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Justice for Cleaners rally at Deutsche Bank, London

transmitter | 01.11.2005 12:43 | Workers' Movements | London

There is a "Justice For Cleaners" Rally at the Deutsche Bank headquarters in London tomorrow, November 2nd. Especially interesting for precaria@s...

FYI, please distribute. en solidaridad, valery

Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 4PM

Cleaners in London are organising and fighting for respect and a living
wage. Every day and night DEUTSCHE BANK is cleaned by migrant workers who make £5.25 an hour. Deutsche Bank says they are ‘a fair and socially responsible company’, yet the cleaners that keep their buildings clean are on poverty wages.

These are the facts:

•Deutsche Bank is one of Germany's largest publicly held companies.

•Deutsche Bank’s net income in 2004 was £1.6 billion.

•Deutsche Bank’s profits grew 81% the same year.

•Since the beginning of the 1980's shareholders in Deutsche Bank have seen their investment grow every year by 10%

•Last year their Highest Paid Director received £6.8 million (623 times a
cleaner’s wage!) and between four Directors they shared out £17 million in
total benefits.

•It would take 52 years for a cleaner to earn what a Director earns in a

Stand up for Dignity, Respect and a Living Wage

Where: Deutsche Bank Headquarters, 1 Great Winchester St., City of London

Meeting Point: The corner of London Wall & Blomfield Street (right next to Café Nero) two blocks from Liverpool Street Tube Station.

Directions: Starting from corner of Liverpool Street and Old Broad Street.
Go south on Old Broad Street until you get to London Wall. Take a right
until Blomfield Street.



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protestant work ethic

01.11.2005 17:30

Is justice - a pay rise for a cleaner working for a bank. Bet I don't get any sensible debate on the nature of work in this newswire. I have worked as a cleaner for shitty bosses. I now refuse to do the shitty factory / cleaning/retail/catering jobs - I would now rather be a mugger getting compensation from the rich than taking a low wage job. ( I am writing this from an internet cafe by the way ) Which is the most ethical thing to do? The Marxists obsession with 'jobs' ( lets face it the cleaner ain't going to get £20k a year like as brain-dead consultant/ connexions worker/ kiddy hating teachers etc etc. is as bad as the Methodists. Next question. How do you survive? Whart's the point of your life( if any). Will global warming affect my job as a security guard at Shell?

robin hood


02.11.2005 09:21

i used to be a cleaner then i went on a night course learned how to use a computer and got a job as admin assistant then i became a secretary now i am going to become a lawyer next. i have three lovely kids and a taxi driver husband and we live in bow. cleaning is not a career. if that is the best you can do then so be it. you will find precisley becuase the wage is so low that a lot of cleaners i worked with in liverpool street city area all wanted to move onwards and upwards. you should not interfere in things you know nothing about.

onwards and upwards janet


02.11.2005 21:19

Except I do you twat. Go on eat yourself to death.
