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Buy nothing Day and do summat's Anti overconsumption month

Do Summat | 09.11.2005 13:05 | Ecology | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Liverpool

Saturday club declare november-december anti-overconsumption month!!!

Saturday 26th November (Buy Nothing Day) noon at The Basement, 24 Lever St M1: ADVERTS AND THEIR ENEMIES: a day devoted to the art of subvertising with workshops and discussion and practical tips.

Fri 2nd December from 7pm at The Basement, 24 Lever St M1: GET CLUED UP BOUT CONSUMERISM: an evening of films, workshops and speakers about consumerism and over consumption..
with music, chitchat and cheap but delicious food. A fun evening not only to get clued up but to get involved with everything else going on.

Friday 9th December at 6pm at The Basement 24 lever st M1: GRAN ACTION CHRISTMAS TEA DANCE: tea and scones, dancing and christmas (anti) shopping trip. Grans of all ages welcome as long as you're dressed as a granny. See
for what to expect

Saturday 10th December noon: YOU CAN'T BUY BEAUTY: A day of street theatre and mischief around the city centre targeting the beauty industry. With 'makeovers', fashion show and real beauty tips.

Sunday 11th December 2pm starting from The Basement, 24 Lever St M1: BIKE TREASURE HUNT: A fun free bike race around the city. A way to have fun without harming the environment or your wallet.

Saturday 17th December: FREE MARKET in Manchester city centre

All events are FREE! and open to everybody

to get involved please email or just come along!

See the flyer here:
please help us by printing it out and distributing.. x

Do Summat
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Liverpool buy nothing day?

09.11.2005 18:38

Is there anything happening in Liverpool for buy nothing day?