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MOINFO RE: PM Blair Served Subpoena by US Embassy Official in Valerie Plame Case

Tom Heneghan & Stew Webb | 29.10.2005 01:26 | Social Struggles | London

On July 13th, England's Prime Minister Tony Blair was served a subpoena by US Embassy Officials in London, to answer questions in the Deaths of CIA Valerie Plame Agents Network & 1700 American Soldiers who have died in the Iraq War. US Attorney and Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald had the Subpoena served.

Will Tony Blair now run for cover or stand up like a man and answer Mr. Fitzgerald's questions before a US Federal Grand Jury?

George W. Bush has refused and avoided his Grand Jury Subpoena.

Tony Blair has been Subpoenaed by US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald.

Blair is claiming Diplomatic Immunity.

US Attorney Fitzgerald readied extradition request.

July 19th

Chicago US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald served Tony Blair a subpoena in the CIA Valerie Plame case on July 13, 2005 to answer questions regarding his role in the leaks connected to George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Condi Rice, Andrew Card, Scooter Libby and Karl Rove. Tony Blair has not yet responded to his subpoena. George W. Bush has not responded to his subpoena either. Tony Blair had supplied George W. Bush with falsified British Intelligence stating that Iraq leader Saddum Hussein had obtained "Yellow Cake" Nuclear materials from Niger. This was the reason Bush gave to start the war in Iraq. This has all now been proven to be lies by Bush and Blair. CIA Valerie Plame's husband Ambassador Joseph Wilson submitted his report prior to the Bush-Blair lies that Niger never sold yellow cake to Iraq. Wilson came forth stating Bush lied in his State of the Union address to the nation.

Tom Heneghan & Stew Webb


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Deja Vu

29.10.2005 20:36

It's not any more convincing the second time around. Take a look at:

You'll notice that no substantiation was ever produced to support the original piece. Yawn.

Not Amused

Unwelcome Spam

30.10.2005 10:45

This is inaccraute and misleading (that's being kind); arguably its nothing more than an advert for their web-site.

Unless the authors can post something which supports their incredible "news" then it should be hidden.


Surprise Surprise

01.11.2005 08:20

Well what a surprise. No back-up to the claim. As usual.
