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Brian Eno and Rachid Taha at Astoria for Stop the War

David Wilson | 01.11.2005 16:39 | Culture | London

Brian Eno and Stop the War Coalition are organising a gig at the Astoria, Charing X Road, London on Sunday 27 November, featuring Rachid Taha, Brian himself, Nitin Sawhney and Imogen Heap. See for further details.

Brian Eno and Stop the War Coalition are organising a gig at the Astoria, Charing X Road, London on Sunday 27 November, featuring Rachid Taha, Brian himself, Nitin Sawhney and Imogen Heap. Money raised will be used to support Rose Gentle and the Military Families Against the War in their legal campaign to call Tony Blair to account over the legality of the war in Iraq and help with the organisation of the International Peace Conference to be held in London on 10 December. See for further details.

David Wilson
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Fundraising event

02.11.2005 01:50

Fundraising - Brian Eno and Co. - Sounds good.
Good to support MFAW and a "so called " International Peace Conference" (December 10th). Good, BUT.....................
Will it be an international Peace Conference or a Interpolitics SWPees Conference??

Synical Sid


02.11.2005 21:17

shame it's at the dodgy astoria. More money for that wankers' empire.

dodgy fiddler