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Anarchist Bookfair October 2005

David Pegg | 01.11.2005 17:12 | Social Struggles | Birmingham | London

What happened at the Anarchist Bookfair ? Why was David Shayler allowed to speak?

The anarchist bookfair in London on 22nd October 2005 was effectively raided by David Shayler/Anne Machon - at the last minute (about 5pm on the day) a room was booked by the somewhat vocal/goon-squad 9/11 Society - and this at an anarchist event. The how and why we still don't know - how was Shayler able to get away with this? Was it a well organised assault on an annual Anarchist event? Why was he given the time of day?

People from Notes from the Borderland, who had a busy stall at the Bookfair, challenged him at the impromptu meeting, particularly questioing him about his infamous past - er, spying on British anarchist groups.Anne Machon, when questioned about her two years' time spent spying on the SWP, denied knowledge of any detail.

Further research is needed to ascertain how they got away with this meeting, who permitted it etc and exactly who are the goon squad - numbering up to ten people - who accompanied him, shouting down any criticism and even physically intimidating Shayler critics. The goon squad were giving out leaflets on behalf of the website and held an event the following day on 23rd October in Leytonstone, where further 9/11 conspiraloon crap was propagated.

In the meantime, those sceptical of the former spook Shayler can do no better than visit where details of the new DVD are available - it's film of the London June 2005 debate where Shayler was taken on/cross-examined by arch critic and NFB Editor DR Larry O'Hara. The DVD makes an excellent Xmas present.

David Pegg
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Makes a change from bath salts I suppose...

01.11.2005 18:08

"it's film of the London June 2005 debate where Shayler was taken on/cross-examined by arch critic and NFB Editor DR Larry O'Hara. The DVD makes an excellent Xmas present."

I'm sure great aunt Ethel would be overjoyed...

Sanity Clause

You think they messed about over there, look what the eejits are up to over here

01.11.2005 21:33

here's classic one for you

somebody tries to set up a Irish 911 truth group, he books a room in Cork Uni for a talk

he invites Shayler then goes to the admin and says they need security because he may be assasinated by the british state!!!

result the college denies them the room for security reasons...

the conspiracy evolves... dum dum dum!!

commence whining


shayler loonery

02.11.2005 13:53

yeah typical shayler tomfoolery n loonery - his fetishisation of 9/11 is worrying and no doubt done for very cynical reasons - the so-called assassination attempts on shayler are legion and groundless but are meant to build him up as some sort of radical, which he aint. he still gets info off spooks - thats the least that can be said of his current relationship with MI5 - and his pal Swallowtail (an existing spy who leaks stuff to Shayler) is referenced all over his/Machon's book. The ex-spook is certainly no danger to the secret state.
