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Fasting in London as I visualise the hurricane of awareness.....

MUHAMMAD HAQUE | 27.10.2005 16:56 | Ecology | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London | World

"... I fast in urgency
overhearing cries of skint mothers homeless people groaning
I fast in London in the knowledge these people are not moaning
They are the makers of the manifesto for the next big event
I fast as I visualise the hurricane of awareness near each tent
of the neglected abandoned victims of the floods the quake



I fast in London during this humbling month
and think in awe of the commissions month
that is set to follow this with the resumption
of the vulgar fests for utter consumption
that will be unleased within the week of this month’s ending
and so many restrained indulgers will reembark on spending
again as if there would be not another spending day left
I am wounded inside at the prospect so barren so bereft
of the spirit the feeling the teachings of this august duration
I am saddened, as I see the reason behind the inauguration
that will be commemorated during this week of Ramadaan
I attempt to appreciate the spiritual glory of Ramadaan

I fast in London in the spirit of sharing the gifts of this world
I fast in London in the knowledge of the needs of this world
I fast in London in the climate of states-led tolerance of hunger
I fast in London in a world warranting overdue upsurge of anger
I fast in London in the hope that the desecration of the hungry
will one day soon be an identified crime all over, when the hungry
will not be left to be ended by starvation - or by cameras
I fast in London as it undergoes spin, neglect; a morass
has been set in this ‘world class metropolis’ of ebbing liberty
I fast for a freed London liberated from the most uncivil liberty
being taken of our rights of human rights and of all decency
by the occupying armies of liars posing as opposing insurgency
somewhere else far away from this land! I fast in urgency
overhearing cries of skint mothers homeless people groaning
I fast in London in the knowledge these people are not moaning
They are the makers of the manifesto for the next big event
I fast as I visualise the hurricane of awareness near each tent
of the neglected abandoned victims of the floods the quake
I fast in prayer that all will survive the storms and will wake
up soon to see the truth of what we have seen, prevailing
and the oppressors, liars being removed for their failing
to support the people: I fast in London waiting for lies to vanish
from the pages of the Daly Mail and from each bogus parish
that houses a misconducting holder of office of any public nature
I fast in support of the movement for the freedom from torture
of all the victims of denial, hunger, famine and poverty
I fast in the knowledge that ‘The Ummah’ isn’t living in integrity
I fast for the institutionalisation of greed-less service and dignity...”

1644 Hrs GMT
London Thursday 27 October 2005



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Reply to 'Boris'

27.10.2005 22:45

Yes.Most of the time. And there is the test.