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scotland anti-roads | 02.11.2005 11:51 | Ecology

We really really need your help.

A protest site has been set up to defend another beautiful woodland from unnessecary destruction. It is in its very early stages and we need help urgently. The road is high priority and the trees are contracted to be felled in the next two weeks. We are building defences now but we need more bodies.

A site phone number will be put up soon but at the moment if you would like to come to site to help then make your way to Bilston Glen Anti Bypass Protest Site (they are only four miles apart) as there is a van going between the two sites on a daily basis.

For directions see


Dalkeith Park is situated between the town of Dalkeith and the A1. The Park is part of the Edinburgh Green Belt. .

It is a well-used amenity, easily accessed by foot, cycle, car or bus. Use of the park has increased steadily over the years and it now attracts more than 50,000 visitors annually. An area of outstanding natural beauty, it is a popular retreat for wildlife enthusiasts, cyclists, fishermen, horse-riders, orienteering groups and walkers.

This ‘little piece of heaven’ was obtained by our Scottish Executive under a ‘compulsory purchase’ so that they can build a bypass right through it!

The Park is a haven for wildlife including brown hare, roe deer, foxes, heron, buzzards, goshawks, otters, badgers and kingfishers to name but a few.
In fact the River Esk Valley is a listed wildlife site.

The Dalkeith Park is a unique asset to the area and should be preserved as part of our natural heritage for the enjoyment of future generations.

The proposed bypass will cost in the region of £30m to £40m.

For more information check out the local campaign's website:

scotland anti-roads


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Dalkeith Site: Anti-A68 Bypass

04.11.2005 11:28

This is going to be a very interesting protest! The land is already compulsary purchased, and Midlothian Council is likely to jump on this site very quickly.
However, for several reasons this site needs to be done as a proper tree-sit. The flora and fauna on the ground are of a very high quality, and too much movement on the ground will undoubtablely destroy this fragile eco-system. The trees are well-established ex-plantation pines (commercial thinning has occurred in the past) and are spread 10 to 15 feet apart from each other.
Dalkeith really needs some competent climbers, tree dwellers and builders. Structures will need to be suspended (such as sky-rafts). All living is off the ground and requires taping or prusiking to reach, so come prepared with full kit for such activities.
