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Staggering extent of council homes sell off revealed by Islington IWCA

Islington IWCA | 07.11.2005 09:21 | Social Struggles | London

We're now well-used to seeing council estates sold off either to Housing Associations, ALMOS or private interests, but a lesser-known side of the great council homes rip-off has been exposed by Islington IWCA.

AS THOUSANDS languish on housing waiting lists, the IWCA reveals the scandal of council homes auctioned to developers.
The council’s housing strategy drawn-up by Islington’s Lib Dem councillors places the aim of “increasing the supply of affordable housing” centre stage.
And yet, the IWCA can reveal that Cllrs have been flogging-off scores of desirable council-owned street properties to the highest bidder at auction.
These include a high number of six, five and four bedroom properties.
With around 14,000 in the borough on housing waiting lists and average prices for one and four bedroom properties weighing in at £185,000 and £410,000 respectively, affordable housing is in urgent demand.
In October Adam Sampson, director of the housing charity Shelter, described the level of overcrowding in Islington as “Dickensian”.
According to the Shelter report around 8,000 familieis in the borough are living in overcrowded conditions – the third worst level in the country.
In more than a quarter of these homes, children are forced to sleep in lounges, kitchens or dingy rooms, rather than bedrooms.
And in three-quarters, at least one child shares a bedroom with their parent, or parents.
Despite this, the Lib Dems have continued to pursue a policy of selling our homes, your homes to the highest yuppie bidder.
Any surprise then that your families’ chances of being rehoused are actually decreasing by the week.
IWCA Spokesperson, Gary O’Shea, who was himself evicted from one of the properties that was subsequently auctioned by the council said:
“At the end of the day, the Liberals can dress it up however they like, but the fact is that working class people are being ‘socially cleansed’ from Islington.
“How else do they describe a process that sees working class people thrown out of their homes and the property auctioned-off to wealthy middle class settlers?”

Islington IWCA
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Lambeth lost £3 million

07.11.2005 12:53

Councils ( and the main politicalparties) thrive of nepotism, being bent,arrogant etc.- they attract property dealers and their scum relations. Take for instance Lambeth Council

Quote fromLambeth Council:-

"This case is extremely unusual because we have very robust procedures to combat fraud and it is highly surprising Mr Bascombe thought he would remain undiscovered....
Our actions in this case should underline the council's determination to stamp out fraud at whatever level and to implement the highest standards of monitoring against corruption."

Lambeth Councillor Keith Fitchett in Epping Forest Guardian 2/1/2003 speaking after a housing manager was found guilty of nicking nearly £50,000 from the council.

Fast forward to 2005:- around the time Mr.Fitchett, Executive Member for Housing, was buying cheap Lambeth Council housing stock at auction (surely some conflict of interest there),another employee managed to get away with a further £3 MILLION worth of cheques from the council. Instead of calling the police Lambeth sacked the fraudster who since disappeared.

Lambeth's Labour opposition called for housing councillor Keith Fitchett to resign in the wake of the fraud scandal.

Cllr Fitchett said in the South London Press that all councils were exposed to the risk of fraud: "The fact is, any large organisation is vulnerable to inside fraud."

right Keith.....Just to reiterate - those fuckers were selling off housing stock and getting it t knock down pricesat auction! Speaking of knock down eh Mr Prescott and pals. How do we get spocial housing? By knocking down lots of housing and giving money to greedy property developers. ( See also hospitals and schools)

Spin aside it is amazing how anybody votes for these crooks ( never underestimate the stupidity,cowardice and greed of the English and their MARKET SOLUTIONS rhetoric! ) - PFI and PPP (check the Olympic games - that is more about property development than sport ).
