Got Oil?
Me Thane | 08.11.2005 00:29
“President Bush acknowledged Sunday that he has more work to do to persuade Brazil of the value of a vast proposed free-trade zone for the Western Hemisphere,” reports ABC News. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has “got to be convinced, just like the people of America must be convinced, that a trade arrangement in our hemisphere is good for jobs, it’s good for the quality of life,” Bush said. Of course, the exact opposite is true and a lot of people in Brazil and elsewhere in Latin America realize it.
In Bushzarro world, neoliberal schemes to steal natural resources and reduce millions of people to slaves are portrayed as “good for jobs” (or jobs that pay 60 cents an hour or less) and “quality of life” (so long as the slaves don’t mind eking out a radically diminished existence in sprawling, crime-wracked barrios, spending half of their income on clean drinking water).
Bush and ABC News, of course, never mention facts. Even the World Bank, the neoliberal loan sharking institution now run by the neocon gangster Paul Wolfowitz, admits “that since the inauguration of NAFTA (1994-2000) the number of working people living below the poverty line [in Mexico] has risen to 36 million persons or 62% of the economically active population. Over this period the real minimum wage has fallen by 40.7%,” writes the political economist John W. Warnock. As a result, thousands of desperate Mexicans are streaming over the U.S. border in search of work and creating a crisis in border states from Texas to California.
Mexico, however, is unable to compete with the massive forced labor camp in China, where wages are one-fourth of Mexico’s. “China is doing nothing but embracing globalization,” explains NewsMax. In other words, the totalitarian state of China, where people are executed for complaining, is the preferred template for neolib planners and multinational corporations.
So much for communism and its promised paradise for the working class.
“The Chinese elites as well as the multinational corporations are the real winners of U.S.-China trade relations,” explains China Labor Watch. “For example, a typical article of clothing produced for one of the big multinational brands in a Chinese factory at a cost of $5 will be sold to the U.S. consumer for as much as $40. And the total compensation for the labor of the Chinese worker who made it will be less than 80 cents. For these reasons, it’s easy to understand why the multinationals are so eager to move orders and production lines to China.”
Bush’s “free trade zone” (or pirate zone for multinational corporations) “will give unequalled new rights to the transnational corporations of the hemisphere to compete for and even challenge every publicly funded service of its governments, including health care, education, social security, culture and environmental protection,” as Maude Barlow characterized the so-called Free Trade Area of the Americas in 2001. In other words, if Bush’s “trade bloc stretching from Alaska to Argentina,” as ABC terms it, is accepted and ratified, millions of people will be living in increased squalor and misery. But then, of course, that’s what the New World Order is all about—reducing billions of people to peonage and laboring away in abysmal conditions for 60 cents and hour (or less) on a huge multinational plantation. It is, however, a tenuous peonage eventually terminating in unemployment and abject poverty—and thus, eventually, reducing millions of people to the status of throw-away humans. Pierre Bourdieu writes of the “Darwinian world” of NWO neoliberalism:
The ultimate foundation of this entire economic order placed under the sign of freedom is in effect the structural violence of unemployment, of the insecurity of job tenure and the menace of layoff that it implies. The condition of the “harmonious” functioning of the individualist micro-economic model is a mass phenomenon, the existence of a reserve army of the unemployed.
Neoliberalism is a form of global feudalism controlled and run by corporate overlords who “manage” the “investments” of a tiny number of super-rich investors. In the neoliberal nightmare envisioned by the NWO planners, “[o]verall policies are to be set by non-elected, corporate-dominated commissions; the world’s economy, information and working conditions are to be managed directly by megacorps; governmental function is to shrink down to administrative matters and police-management of the populace,” writes Richard K. Moore. “All this to be enforced globally by an elite-dominated strike force built around the U.S. military and NATO.” As Moore sees it, the “American people, in their habitual credulity, are the most effectively mesmerized by the media mythology they are fed via television. America is a kind of ’safe house’ for NWO operations.”
In fact, America is not only a “safe house” for NWO operations, it is the final destination of rapacious neolib economic policies, a coup de grâce for what remains of liberty in America. Bush and his technocrats had their mock trial run in New Orleans—a fascistic experiment of “contractors” herding citizens into “evacuee” camps and taking away their guns—and the bogus bird flu “pandemic” may provide additional hands-on training exercises in totalitarian police state tactics.
Of course, these tactics will be necessary if the neolib controllers, working in tandem with multinational corporations under the aegis of “free trade” (unrestrained piracy), are to eventually realize their nightmarish vision of turning the planet into a global labor gulag where minerals are strip mined ruthlessly and entire rain forests “harvested” for the benefit of an infinitesimal number of super-rich vampires. When human life is thus degraded and considered of little intrinsic value, the unmistakable result will be mass extermination of the “useless eaters” created in the millions, as their labor will no longer be of value and in fact the mere existence of millions of unemployed and unemployable will be perceived as a dire threat by the NWO managers. Even in China, where the vanguard of neoliberalism flourishes, workers are beginning to revolt in increasing numbers. If there is hope for humanity, it is in the fact people eventually rebel against inhumane conditions, even against apparently insurmountable odds.
In Bushzarro world, neoliberal schemes to steal natural resources and reduce millions of people to slaves are portrayed as “good for jobs” (or jobs that pay 60 cents an hour or less) and “quality of life” (so long as the slaves don’t mind eking out a radically diminished existence in sprawling, crime-wracked barrios, spending half of their income on clean drinking water).
Bush and ABC News, of course, never mention facts. Even the World Bank, the neoliberal loan sharking institution now run by the neocon gangster Paul Wolfowitz, admits “that since the inauguration of NAFTA (1994-2000) the number of working people living below the poverty line [in Mexico] has risen to 36 million persons or 62% of the economically active population. Over this period the real minimum wage has fallen by 40.7%,” writes the political economist John W. Warnock. As a result, thousands of desperate Mexicans are streaming over the U.S. border in search of work and creating a crisis in border states from Texas to California.
Mexico, however, is unable to compete with the massive forced labor camp in China, where wages are one-fourth of Mexico’s. “China is doing nothing but embracing globalization,” explains NewsMax. In other words, the totalitarian state of China, where people are executed for complaining, is the preferred template for neolib planners and multinational corporations.
So much for communism and its promised paradise for the working class.
“The Chinese elites as well as the multinational corporations are the real winners of U.S.-China trade relations,” explains China Labor Watch. “For example, a typical article of clothing produced for one of the big multinational brands in a Chinese factory at a cost of $5 will be sold to the U.S. consumer for as much as $40. And the total compensation for the labor of the Chinese worker who made it will be less than 80 cents. For these reasons, it’s easy to understand why the multinationals are so eager to move orders and production lines to China.”
Bush’s “free trade zone” (or pirate zone for multinational corporations) “will give unequalled new rights to the transnational corporations of the hemisphere to compete for and even challenge every publicly funded service of its governments, including health care, education, social security, culture and environmental protection,” as Maude Barlow characterized the so-called Free Trade Area of the Americas in 2001. In other words, if Bush’s “trade bloc stretching from Alaska to Argentina,” as ABC terms it, is accepted and ratified, millions of people will be living in increased squalor and misery. But then, of course, that’s what the New World Order is all about—reducing billions of people to peonage and laboring away in abysmal conditions for 60 cents and hour (or less) on a huge multinational plantation. It is, however, a tenuous peonage eventually terminating in unemployment and abject poverty—and thus, eventually, reducing millions of people to the status of throw-away humans. Pierre Bourdieu writes of the “Darwinian world” of NWO neoliberalism:
The ultimate foundation of this entire economic order placed under the sign of freedom is in effect the structural violence of unemployment, of the insecurity of job tenure and the menace of layoff that it implies. The condition of the “harmonious” functioning of the individualist micro-economic model is a mass phenomenon, the existence of a reserve army of the unemployed.
Neoliberalism is a form of global feudalism controlled and run by corporate overlords who “manage” the “investments” of a tiny number of super-rich investors. In the neoliberal nightmare envisioned by the NWO planners, “[o]verall policies are to be set by non-elected, corporate-dominated commissions; the world’s economy, information and working conditions are to be managed directly by megacorps; governmental function is to shrink down to administrative matters and police-management of the populace,” writes Richard K. Moore. “All this to be enforced globally by an elite-dominated strike force built around the U.S. military and NATO.” As Moore sees it, the “American people, in their habitual credulity, are the most effectively mesmerized by the media mythology they are fed via television. America is a kind of ’safe house’ for NWO operations.”
In fact, America is not only a “safe house” for NWO operations, it is the final destination of rapacious neolib economic policies, a coup de grâce for what remains of liberty in America. Bush and his technocrats had their mock trial run in New Orleans—a fascistic experiment of “contractors” herding citizens into “evacuee” camps and taking away their guns—and the bogus bird flu “pandemic” may provide additional hands-on training exercises in totalitarian police state tactics.
Of course, these tactics will be necessary if the neolib controllers, working in tandem with multinational corporations under the aegis of “free trade” (unrestrained piracy), are to eventually realize their nightmarish vision of turning the planet into a global labor gulag where minerals are strip mined ruthlessly and entire rain forests “harvested” for the benefit of an infinitesimal number of super-rich vampires. When human life is thus degraded and considered of little intrinsic value, the unmistakable result will be mass extermination of the “useless eaters” created in the millions, as their labor will no longer be of value and in fact the mere existence of millions of unemployed and unemployable will be perceived as a dire threat by the NWO managers. Even in China, where the vanguard of neoliberalism flourishes, workers are beginning to revolt in increasing numbers. If there is hope for humanity, it is in the fact people eventually rebel against inhumane conditions, even against apparently insurmountable odds.

Me Thane