Film @ Dancehouse A letter to the Prime Minister : Jo Wilding's Diary from Iraq
imc | 02.11.2005 07:42
Film - A letter to the Prime Minister : Jo Wilding's Diary from Iraq
Jo Wilding's remarkable journey from forming a children's circus in Iraq to travelling into Falluja, when even Al Jazeera had left, to stand alongside civilians trapped and targeted by US Forces.
Jo Wilding's remarkable journey from forming a children's circus in Iraq to travelling into Falluja, when even Al Jazeera had left, to stand alongside civilians trapped and targeted by US Forces.
Indymedia Film Night - Sunday 13th Nov
The Dancehouse, Oxford Rd
free / donation - 7 pm door
Summary -
Film - A letter to the Prime Minister : Jo Wilding's Diary from Iraq
Jo Wilding's remarkable journey from forming a children's circus in Iraq to travelling into Falluja, when even Al Jazeera had left, to stand alongside civilians trapped and targeted by US Forces.
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Speaker - Iraqi Humanitarian Aid worker will speak about current situation in
beseiged cities around Iraq including Falluja.
Speaker– Iraqi workers, particularly the oil workers, are overwhelmingly opposed to any plans to privatise their country's oil industry.
Film - 'Caught in the Crossfire' about the second seige of Falluja and its
aftermath by Mark Manning. 18 mins
Film and speaker- Id Cards Special - What would they mean?
Films, animations and information about ID. from Defy Id.
more info
Further details -
We will examine the clear and unforgivable crimes of UK/ US policy with regards to Iraq and then try to develop ideas and strategies for practical solidarity and aid for people in Iraq right now.
Many people in the UK have stopped mobilising around the mantra of “Troops Out”. This could be a result of a general disillusionment with marches and protests which to this date have failed to change British foreign policy. The occupation continues, the troops are still not home. However there are other ways we can work to help Iraqi people rebuild their lives and resist the corporate take over of their country.
In the past, Iraqi people have fought hard to make sure they see some of the benefits of the country's oil industry. Since 1958 the oil industry has been publicly owned. Right now the there are trade unions in Iraq working to prevent the US-UK occupiers from effectively selling off Iraq’s key resource to foreign private companies. Ewa Jasiewicz from Iraq Occupation Focus will let us know more about what's happening.
Our key speaker of the night however, is an Iraqi Humanitarian Aid worker who has first hand experience of exactly how the invasion of Iraq has effected the Medical services and has destroyed essential basic services. Her insights can amount to a clear call for us to work with Iraqi people and Organisations to rebuild services independently.
We can't turn back the clock and stop the invasion of Iraq. But we can make a difference. We hope this night will inspire you to re-ignite your revolt as well as re-boot your energy to try to stop the “oil thieves” and help the innocent victims of their conflict.
The Dancehouse, Oxford Rd
free / donation - 7 pm door
Summary -
Film - A letter to the Prime Minister : Jo Wilding's Diary from Iraq
Jo Wilding's remarkable journey from forming a children's circus in Iraq to travelling into Falluja, when even Al Jazeera had left, to stand alongside civilians trapped and targeted by US Forces.
more info -

Speaker - Iraqi Humanitarian Aid worker will speak about current situation in
beseiged cities around Iraq including Falluja.
Speaker– Iraqi workers, particularly the oil workers, are overwhelmingly opposed to any plans to privatise their country's oil industry.
Film - 'Caught in the Crossfire' about the second seige of Falluja and its
aftermath by Mark Manning. 18 mins
Film and speaker- Id Cards Special - What would they mean?
Films, animations and information about ID. from Defy Id.
more info

Further details -
We will examine the clear and unforgivable crimes of UK/ US policy with regards to Iraq and then try to develop ideas and strategies for practical solidarity and aid for people in Iraq right now.
Many people in the UK have stopped mobilising around the mantra of “Troops Out”. This could be a result of a general disillusionment with marches and protests which to this date have failed to change British foreign policy. The occupation continues, the troops are still not home. However there are other ways we can work to help Iraqi people rebuild their lives and resist the corporate take over of their country.
In the past, Iraqi people have fought hard to make sure they see some of the benefits of the country's oil industry. Since 1958 the oil industry has been publicly owned. Right now the there are trade unions in Iraq working to prevent the US-UK occupiers from effectively selling off Iraq’s key resource to foreign private companies. Ewa Jasiewicz from Iraq Occupation Focus will let us know more about what's happening.
Our key speaker of the night however, is an Iraqi Humanitarian Aid worker who has first hand experience of exactly how the invasion of Iraq has effected the Medical services and has destroyed essential basic services. Her insights can amount to a clear call for us to work with Iraqi people and Organisations to rebuild services independently.
We can't turn back the clock and stop the invasion of Iraq. But we can make a difference. We hope this night will inspire you to re-ignite your revolt as well as re-boot your energy to try to stop the “oil thieves” and help the innocent victims of their conflict.