jones and Paul Watson, it is multiculturalism and secularism that is causing the riots in France, as well as being the source for problems facing the industrialized western nations. The article goes on to glorify French neo-fascist Jean-Marie Le Penn, an accused war criminal and leader of France’s ultraright National Front, a group with ties to the openly racist National Alliance. He has rubbed elbows with openly proclaimed neo-nazi and fascist groups in Germany and Russia and has also been received by dictators like Mobutu Sese Seko in Zaire, and El Hadj Omar Bongo, in Gabon. And Le Pen is also famous for making a trip to Baghdad in 1991, to shake Saddam Hussein's hand and express solidarity with Saddam in opposing the United Nations embargo and his support of Suicide bombers in Israel. (

I agree that unchecked illegal immigration can strain the public services of the country. But I disagree with the vision these authoritarians have for the solution. If the likes of Alex Jones had their way, according to their own words, we would live in a country where there is no separation of church and state, where there is no environmental regulations of corporations(only sinners need to worry about the environment because God will take the righteous in the rapture), all services would be privatized, homosexuality would be a crime, creationism would be the accepted science, and all those suspected of being illegal immigrants would be rounded up Nazi style and deported. It doesn’t matter to Watson, Rense, Jones and Le Penn that the Europeans carved up Africa, raped it for its resources, enslaved its people and took their land. To these fascists, imperialism is good for the “barbarians” and is part of their “education” and the descendents of those peoples deserve nothing because this generation were not the perpetrators of the oppression, even though the fruit money of this exploitation is the source of wealth for the West.
Le Pen and Alex Jones both share a common fantasy of implementing their anti immigration policies. This would be implemented through a “utopian Sixth Republic”, as envisaged by National Front doctrine, and would craft a constitution founded on the principle of "national preference." That means priority for the French in all things: schools, workplaces, culture, housing, and so on. The right of the soil, by which France traditionally granted citizenship to nearly everyone born within its borders—a right that was severely eroded by recent legislation—would be replaced by a German-style blood right. Laws would be rewritten to accelerate the expiration of immigrants' residency permits, thereby rendering the country's three or four million legal immigrants illegal, and illegal immigrants would be deported (

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. These sites reach millions of viewers, and while I recognize their right to free speech, I find them highly suspect, believe they do create fear of anything nonwhite and Christian, and wouldn’t be surprised if some of them are actually counter-intel operations by the CIA to discredit the common man who believes there is a corrupt global conspiracy. They constantly rail against occult science, echoing puritanical drivel, yet Paul Watson advertises for the academy of Remote Viewing on his website, which is a paranormal science. They claim that the new age, mysticism and esoteric are all satanic, when in fact many of these movements are simply about developing inner power that lays dormant in all people. These are fanatical fundamentalists hypocrites who accuse anyone who disagrees with them as part of the new world order.
I believe there is a new world order conspiracy that aims through globalization to create a totalitarian world state. But I in no way believe the cliché soviet/nazi propaganda that a Jewish cabal is the head of this NWO nor do I believe these site’s McCarthyist scapegoating tactics of anyone who isn’t a conservative. I agree that the right and left are both a sham. I believe in the right to bear arms, and that abortion is morally wrong, and that unchecked illegal immigration can damage a nation’s social services, and observe the right of free speech. But I am also against the death penalty, and I understand that it plainly states in the 1st amendment of our constitutional republic that church and state must remain separate. I believe all people should have free health care, and that people should be able to marry who ever they want without the state interfering. Although I believe abortion is wrong, if it is totally criminalized there will be even more problems with it, such as increases in abandoned children at birth and deaths from unsanitary black-market abortions. And although I think we need to access the immigration threat, the idea of mass deportation and the end of right by soil is totally draconian and inefficient. Maybe its you who are an agent of the New World Order Mr. Jones, Mr. Rense, Mr. Makow, Mr. Icke.
Knight of the Sun
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