The impartiality of BBC is threaten by David and Goliath Review
Susan Levi | 07.11.2005 18:41 | Repression
The BBC is finally crumbling under the relentless pressure of the Israeli propaganda machine. It has been coerced into a review of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. How can the occupied people of Palestine be fairly represented ?, please help redress this imbalance and take action for the freedom of the press, the BBC and the people of Palestine.
BBC review on bias in the media
The BBC Governors have commissioned an "impartiality review" of the "Israeli-Palestinian conflict". These terms in themselves are loaded. How is it desirable to be impartial towards a brutal illegal occupation? Where does the morality lie in treating oppressor and oppressed alike? Referring
to the situation as a conflict between two parties as if they were equal, is likewise misleading. The BBC has been dragooned into this exercise by massive pressure from the Zionist lobby. This does not bode well for freedom of the press or the occupied Palestinian people.
The list of organisations which the panel intends to contact include the Israeli PR company, BICOM, a multi-million pound propaganda machine, along with Conservative Friends of Israel, and the Chief Rabbi: against which
are set organisations such as Arab Media Watch, The Palestinian Solidarity campaign and CAABU with nothing like the resources available to the pro-Israel lobby. This imbalance itself reflects the David and Goliath relationship between Israel and the oppressed Palestinians and the self-defeating nature of an inquiry set up under such false premises, where bias and self-censorship masquerade as impartiality.
Therefore, it is vital that all concerned individuals re dress the imbalance and write or email the enquiry to make sure the Palestinian case is made.
Also try to get hold a copy of the book "Bad News from Israel" by Greg Philo
and Mike Berry.
The closing date for receiving responses is 5pm, Friday, November 25th, 2005.
Please write to:
Israeli-Palestinian Impartiality Review,
BBC Governance Unit,
Room 211, 35 Marylebone High Street,
London W1U 4AA
Or send an email to:
For full details of the terms of reference, panel biographies,
commissioned research and other background information, please go to:
Thank you for your support.
The BBC Governors have commissioned an "impartiality review" of the "Israeli-Palestinian conflict". These terms in themselves are loaded. How is it desirable to be impartial towards a brutal illegal occupation? Where does the morality lie in treating oppressor and oppressed alike? Referring
to the situation as a conflict between two parties as if they were equal, is likewise misleading. The BBC has been dragooned into this exercise by massive pressure from the Zionist lobby. This does not bode well for freedom of the press or the occupied Palestinian people.
The list of organisations which the panel intends to contact include the Israeli PR company, BICOM, a multi-million pound propaganda machine, along with Conservative Friends of Israel, and the Chief Rabbi: against which
are set organisations such as Arab Media Watch, The Palestinian Solidarity campaign and CAABU with nothing like the resources available to the pro-Israel lobby. This imbalance itself reflects the David and Goliath relationship between Israel and the oppressed Palestinians and the self-defeating nature of an inquiry set up under such false premises, where bias and self-censorship masquerade as impartiality.
Therefore, it is vital that all concerned individuals re dress the imbalance and write or email the enquiry to make sure the Palestinian case is made.
Also try to get hold a copy of the book "Bad News from Israel" by Greg Philo
and Mike Berry.
The closing date for receiving responses is 5pm, Friday, November 25th, 2005.
Please write to:
Israeli-Palestinian Impartiality Review,
BBC Governance Unit,
Room 211, 35 Marylebone High Street,
London W1U 4AA
Or send an email to:

For full details of the terms of reference, panel biographies,
commissioned research and other background information, please go to:

Thank you for your support.
Susan Levi