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Sincere thanks to superintendent Gomm of the Met. Police

South London pedallers | 30.10.2005 21:21 | London

Credit where credit is due!

Wasn't Friday's Critical Mass fantastic? We just thought that we should send our thanks to the one man (or woman?) that helped make it all possible.

Down here in sarf London it's been a bit of an uphill slog getting folx interested in a meet up and a pedal about - especially with the evenings drawing in, but trusty public servant Superintendent Gomm manged to completely invigorate the issue with just a few well chosen lines.

Now we wouldn't mind betting that the issue won't feature heavily on his/her CV when that promotion looms but we say 'well done fella' - is it okay if we contact ya when the next protest group needs a leg up? Top Work!

South London pedallers


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Yo, thanks mistah...

30.10.2005 22:25

Critical Mass was a success - no doubt. And there was no hassle from the pigs.

But you have to be careful giving credit, 'cos you don't know if it's really due.

Remember, when the chips are down, they are still the first line of defence for the State (then it's the boys fresh back from Basra :-).

Chill a little, see what happens at the next Critical Mass.

uncle tom

Gomm in 60 seconds

30.10.2005 22:53

Now what was all that about banning the ride Super?
Where were the injunctions? Where was the s.14 Order?

What makes it even worse for the Met is that anyone arrested/injuncted
in future for CM and/or Parliament Square activities may call
Gomm. Both as a witness to the emptiness of police threats, and to
say how threatened police intervention on a Mass actually exaccerbates
the very 'problem'it sets out to solve.

Perhaps we should name the next CM ride after the Super who's worked wonders
for numbers?

And a big thanks to the 56a members who were there at the beginning of
CM's in 1994 - and still active as ever today!!

Spokes person

Critical Mass Archive at 56a Infoshop

31.10.2005 11:27

Oh so the 56a-er's were spotted and we thought we nobody would see through our cunning disguises.
On a better note> we have a nice archive of London Critical Mass in our place. Lots of flyers, pics, CM zines, texts etc of the first few years of London rides..(the Xeroxcracy in action - seems to have died out a bit!!).We even have photos of the 2nd ever CM wit about 25 people trying to take the Bullring roundabout. Available for any to consult any time we are open


56a Infoshop
56 Crampron St
Elephant and Castle / Kennington tube / loads of buses....

Die Todliche Doris