Proof that Bush and the Neo-Cons are Vatican operatives
Seven Star Hand | 06.11.2005 21:44 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles | London
Humanity's long nightmare has one underlying cause. The existence and requirement of money and the widespread greed, falsehood and injustice that it directly causes. The only way to end this world's widespread and persistent suffering is to end the existence of money and to replace it with wisdom and compassion.
Money: The greatest lie ever told
Understanding the Vatican’s true nature by their handling of the concept of Money
NOTE: Though this article references and relies on the mentioned book, it's purpose is to deliver long awaited truth and wisdom, not to make money from book sales. The ebook is a free download and the paperback is sold at cost, with 0% profit and 0% income to the author. The nature of the problems addressed and the quantity and nature of the knowledge necessary to solve them requires a fully researched book made freely and widely available.
Now there is verifiable proof that:
-The world economic system is a purposeful deception managed by the Vatican and its primary secret-society cohorts
-The entire world's financial system is purposely designed to create poverty and suffering to drive the masses to accept deceptive leaders who rule using money, religion and politics.
-All of the world's currencies and economies are deceptive math and logic traps, thereby proving that their true purpose is world-wide enslavement and mass exploitation, exactly like religion and politics.
-The Vatican only pretends to be a religious organization and is in fact the secret capitol of the New World Order and the driving force behind all the evils of globalism and imperialism.
-The Vatican has always knowingly lied about the true source and purpose of Christianity and their secret control of both Judaism and Islam.
-The Vatican is the hidden source of world-wide terrorism and blatantly lies about almost everything to hide its true nature and function.
The following book excerpts are from Revelations from the Apocalypse - Volume One: Here is Wisdom by Lawrence W. Page II (aka Seven Star Hand)
...Chapter 2: Page 82
"When reading the various discussions about how to end poverty and solving the world’s money and resource problems, most people focus on how to change the nature of, or the availability of money. Very few ever consider that the problem is not how much money you have or don’t have, nor is it related to the type of money you use. In fact, it is easily demonstrated that one of the root causes of our entire civilization’s never-ending and great struggles is that we are using money at all. Furthermore, if money were simply eliminated and we instead cooperated with each other and turned away from the evil cabals that control all money (read: the Vatican and their international banking deceptions) then, and only then, will all of this never-ending struggle and blatant evil finally subside.
Unknown to almost everyone, the Vatican is the secret ruler of Planet Earth. They are also the secret central bank that sits behind several layers of deception and manipulates the world’s financial systems. They are the hidden controllers of those who control national and international banking and economies. All national debts exist because of the Vatican’s manipulations, and all national debts ultimately enrich the Vatican and its primary cohorts. If you ever wondered how this cadre of child rapists can still compel leaders of powerful nations to kiss the Pope’s ring, just consider how much power you would wield if every nation in the world were deeply indebted to the cabals you controlled. The Vatican is the secretive and shadowy remnant of, and successor to, the priesthood of ancient Babylon that created money, banking, and credit (usury) many thousands of years ago. They continued intact through the Persian, Greek, and Roman Empires to become the Vatican of today. "
...Chapter 2: Page 84
"Take a moment to contemplate how money causes everything in life to be insanely more complex and consequently, exponentially more difficult than is necessary. Money and the many layers of systems that accompany its requirement and side effects have insinuated themselves into everything we do in life. Consider the bureaucracies that simply would not exist without the need to manage myriad laws and rules that only exist because of the purposely-imposed complexity that accompanies the requirement of money. Consider the vast amounts of paperwork and wasted energy and resources that would be eliminated along with the elimination of money. Consider the laws, taxes, insurance, copyrights, patents, banks, banking, credit, many forms of money, accounting, advertising, sales, security, legalities, litigation, and the massive redundancies associated with myriad organizations doing the same work and seeking profits while keeping the results secret and/or proprietary. Think of all the trees that die, the pollution pumped into the air and water, the natural systems that suffer, and the massive destruction of nature and humanity that occur because of the need to feed the never ending drive to grow markets, economies, corporations, and bureaucracies. Without the need to compete for money and customers, things could get done right the first time and there would be no need to constantly reproduce and throw away shoddy, short-lived products. Without the need to protect intellectual property, trade secrets, discoveries, techniques, and technologies all knowledge and wisdom could be freely shared thereby raising the quality of life for everyone, everywhere, and eliminating myriad layers of massive redundancy and waste. Without the wasted human effort that accompanies the existence of money, it would be simple to meet the needs of every single person on the planet with a fraction of the energies and resources currently expended. By redirecting the lives and intellects now consumed by the need to satisfy the appetite of the almighty dollar (and all currencies), we could solve all of humanity's persistent problems in less than one decade. With a mere fraction of the labor, energy, and resources now wasted serving voracious greed, money, commerce, and competition, we could easily create a true paradise."
Continued in Chapter 2 of the free E-book at the referenced url.
Understanding the Vatican’s true nature by their handling of the concept of Money
NOTE: Though this article references and relies on the mentioned book, it's purpose is to deliver long awaited truth and wisdom, not to make money from book sales. The ebook is a free download and the paperback is sold at cost, with 0% profit and 0% income to the author. The nature of the problems addressed and the quantity and nature of the knowledge necessary to solve them requires a fully researched book made freely and widely available.
Now there is verifiable proof that:
-The world economic system is a purposeful deception managed by the Vatican and its primary secret-society cohorts
-The entire world's financial system is purposely designed to create poverty and suffering to drive the masses to accept deceptive leaders who rule using money, religion and politics.
-All of the world's currencies and economies are deceptive math and logic traps, thereby proving that their true purpose is world-wide enslavement and mass exploitation, exactly like religion and politics.
-The Vatican only pretends to be a religious organization and is in fact the secret capitol of the New World Order and the driving force behind all the evils of globalism and imperialism.
-The Vatican has always knowingly lied about the true source and purpose of Christianity and their secret control of both Judaism and Islam.
-The Vatican is the hidden source of world-wide terrorism and blatantly lies about almost everything to hide its true nature and function.
The following book excerpts are from Revelations from the Apocalypse - Volume One: Here is Wisdom by Lawrence W. Page II (aka Seven Star Hand)
...Chapter 2: Page 82
"When reading the various discussions about how to end poverty and solving the world’s money and resource problems, most people focus on how to change the nature of, or the availability of money. Very few ever consider that the problem is not how much money you have or don’t have, nor is it related to the type of money you use. In fact, it is easily demonstrated that one of the root causes of our entire civilization’s never-ending and great struggles is that we are using money at all. Furthermore, if money were simply eliminated and we instead cooperated with each other and turned away from the evil cabals that control all money (read: the Vatican and their international banking deceptions) then, and only then, will all of this never-ending struggle and blatant evil finally subside.
Unknown to almost everyone, the Vatican is the secret ruler of Planet Earth. They are also the secret central bank that sits behind several layers of deception and manipulates the world’s financial systems. They are the hidden controllers of those who control national and international banking and economies. All national debts exist because of the Vatican’s manipulations, and all national debts ultimately enrich the Vatican and its primary cohorts. If you ever wondered how this cadre of child rapists can still compel leaders of powerful nations to kiss the Pope’s ring, just consider how much power you would wield if every nation in the world were deeply indebted to the cabals you controlled. The Vatican is the secretive and shadowy remnant of, and successor to, the priesthood of ancient Babylon that created money, banking, and credit (usury) many thousands of years ago. They continued intact through the Persian, Greek, and Roman Empires to become the Vatican of today. "
...Chapter 2: Page 84
"Take a moment to contemplate how money causes everything in life to be insanely more complex and consequently, exponentially more difficult than is necessary. Money and the many layers of systems that accompany its requirement and side effects have insinuated themselves into everything we do in life. Consider the bureaucracies that simply would not exist without the need to manage myriad laws and rules that only exist because of the purposely-imposed complexity that accompanies the requirement of money. Consider the vast amounts of paperwork and wasted energy and resources that would be eliminated along with the elimination of money. Consider the laws, taxes, insurance, copyrights, patents, banks, banking, credit, many forms of money, accounting, advertising, sales, security, legalities, litigation, and the massive redundancies associated with myriad organizations doing the same work and seeking profits while keeping the results secret and/or proprietary. Think of all the trees that die, the pollution pumped into the air and water, the natural systems that suffer, and the massive destruction of nature and humanity that occur because of the need to feed the never ending drive to grow markets, economies, corporations, and bureaucracies. Without the need to compete for money and customers, things could get done right the first time and there would be no need to constantly reproduce and throw away shoddy, short-lived products. Without the need to protect intellectual property, trade secrets, discoveries, techniques, and technologies all knowledge and wisdom could be freely shared thereby raising the quality of life for everyone, everywhere, and eliminating myriad layers of massive redundancy and waste. Without the wasted human effort that accompanies the existence of money, it would be simple to meet the needs of every single person on the planet with a fraction of the energies and resources currently expended. By redirecting the lives and intellects now consumed by the need to satisfy the appetite of the almighty dollar (and all currencies), we could solve all of humanity's persistent problems in less than one decade. With a mere fraction of the labor, energy, and resources now wasted serving voracious greed, money, commerce, and competition, we could easily create a true paradise."
Continued in Chapter 2 of the free E-book at the referenced url.
Seven Star Hand
Hide the following 13 comments
06.11.2005 22:11
Oh Aye?
06.11.2005 23:23
The Council for National Policy & the Christian Reich
07.11.2005 00:31
Babylon is Falling
Open Letter to President G.W. Bush and the Council for National Policy:
You People would have us think that democracy needs to be rescued from the state, but in the interest of the oppressed multitudes, as history can testify, democracy needs to be rescued from theocracy. What has changed in the last two thousand years?
You People hide behind a veil while you chip away at the wall separating church and state. This is why You People gather in some secret “holy place” three times yearly, to devise plans – not to educate the public as a 501 (c) 3 charity.
Your Mother is Babylon. She is a tax shelter. She is a shelter of serpents and the mighty merchants of the Earth. This is why You People keep that Old Whore on life-support.
Through censorship, humiliation, threats of libel, or fear of crucifixion, You People hold back the publicity that would tie a millstone around Her neck and cast Her into Hell. What has changed in the last two thousand years?
To be mightier than the sword, the pen must be mightier than the blue pencil. This is why prophets write riddles, and false prophets like You People at the Council for National Policy are unable to interpret them.
Given the right incentive, You People will back down from your religiously disguised tyranny without raising the sword. Moreover, without raising the sword, the right incentive will appear to You People.
You People cannot come forward and defend your Mother in court, and thereby incriminate yourselves before the world, without a constitutional amendment to protect your sorry souls from judgment.
Libel, from Latin libellus “little book”
yezbok drahcir
The Real World anyone?
07.11.2005 02:16
Hahahaha... is this a joke? Remove all incentive to do anything and it'll all be done right first time? How will that work then? Anyone who really believes this is not living in the real world.
> there would be no need to constantly reproduce and throw away shoddy, short-lived products.
Nope, instead we'd have shoddy long-lived products because there'd be no need or desire for anyone to replace them with anything better!
>Without the need to protect intellectual property, trade secrets, discoveries, techniques, and
>technologies all knowledge and wisdom could be freely shared thereby raising the quality of life for
>everyone, everywhere
Put the spliff down, lets have a group hug shall we?
Seriously, much as I deplore the actions of large multinational corporations and our repressive puppet governments, this naive recycled hippy BS is not going to get anyone anywhere.
It sure ain't the Pope!
07.11.2005 05:18
Ariel Sharon
Here's a hint, just ask the Neocon architects: Wolfowitz, Libby, Feith, and Perle. They'll tell you
(or ask Murdoch)
As you say St. Paul, as you wish, polute Christs words with hopelessness as you'
07.11.2005 07:32
As you say St. Paul...
Or should I say St. Saul? As you wish. Pollute Christ's intelligence with words of hopelessness as you always have.
Your words have been around for how long? What is getting worse? Your Power to be heard? Your lack of control? Your lack of communication? Tell me...
From what closet comest thou?
We must be spiritual, and not fear our inner or outer secrets.
From what closet comest thou? Of what faith???
Nice try. Try again. Refine my thinking for me...
`Saints All' - I like that!
~yezbok the queer
07.11.2005 09:23
But actually Paul, there are more and better incentives in life than keeping wage slaves in sackcloth and ashes. Cashless socities have proven that the need for cooperation is enough to ensure that things get done. You organise agriculture or you starve; you manage your excrement or typhus and dysentry brake out; you organise civil defence or you get robbed. You don't really need the concept of money to get that done because we have been doing before money was there.
Built in obselesence is a real problem. It's wasteful and it's also a licence to increase hidden costs and increase what they call in marketing The Total Cost of Ownership. One prime example is cars. Once upon a time when you needed your car serviced, you could do it yourself. Increasingly, this is becoming impossible. Not only are we seeing regression through an increase in proprietory parts, but also an increase in the need to access car copyrighted computer software to do anything more complex that filling the screen wash bottle. A job you could have done yourself for free turns into a £50 job that requires you to drive to a service centre. Is that really progress? Are we heading to a stage where it will be 100% illegal to service your own vehicle?
Of course, there is a case to made for advancing technology. But there is also a case to be made for making the progress in line with open standards. Personal Computers are a better example technological process operating under a framework of open standards. Someone brings out a new harddrive, graphics card etc, it has to be abe to slot into the existing motherboards, or a new standard for new boards has to be agreed.
We are plummeting fast to a state of total disposability of electrical goods. You can now buy a DVD player for less than £30. VCRs when they came out were expensive and remained so for a long time. Is this really progress, or is it down to the fact that more manufacturing is being done at cheaper-than-slave-labour prices in the 3rd World?
Persoanlly, I think there is a lot to be said imposing regulations on technology to ensure it doesn't get abused to beneift the rich and to ensure that resouces aren't wasted and the environment isn't needlessly ravaged, again to ultimately benefit the rich.
No money, eh?
07.11.2005 12:10
If I understand your argument correctly, you are taking the adage "Property is theft" to extremes. You seem to want to abolish all standing ownership and chattel laws - physical or intellectual - as well as disposing of the quantifiable barter good we call money. Without the ability to own anything, why should anyone make anything? And where do you draw the line between "co-operation" and theft?
How, in your new utopian society, do you propose to distinguish between highly skilled, necessary and difficult jobs (like doctors) and easy jobs in the service industry (barmen, say)? Call me crazy, but if we're all getting paid the same - nothing - I take the barman's job every day. Or, since I won't have any beer to sell, unemployment beckons.
Consider also the effect on the youth of the nation: with no incentive to aim for a decent career, no social structure idolising the learned, and - more to the point - no teachers, do you really expect them all to go home and continue their studies in their private libraries and on the internet? (Assuming their computer hasn't already been "co-operated" by a passer-by)
So, no doctors, no emergency services (no hazard pay), no learning, a generation of uneducated savages roaming the streets, helping themselves to the rotting candy in the smashed shops, whilst the chaotic fight for survival leads people to hijack weapons to defend their family and their meagre stocks of food. Farms have shut down all production except that which they need to support the farmer's family.
Nice civilization you've got there. Think I'll find a boat captain and see if my new uzi will persuade him to be co-operative enough to take me to a more organised society. Like Somalia.
Please leave Indymedia
07.11.2005 18:31
Money doesn't hold everything together. (Literal-)Fascism doesn't rule the world.
Just please don't post until you've questioned, honestly & thoroughly, your own views.
07.11.2005 19:28
"Just please don't post until you've questioned, honestly & thoroughly, your own views."
Have You?
07.11.2005 20:02
Sorry, who are you suggesting is the ranter? The clearly unhinged fellow who wrote the post? The ones who pointed out the flaws in his crappy argument? The folk who took them to task? The ones who riposted?
Troll noise
08.11.2005 01:45
There is too much of this troll noise on the newswire.
09.11.2005 23:41