Israel knew.
Digery Cohen | 10.11.2005 11:08
The report below appeared on Al jazeera. The Israelis knew the bomber was coming. They should have told the Jordanians so they could have tried to stop them.
"A number of Israelis staying at the Radisson hotel in Amman were evacuated before the bombing by Jordanian security forces, apparently due to a specific security alert, according to the website of Israel's Haaretz newspaper.
They were escorted back to Israel by security personnel.
The Israeli Foreign Ministry, according to the website,, stated on Wednesday that no Israeli tourists were known to have been injured in the blasts. Representatives of Israel's embassy in Amman were in contact with local authorities to examine any report of injured Israelis, but none was received. Often, there are a number of Israeli businessmen and tourists in Amman, including in the hotels hit on Wednesday.
Israel's counter-terror headquarters on Wednesday recommended Israeli citizens not to travel to Jordan. Travel warnings regarding Jordan were tightened a few months ago, but many Israelis still visit the country. Many also visit other regions such as the Jordanian Arava and the ancient city of Petra"
"A number of Israelis staying at the Radisson hotel in Amman were evacuated before the bombing by Jordanian security forces, apparently due to a specific security alert, according to the website of Israel's Haaretz newspaper.
They were escorted back to Israel by security personnel.
The Israeli Foreign Ministry, according to the website,, stated on Wednesday that no Israeli tourists were known to have been injured in the blasts. Representatives of Israel's embassy in Amman were in contact with local authorities to examine any report of injured Israelis, but none was received. Often, there are a number of Israeli businessmen and tourists in Amman, including in the hotels hit on Wednesday.
Israel's counter-terror headquarters on Wednesday recommended Israeli citizens not to travel to Jordan. Travel warnings regarding Jordan were tightened a few months ago, but many Israelis still visit the country. Many also visit other regions such as the Jordanian Arava and the ancient city of Petra"
Digery Cohen
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Utterly feeble attempt at a conspiracy theory
10.11.2005 12:41
Do you also believe that Jewish people 'knew' not to go to work in the twin towers on 911? How about Mossad being behind the London bombings?
Pro-Israel's right to exist
Says the opposite
10.11.2005 12:53
Just a small difference I know but you should try to be more accurate.
Paul Edwards
Clear Disinformation
10.11.2005 14:16
Read Al J
The bombers are to blame, not Israel
10.11.2005 15:50
face reality
10.11.2005 17:42
which says that the Israeli guests WERE removed beforehand.
so which one do you care to believe? the fact is that over 100 Israeli citizens were removed from the hotel, and this is something that can be proved or disproved by finding them and asking them.
and why the HELL would the Jordanian forces remove those guests due to a SPECIFIC threat, but not do anything to warn the young newlyweds?
now THAT is something worth asking!
what bothers me about all this is that "al qaeda" is always the first suspect, but can anyone, ANYONE tell me why at this particular instant it serves any possible strategic purpose for this fictive "al qaeda" to do this?
to assassinate the Palestinian intel chief:,10117,17199844-23109,00.html
but have the Jordanian authorities know to remove Israeli guests
and while the US Armed forces are shown on broadcasts world-wide to have used incendiary chemical weapons (white phosphorous) on the population of Fallujah?
does it actually make sense to you for "the terrorists" to urgently want to distract the world from the Fallujah massacres, and to blow up Palestinians and newlyweds while sparing Israeli guests? does that seem like their modus operandi? or is this just being blown out of the media's arse?
far be it for any thinking human to try to stand back and ask what stands to reason acc. to common sense! but okay, why not: this looks like a bait-and-switch, this has the m-word printed all over it. if the babbling monkeys of Associated Press are zapping "al qaeda" dispatches over the wires within hours of the event, before any forensic or other investigation has taken place, you can be pretty sure that the monkeys of the cabal now destroying our planet are the real culprits.
a 1984 example of history changing before your eyes.
10.11.2005 18:12
The original article refers to the ORIGINAL coverage of the story. That coverage was doctored soon afterwards.
The above was the initial report. IT WILL NO DOUBT DISAPPEAR SOON. The headline reads:
"Scores dead in three Amman hotel bombings; Israelis evacuated before attack"
Now what was it you nasty little bunch of NEW REICH goons were saying about the original article above??? This article was originally the content of the (original) link
Changing the content at a given link, rather than introducing a new link for a new version of the story, is an obscene trick specifically designed to allow the dis-info agents to call people liars.
You see, when you control the Mass Media, you control the "truth". However, for those of us that do not care to be that stupid, we make a point of REMEMBERING the original form of news reports. This way, we many living examples of how organisations like the BBC "doctor" the news for mass consumption.
REMEMBER HOW THINGS WORKED IN 1984? The archives were constantly "updated" to ensure that historical records "fitted" with current political truths. This only works if there are government goons around to tell you that the doctored version is actually the original version.
Here we have a guy reporting on the original version of a story. Then the story is doctored. Then a bunch of "random" (hohoho) people turn up to complain that the original author is a liar, because his comments do not match the doctored reports.
The importance of the operation in Jordan was shown when the BBC forced the propaganda coverage of the event on the kiddies in their NEW REICH newsround spot. Follow this event carefully- it has much greater significance than might be first assumed.
Al-Jazeera Bashing Contradicts Yourself
10.11.2005 18:37
A point of view in which someone believes that it is likely that the Israelis knew or were complicit in the Jordanian bombings is an example of someone jumping to conclusions based on stereotypes about the Israeli-Arab conflict, the Israeli security services and Israel itself. Obviously many people will seek to provide anecdotal evidence for why this is the case (due to either valid evidence from the past or half-remembered stories) however the evidence will be nothing other than anecdotal (obviously).
Mocking Al-Jazeera's status as a legitimate news source, is exhibiting the same inherent bias buried deep in your own views about a media outlet that is typified, by the Western media, as being a news channel affiliated to terrorism. Obviously this is highly unlikely to be the case however it is a blinkered person who criticises the channel for this reason, as it is merely swallowing the negative propaganda disseminated by its competitors or worse bigots.
It seems unnecessary to state, however it always worth qualifying youself, Al-Jaz. broadcasts news in the same way as the BBC all day long (in fact many of its journalists came from the BBC). This comment does not suggest that the BBC is good, or any western media outlet is valid, however people would be unlikely to post the comment "the bbc as a 'news' source.... now i'm convinced!" due to it's relative reputation.
It goes without saying that the massive problems within the news for the interests of cash / coporate entity structure is fundamentally flawed however it appears that you are singling out Al-Jaz. for criticism and this is unlikely to be due to your views on broader corporate issues within the media and more a reflection of bias and ultimately prejudice.
I know it is only a small remark that you have made however it is published now, around the world, and it is worth singling out such prejudice whether it be endemic within the entire CNN structure or in a throw away remark by a random poster.
There Is No Need To Face Your Reality
10.11.2005 18:47
The reason that people widely believe that Al-Qaida is to blame is that a group claiming to 'Al-Qaida in The Country of the Two Rivers (Iraq)' has posted a message claiming responsibility. This is the name of the sub-group of Al-Qaida reportedly headed by Al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian born militant who has attacked Jordan before. Additionally there have only been three terrorist groups in the world reported to have the capability to lauch such simulataneous attacks, ETA in Spain, IRA and Al-Qaida.
Also, Al-Qaida is used in the western media, not to relate to a specfic organisation but instead to identify a nebulous entity typified by nothing more than support to various, at times rather bland, ideals and therefore within that anything can be called Al-Qaida. It is hard to see what real quarral you have with the remark about Al-Qaida being responsible, however you could ask a much more intelligent question which is, why should we believe in the existence of Al-Qaida when its definition is often described in such wide ranging terms as to make it appear indefinable in any other context?
New Reich Goons Rubbish
10.11.2005 18:53
Possibly this is the news outlet saving face for having published something which was untrue.
However you could suggest that this is 1984 in action, however you would have to make some large additional assumptions which appear unsupported by any actual information. The largets of these assumptions is the apparent fact that the Jordanian authorities cared more for Israeli tourists than hundreds of their own citizens.
This could be possible, however like with the previously supposition, i do not see why we should go out of our way to believe this rather than accept the more likely explanation.
10.11.2005 20:24
First of all, the Jordanian government has no reason whatsoever to save Israelis and let its own ppl die. Or is it an evil Jew-contrlled regime? You always ask the riduculous question "who benefits?", ridiculous because it assumes that Al Qaeda terrorists think rationally (how does blowing up 1000s of Shias benefit Al Qaeda's movement against America in Iraq, for example? Or blowing up stuff in Saudi Arabia, thats only going to encourage Muslim govs to be more anti-terrorist), so how does the Jordanian regime benefit from this, AT ALL? If the original report had any truth to it, then what is most likely is that Israeli intelligence heard of a terror threat there, passed it on to the Jordanians, who then evacuated the Israeli tourists etc because they were assumed to be the target (like they were in Sharm-el-Sheik, and Israel on a regular basis). What is most likely, though, is that Haratz simply got it wrong, and their original report was erroneous, which was why they corrected it. Notice, they corrected it, they did not simply delete it, put it into the memory hole. And finally, do you really believe that if there were all these Zionist conspiracies the Zionist conspiractors would be so thick as to allow THEIR paper to publish the horrific truth?
facing reality - because REALITY doesn't go away
10.11.2005 20:49
strange isn't it? how *my* twisted reality turns out to be identical to Amos Guiora, former senior counter-intelligence officer of Israel:
"Amos N. Guiora, a former senior Israeli counter-terrorism official, said in a phone interview with The Times that sources in Israel had also told him about the pre-attack evacuations.
"It means there was excellent intelligence that this thing was going to happen," said Guiora, a former leader of the Israel Defense Forces who now heads the Institute for Global Security Law and Policy at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. "The question that needs to be answered is why weren't the Jordanians working at the hotel similarly removed?"
original article:,0,2022733.story?coll=la-home-world
funny thing about *reality* is that no matter how much Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, or any malicious lying turncoat son-of-a-bit** tries to distort it, it is still HERE! yes, this is *reality* and we are looking at a so-called "al qaeda" that was created by the CIA and has morphed into the all-purpose bogey-man. but what is "al qaeda" exactly? you should take the time to decide about the information we have been given about it
and as for the so-called Zarqawi, is he alive, is he real?,1-0,36-689730,0.html
who the hell knows! and yet you believe the crap begin published by TIME--100% assumptions!,8599,1128209,00.html
you are given paragraph after paragraph of unsupported rubbish about the *evil mastermind* ...where do they get any of this? and yet you believe!
i think it is not my *reality* you should worry about, but *reality* itself, Ponce de Leon
I read the original article, and I wondered why?
10.11.2005 23:48
and now Haaretz says that was not the case, that they were removed AFTER the bombing.
So, what's the truth? I certainly don't know. But I do know, that HAD the Israelies been removed BEFORE the bombing (as the original Haaretz article claimed) then certainly, it would make one wonder why? (Why only Israelis?) And I certainly would post such an article on Indymedia..
(in fact, I did)
And to those who always jump to the "Jewish people" when one is talking about either Israel, or Sharon...
I have this question to ask:
Is it true? Do the actions of Israel, and more specifically the Sharon government represent "the Jewish people"? Yes or No?
Why, Ha'aretz?
11.11.2005 14:15
The question is why did Ha'aretz publish this provocative and inflammatory item? From where did the now retracted information about a pre-warning come? Why wasn't the story by Stern and Blumenkrantz vetted more thoroughly by the Ha'aretz editors? And, if they thought it was true, why would they publish such an item knowing full well that anti-semites would jump all over it like white on rice, which is exactly what has happened?
Was this journalistic fumble an innocent error, or was it intentional? What's going on Ha'aretz?
Normal Procedure
11.11.2005 14:27
being involved in some devious plot, the story is quickly undermined by allegations and counter allegations, some of which have absoluttely nothing to do with the original story. Then a couple of blame the jews for everything , twilight goes into one as only he knows and lo and behold the average punter can't make a head or a tail out of the whole mess, normal service has been resumed. Not surprising that a report from a media study group earlier in the year stated that most british people had the Israel - Palestine war arse about face and were convinced that the palestinains were occupying Israeli territory . great what you can do with a bit of media manipulation and it also works fine on IMC ... INNIT
Bill Normal
11.11.2005 20:43
TITLE:Israelis evacuated from Amman hotel hours before bombings
By Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondent
A number of Israelis staying on Wednesday at the Radisson hotel were evacuated before the bombing by Jordanian security forces, apparently due to a specific security alert. They were escorted back to Israel by security personnel.
The Foreign Ministry stated Wednesday that no Israeli tourists are known to have been injured in the blasts. Representatives of Israel's embassy in Amman were in contact with local authorities to examine any report of injured Israelis, but none were received. There are often a number of Israeli businessman and tourists in Amman, including in the hotels hit Wednesday.
Israel's counter-terror headquarters on Wednesday recommended Israeli citizens not travel in Jordan. Travel warnings regarding Jordan were tightened a few months ago, but many Israelis still visit the country. Many also visit other regions such as the Jordanian Arava and the ancient city of Petra.
Focus Is Interesting
11.11.2005 20:59
Most certainly. Why, do you have some reason that we should not view them as such, or are you simply Casting Doubt? What, are "news" outlets that repeated the LIES emanating from Bush/Bliar the only ones you listen to? No wonder your perspectives are skewed.
"Do you also believe that Jewish people 'knew' not to go to work ..."
Not "Jewish people". Israelis. You Zionists can't hide behind the Jews forever. You've been spotted crouching behind them.
But yes, the Israeli media reported that Odigo suggested Israeli employees should not enter the building that morning, just as Benjamin Netanyahu was warned of the False Flag Attacks on London on 7/7.
Sad Disinfo
Haaretz got it right the first time
11.11.2005 22:35
------------------------------------------------------------------ quote:
"The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that Israelis staying at the Radisson on Wednesday had been evacuated before the attacks and escorted back home "apparently due to a specific security threat."
Amos N. Guiora, a former senior Israeli counter-terrorism official, said in a phone interview with The Times that sources in Israel had also told him about the pre-attack evacuations.
'It means there was excellent intelligence that this thing was going to happen,' said Guiora, a former leader of the Israel Defense Forces who now heads the Institute for Global Security Law and Policy at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. 'The question that needs to be answered is why weren't the Jordanians working at the hotel similarly removed?' "
------------------------------------------------------------------ end quote
"Anti-semitism", my arse. Israel does not speak or act on behalf of all Jews. Quit screaming "anti-semitism" every time the Sharon govt's actions are questioned.
11.11.2005 23:07,0,2022733.story?coll=la-home-world
12.11.2005 00:54
"Conspiracies of Zionist Jews (i.e. virtually all Jews, only excluding a tiny minority of Jews who accept and support what we say) are behind everything evil in the world, pulling all the strings, puppeteering everything for their own evil benefits"
Do you people acknowledge either of those as anti-Semitic? If you perhaps acknowledge the first as anti-Semitic, do you not see the connection with the second one? The similarities?
Utter illogical bollocks
12.11.2005 20:33
"A number of Israelis staying at the Radisson hotel in Amman were evacuated before the bombing by Jordanian security forces..."
They were evactuated by who?? Oh yes, "JORDANIAN SECURITY FORCES"!
So is this bizarre conspiracy theory that the JORDANIAN security forces evacuated all the Israelis without either knowing or bothering to ask WHY they were evacuating the Israelis?
I mean, honestly! HOW would the Israelis have secured the Jordainian Security Service's co-operation in the alledged evacuation WITHOUT disclosing what they suspected? And even if by some miracle, the Jordanians agreed to help them with this evacuation without being told why, surely they would have reasoned "well, if the Israelis are concerned enough to ask us to evacuate their people, maybe we should evacuate ours as well"???
I cannot believe how stupid this post is! A new low for Indymedia.
Quite forgivable bollocks
12.11.2005 23:33
As Qwerty points out, the article states that the Jordanians told the Israelis but never told anyone else, including their own people.
Now the question is : is this Israeli press report credible ? Would the Jordanians react in this way ? I would say this is plausible, and before any of you who are instinctively pro-Palestinian criticise me then let me point out the Palestinians suffered in Jordan as they do in Israel. As to who did it, people who hate peace did it. That is all the identification that we will learn from.
Derbyshire's First Law
13.11.2005 00:39
John Derbyshire
In truth
13.11.2005 14:02
Having said that another Palestinian was shot dead and one wounded by Israeli forces near the apartheidt wall yeasterday. It is believed they were trying to destroy it. How many more till we take firm action against the fascst Israeli state?
Good Idea!
13.11.2005 23:10
Great idea - what do you suggest? How about we invade them to overthrow the despotic regime? Get some sort of coalition together?
Oh no, hang on, we get upset about that kind of thing......
Suicide Bombing isn't so much fun afterall
15.11.2005 17:56
But Palestinians were uncharacteristically morose after three explosions went off on November 9, killing 57 persons and injuring hundreds, in Amman, Jordan. That’s because, for the very first time, they found themselves the main victim of those same Islamist “martyrs”
The massacre at a wedding in the Radisson SAS hotel ballroom took the lives of 17 family members attending the nuptials of what the London Times called a Palestinian “golden couple, beloved of their prominent Palestinian families and friends.” The bombing also killed four Palestinian Authority officials, notably Bashir Nafeh, head of military intelligence on the West Bank.
After two decades of doling out this horror against Israelis, some of whom were also attending festive events (a Passover dinner, a Bar Mitzvah), Palestinians, who form a majority of the Jordanian population, unexpectedly found themselves at the receiving end.
And, guess what: they did not like it.
The brother of a woman injured in the attack told a reporter, “My sister, I love her. I love her to death, and if something happened to her, I’d be really . . .” Choked, he stopped speaking and cried. Another relative called the terrorists “vicious criminals.” A third cried out, “Oh my God, oh my God. Is it possible that Arabs are killing Arabs, Muslims killing Muslims?”
I extend my deepest sympathy to the family. I also hope that Palestinians, who have established a worldwide reputation not just for relying heavily on suicide murder but for doing so enthusiastically, will benefit from this unique learning opportunity.
No other media and school system indoctrinates children to become suicide murderers. No other people holds joyous wakes for dead suicide bombers; no other parents hope their children will blow themselves up. None other receives lavish endorsement and funding for terrorism from the authorities. Nor has another people produced a leader so inextricably tied to terrorism as was Yasir Arafat, nor so bountifully devoted its allegiance to him.
(The memorials of his death on November 11 were marked by effusive statements how “he will remain alive in our hearts” and reaffirmations to continue his work.)
The Amman bombings, attributed to Al-Qaeda, exposed the hypocrisy of Palestinians and their supporters, who condemn terrorism against themselves but not against others, especially not Israelis. Shaker Elsayed, imam of Dar al-Hijrah Mosque in Virginia, denounced the Amman wedding attack as a “senseless act.” Very nice. But Brian Hecht of The Investigative Project notes that Elsayed has a long history of justifying terrorist attacks against Israelis: “the jihad is a must for everyone, a child, a lady and a man,” he has said. “They have to make jihad with every tool that they can.”
Queen Noor of Jordan embodied this hypocrisy when she stated that the Amman terrorists “made a significant tactical error here, because they have attacked innocent civilians, primarily Muslims,” implying her approval had the victims been non-Muslims.
Will the Palestinians’ shameful love affair with suicide killings and “martyrdom” diminish after the atrocity in Amman? Might a taste of their own medicine teach them that what goes around comes around? That barbarism ultimately visits the barbarians too?
Small signs point to a shift in views, at least momentarily and in Jordan. Survey research done in 2004 at Jordan University found two-thirds of Jordanian adults seeing Al-Qaeda in Iraq as “a legitimate resistance organization.” After the bombings, the pollster found that nine of ten survey participants who had previously endorsed Al-Qaeda had changed their minds.
To change Palestinian behavior requires that civilized people finally get tough on suicide terrorism. That means rejecting Hamas as a political organization and excluding dialogue with it. It means shunning propagandistic movies such as “Paradise Now,” a film that whitewashes Palestinian suicide bombing. And it means convicting Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives Sami Al-Arian and his Florida cohorts.
The message to Palestinians needs to be simple, consistent, and universal: Everyone condemns suicide terrorism, unequivocally, without exceptions, whether the arena is electoral, diplomatic, or educational, and whether the bombing is in Amman or Hadera.
Widow Maker
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