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Defend George Galloway!

harry | 08.11.2005 10:43 | Anti-militarism

Defend the reputation of George Galloway.

George Galloway is not only being attacked by the right but also by large sections of the left, especially on this outlet.
Galloway has been the mainstay of the anti-war movement saying things that people would only dare. Greg Palast the so-called anti-capitalist reporter had attacked him so badly that George was not able to organise effectively in America.
The charges of corruption laid by Coleman are also idiotic. Coleman charges that the business man Fawwaz Zureikat put £85,000 in Galloway's wive's bank account. There are also allegations that Ron McKay, Galloway's campaign manager recieved over £20,000, and $446,000 was funded into the Mariam Appeal the political campaign to draw attention to the sanctions against Iraq.
It is true that Zureikat was involved in the oil for food program, and he was also a contributer to the Mariam Appeal as was Galloway's wife and McKay. Many businessmen across the globe involve themselves in charities or political campaigns that they support. It is no unusual. These links are slim to say the least and do not justify another witchhunt by Norm Coleman and his like.



Display the following 21 comments

  1. No defence — Not George and glad of it
  2. Absence from the Commons — Antipholus Papps
  3. George needs people to defend him... — FTB
  4. realist —
  5. Or maybe... — FTB
  6. Personally... — DP
  7. No Solidarity Here — Memory-Hole-Catchers-Mitt
  8. Spot the reason — antichrist
  9. oh lovely — five rail
  10. Let's See The Evidence — Pilgrim
  11. Who's Norm Coleman? — Justin Fax
  12. To defend or not to defend? — M2
  13. Forget Galloway, defend Iraqis from the US hypocrites — Danny
  14. Galloway must be doing something right! — ALBERT
  15. Organised Smearing — Harry who?
  16. Tactically sound — RR
  17. Are you serious — confused about this posting
  18. Yes, defend Galloway — The Hammer
  19. what list is this? — student deliquent
  20. attacks on Galloway weaken the anti-war movement — Mr Spoon
  21. He can defend himself — Bonnie Clyde