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WORK TO DEFEAT THE BLAIR Agenda, not just one form of one Bill

AADHIKAR DAILY WORLD COMMENTARY 2040 GMT 9-11-2005 | 09.11.2005 20:35 | Analysis | Repression | World

The future of society as we want it to be depends on defeating all darkageist anti-humanitarian, pro-fascistic moves by Blair or anyone that may succeed him and occupy the post at No 10 Downing Street...

Not good enough to havejust thwarted the one form of that one Blair Bill.

The future of society as we want it to be depends on defeating all darkageist anti-humanitarian, pro-fascistic moves by Blair or anyone that may succeed him and occupy the post at No 10 Downing Street...

Harder times lie ahead for all defenders of human rights...

We must defeat the ideology that Blair has been pushing in the Uk and on the world platforms stage... It is greed. It is selfish, it is sleazy, it is corrupt. It is uncivilised, it is vile.

It threatens and attacks human rights

How do ordinary people learn about the violations of human rights that are taking pace across the globe about which Blair has ALWAYS been silent ?

In parts of Europe, in Asian, Africa and in the USA. Within the UK.

The violations fo human rights that Blair does not include when he denounces the easiest of targets that he has been allowed to pick and defame. Those violations must be op;end up and exposed to pub lic view and scrutiny. And Blair must be held to ascent.

Blair saying on the BBC that he does not care about civil liberties and being offered no challenge by the BBC is not a minor matter. how can the BBC be funded by the society that Blair is attacking the foundations of ? And how can Channel Four News allow Blair such an easy ride?

Unless Channel Four is on the same side as Blair after all !

To say that we can’t rely on Channel Four News on the BBC does not mean that we ignore their role in propping up the ideology the agenda that blair represents.

The demands of civil liberties human rights and of the ideal of democracy require that we scrutinise the BBC and Jon Slow as rigourously as we scrutinise every Blair move against democracy on the values of universal requirements and standards of justice and fairness.



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No it doesn't !

10.11.2005 10:41

Quote : "The future of society as we want it to be depends on defeating all darkageist anti-humanitarian, pro-fascistic moves by Blair or anyone that may succeed him and occupy the post at No 10 Downing Street..."

No it doesn't the future of western civilisation depends on whether or not we can defeat the insane, Islamic fundamentalist terrorists of Al Qaeda who since the early 1990s have declared war on western civilisation! Understand who the real enemy is! It is not democratically elected leaders like George Bush and Tony Blair but insane terrorists like Al Qaeda and insane despotic regimes like the one which rules Iran which are trying to hold the world to ransom!

Yeah Iraq really was a great place to live under Saddam Hussein wasn't it??? Morons!

Voice of Reason

the future of western civilisation depends on...

10.11.2005 13:24

awareness of the impact of the coming energy crisis. hydrocarbons are to increase in price and decrease in availability in a much shorter period of time than most people acknowledge. we have limited time to change to a sustainable way of living but instead of planning this transformation we are wasting money blowing people up to secure whats left of the oil and keeping the british public fed on a diet of misinformation and infotainment, sleepwalking into the danger zone as it were.

the two biggest threats to our current way of life are peak oil and global climate change. without a sensible redirection towards sustainability, permaculture and a reintroduction of a localised food infrastructure we are heading for disaster. it's as simple as that. agribusiness is run on machinery 9to which oil is essential) and fertilisers from natural gas and pesticides from oil. without oil and without a transition to a high yield, localised, organic method of food production there will not be enough food to go round. thats before we start to worry about the possibility of passing the 'tipping point' of climate change. i know i am probably preaching to the converted.

for more info have a look at

for a somewhat shocking and pesimistic American view go to

- Homepage:

And it's a great place to live now...

10.11.2005 13:41

...or so I hear from Mr Reason who will shortly be leaving us morons forever, having categorically proved everyone here wrong.
