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Manchester Halloween Critical Mass

Rocky Horror | 31.10.2005 10:04 | Ecology

It did happen!


While 2000 cycled in London, only 11 bikes took to the streets of Britain's second city. But the point is that it did happen (see photo evidence), and we will go on!

Rocky Horror


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The numbers game

01.11.2005 19:56

Remember that the numbers at london were due to the fact that the forces of law and order pissed people off - i don't doubt that if they did it in manc' that people would do the same


yeah but...

09.11.2005 21:27

the police made a big deal and have gone mental in london about cm because its really having it..why wait until the pigs kick off until you show up to mass? if people are into it you should come before the police start kickin off..yeah! cos its mucho fun!!



09.11.2005 21:30

the next amazingly wonderous critical mass is on friday 25 november at 6pm from central library..

and the next fun urban bike race is on sunday 11th december from the basement 24 lever st at 2pm..
