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Halloween Critical Mass: Friday Nov 4th 6pm @ Pigeon Park

let's go to mass | 31.10.2005 21:54 | Ecology | Free Spaces | Birmingham

Last Friday was the first London Critical Mass ride after riders were told they could be arrested at future Critical Mass rides. The Metropolitan Police demanded that the 'organisers' give notice of the route in advance. Thousands of non-polluting cyclists, skaters, bladers, and pedestrians along with soundsystems and samba bands defied the Metropolitan Police's clampdown on London's Critical Mass and the Government's ban on unauthorised demonstrations within a kilometre of Parliament Square -

This Friday, November 4th is time for Birmingham's regular Critical Mass on the first friday of the month, meeting up at 6pm in Pigeon Park. This month is a Halloween theme - gears not fears - so come and celebrate cycling using non-polluting vehicles and travel freely round town with Brum's Critical Mass.

Unfamiliar with Critical Mass? Here's some questions and answers

Who are you?

We're not a club or an organisation, we're just a bunch of cyclists riding together!

What’s the protest about?

It’s not a protest, we just want to ride our bikes safely in a decent environment. It’s a celebration of cycling!

Why are you taking up all this room?

We're hardly taking up any room at all, imagine if we were all driving cars!

Why are you blocking the traffic?

We're not blocking traffic! WE ARE TRAFFIC!

So how do I join in?

There's nothing formal!

Simply turn up and ride. 6pm, the first Friday of every month in Pigeon Park, Birmingham. We ride a spontaneous route around Birmingham each month and you're very welcome to join us.

let's go to mass
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Where is Pigeon Park?

02.11.2005 14:54

"Pigeon Park" is apparently an 'affectionate' name for St Philips Cathedral on Colmore Row (B3 2QB)


Aerial map fer us pidgeons!

03.11.2005 11:23

An 'affectionate' nerm fer Cathedral - what am ya on abart?!

It's always miskin a park fer us pidgeons.

Anwoy here's sum directions, fer pigeons only loike.

Oh ar an' doy forget ter cack on that masonic needle in the boneyard!

barry the pidgeon