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Samba Band at Critical Mass

zcat | 28.10.2005 23:56 | SOCPA

some pics of the samba band from tonights Critical Mass


samba 2
samba 2

samba 3
samba 3

samba 4
samba 4

samba 5
samba 5

samba 6
samba 6

samba 7
samba 7

They made a fine racket round the seats of power first the palace then parliment and finally no 10



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you rock

29.10.2005 08:55

was watching the timeline for this last nite .. you rock!!
am sad to have missed this one, but heart-happy to know that it was happening :-)

a very cool transgression of the parliament restriction zone .. but am surprised at the low policing levels, esp. after fiasco @ anarchist bookfair last w/e. wondering wot's up?!


re police levels...

29.10.2005 11:31

Re police levels:-

A copper asked me outside parliament " How come there's so many bikes?"

I think that answers your question.

happy cyclist

freaky blur

10.11.2005 18:53

those blurred faces look really weird...

samba on wheels. pretty amazing! we should try that here in the US...
