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International day of action against the Wall

Oxford PSC | 09.11.2005 20:54 | Repression | Social Struggles | Oxford

Despite the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling in July 2004, the building of the wall around Palestine, or through Palestinian land, is speeding up.


Meet at St Michael's Tower, Cornmarket, Oxford

On 12 November, Oxford PSC is marking the International Day of Action Against the Wall. Despite the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling in July 2004, the building of the wall is speeding up. As well as the usual PSC stall, we are planning several activities to draw attention to the issue of the apartheid wall in Palestine, and its continuing devastating impact on the Palestinians and Palestine.

There will be a (chained) human "Wall" of 8 metres to represent the wall and photo posters for people in the Wall to wear. In addition there will be a number of placards and a banner about the wall for passersby to sign/write comments on. There will be information on an A frame, and leaflets to give out.

For more information about the effects of the Wall on Palestine and the prospects for peace, see, and come on Saturday!

Oxford PSC
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Aparthied Walls

10.11.2005 00:46

I'm with you!
I wish Spain would TEAR DOWN its Apartheid Wall.Thailand Apartheid Wall must be stopped!
Saudi Arabia must be protested for building an Apartheid Wall on holy Yemeni land!
Protesters need to head to Cyprus to force the destruction of the Aparheid Wall dividing the peace loving Moslem and the Greeks.

Aparthied Arthur Kennedy

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10.11.2005 01:42

Why don't you make a wall of human shields and stop the suicide bombers killing innocent civillians.


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10.11.2005 09:21

3.8% of the anti terrorist barrier is a wall; the remainder is a fence. To say differently is simply a lie.

But then as your anti semitic predecessors taught you; tell the same lie enough times.....

I echo the above post in enquiring if you will be protesting against:

1. The fence Egypt will be building through traditional Bedouin grazing ands

2. The Saudi fence on Yemini land

3. The Greek wall on disputed Cypriot land

4. The walls and fences around Spanish enclaves in Morrocco

5. The wall seperating catholoic and protestant communities in Belfast

Or will you just be protesting about the Israeli fence which has thwarted so many attacks against her citizens.....of course you will - but why?

There were 17 suicide bomber attacks inside Israel that emanated from the northern part (Samaria) of the West Bank during the months April-December 2002. In contrast, since construction began on the anti-terrorist fence, throughout all of 2003 only 5 suicide bomber attacks emanated from the same area.

Incitement within the Palestinian Authority and the Arab world is the cause of hostility and hatred towards Israel. The intensification of this hostility and hatred is due to the continuation of the incitement, and not due to the anti-terrorist fence which is designed to prevent terrorist attacks - a deadly result of the hate campaign against Israel.

In a number of Arab countries and in Palestinian society the struggle against Israel takes center stage, and the call to destroy Israel has been at the core of their social-cultural-political ethos. In some Arab societies, this situation prevails to this very day. The Palestinians' vehement anti-Israel rhetoric has had a crippling impact throughout the region on efforts for peace. The intense coverage of the Palestinian perspective of events and incitement from Palestinian spokespersons have enflamed anti-Israeli sentiments in Arab countries, even influencing many pro-peace Arab states to downgrade their ties with Israel. Palestinian incitement causes violence in the short term, while in the long term it reduces the chances for peace and reconciliation between Israel and its neighbors.

Brandishing toy guns at a Palestinian kindergarten graduation

The Palestinian education system, media, literature, songs, theater and cinema are mobilized for extreme anti-Israel indoctrination, which at times degenerates even further into antisemitism. The incitement to hatred and violence is pervasive almost everywhere in Palestinian society: in nursery schools and kindergartens, youth movements, schools, universities, mosque sermons, and street demonstrations. This creates a culture of hatred and violence, which in turn provides fertile ground for terrorism and murder.

Incitement against Israel has many faces. It begins by totally ignoring the very existence of the State of Israel. The maps in the schools and universities do not bear even the name of Israel, nor a large number of its cities and towns. Beyond that, the incitement extols the names and deeds of the suicide bombers, names football teams after them, and holds the terrorists up as models to be emulated. The incitement includes antisemitic cartoons that use the same kind of motifs and imagery that was used against the Jews during the Nazi era.

Terrorism is a deadly obstacle to peace. The fence is an obstacle to terrorism.

The purpose of the fence is to keep the terrorists out and, thereby, save the lives of Israel's citizens, Jews and Arabs alike.

By serving as a defensive, temporary, passive and effective barrier to terrorism, the fence will help restore calm to the region and thereby increase the chances of achieving peace. The wave of terrorism which has murdered over 900 Israelis since September 2000 has undermined the peace process and led to deadlock. Ending terrorism will get the peace process moving again, and, in that regard, the anti-terrorist fence will be making an important contribution to the renewal of peace efforts.

Already, the as yet uncompleted anti-terrorist fence has shown initial successes in thwarting terrorist efforts and reducing the overall number of successful terrorist attacks. Some planned terror attacks were stopped because the terrorists were unable to bypass the fence. Once the fence will be completed, the terrorists will find conditions much more difficult for carrying out their murderous intentions. This can only help the cause of peace.

Once terrorism ends and peace is achieved, the fence can be moved. (Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Jewish & Proud

Blame the suicide bombers for the wall!

10.11.2005 09:56

There would never have been a defensive wall built by Israel if it hadn't been for the terrorist suicide bombers who have murdered thousands of unarmed defenceless Israeli civilians! Blame them - the suicide bombers. Not the Israelis who are only trying to protect their own people from mass murder!

Voice of Reason

what about the european separation wall?

10.11.2005 15:28

deal first with the problems in your own garden.
what you did against the separation wall in the spanish enclaves in marocco?


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