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On the streets with no name.

Edward Tilly | 27.10.2005 05:46

There is a man has no shame.

Little Girl
Little Girl

What do you say to a man who has done this to a little girl.

And will do so again tomorrow.

Nice day?

Get any terrorists lately?

How's your golf?

Beats me.

Edward Tilly


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Why don't you ever slag off Saddam and Osama Bin Laden!

27.10.2005 09:09

If it were not for people like Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden then there would have been no need for a war on terrorism and therefore no civilian deaths. Also why are you blaming George Bush for the deaths? What was he supposed to do when Al Qaeda attacked America on September the 11th 2001 killing 3,000 American citizens? Just sit back and do nothing? And if Saddam had not invaded Kuwait in 1990 there would have been no need for any war with Iraq. You fail to see who are real people to blame for the crisis in the Middle East!

Voice of Reason

Al Qaeda attacked America??

27.10.2005 10:50

Of course if you believe the "official line of events" then you will blame Saddam/Osama/Whoever they tell you to.

Fact is without US/UK inolvement in this debacle (going back decades) we wouldn't have been led into this scenario.

Bush attacked New York, or at least he let it happen.

Its pretty obvious when you look at it objectivley

Unconvinced Vince

re: why don't you ever criticise Saddam and Osama Bin Laden

27.10.2005 11:12

It's barely worth justifying this absurd comment with a reply, but I'm incensed and can't control myself...... though I barely know where to begin. Firstly, the 'War on Terror' in its various guises predates the presence of Saddam and Osama by almost half a Century. A variety of conflicts, including (though not limited to) Vietnam, Korea, the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the US military presence in Lebanon, and British actions in Northern Ireland. Secondly, it is more instructive to state 'if it were not for people like the UK and US governments openly supporting and funding terrorist networks in the 1970s and 1980s there would have been no need for a war on terrorism'. Thirdly, 'War on Terror' or not, I think you could easily make a case that the US would have still inflicted civilian causalities somewhere around the globe. Their record speaks for itself. The War on Terror may be their current and preferred excuse for slaughtering innocent people, but they have been engaged in the deliberate targeting of civilians and the resultant loss of civilian life since before the current epoch of 'The War Against Terror' was initiated. Thirdly, in response to the question 'what was he [Bush] supposed to do when Al Qaeda attacked America' I would suggest 'not invade Iraq, a country with absolutely no links whatsoever to the attacks or to international terrorist threats to US security'. And finally, in response to the statement that we 'fail to see who are the real people to blame for the crisis in the Middle East' I would suggest that this is patently not true - it is abundantly clear to most people that problems existing in the Middle East are caused by a number of factors, but that one large factor is the pattern of US overt and covert involvement, influence, and support for undemocratic and despotic regimes in the area (i.e. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Pakistan, Israel). Furthermore, if you look at the problems currently facing the Middle East, specifically the increasing militancy and unrest of local populations, the increase in terrorist presence and activity in Iraq, and a growing tide of anti-American/anti-Western sentiment, it is fairly obvious who may be to blame.......

Naxalite Warrior

A reply to Mr Auto-Response Troll-boy

27.10.2005 12:52

We don't bother slagging off OSB and Saddam 'cos:

a) Saddam is in jail and can't get up to any more mischief.

b) OSB is probably dead - we haven't heard a peep out of the tosser for years.

And for all the reasons given in the previous post, you thick boss-class shill!

fuck you

Saddam etc

27.10.2005 13:28

Erm, let's be clear here - they are murdering scum. No one claims anything different. End of story.

come on.

Bono is begging Bush the crumbs from his table

27.10.2005 14:06

Crumbs From Your Table

From the brightest star
Comes the blackest hole
You had so much to offer
Why did you offer your soul?
I was there for you baby
When you needed my help
Would you deny for others
What you demand for yourself?

Cool down mama, cool off
Cool down mama, cool off

You speak of signs and wonders
I need something other
I would believe if I was able
But I’m waiting on the crumbs from your table

You were pretty as a picture
It was all there to see
Then your face caught up with your psychology
With a mouth full of teeth
You ate all your friends
And you broke every heart thinking every heart mends

You speak of signs and wonders
But I need something other
I would believe if I was able
But I’m waiting on the crumbs from your table

Where you live should not decide
Whether you live or whether you die
Three to a bed
Sister Ann, she said
Dignity passes by

And you speak of signs and wonders
But I need something other
I would believe if I was able
I’m waiting on the crumbs from your table


Would the enslaver set the slaves free?

27.10.2005 15:45

Bono is begging Bush: 'set my People free.'

Can the slaves be set free by the enslaver?

"Freedom For My People"

I need some freedom
Freedom for my people
I want some freedom
Freedom, freedom for my people
I'd like some freedom
I need some freedom for my people
Freedom, freedom for my people

The enslaver will set us free.


We should cheer at those events that open our eyes

27.10.2005 20:43

What do you do when your "heroes" prove to be festering piles of degenerate garbage.

BE THANKFUL!!! You have learnt something essential about life and about yourself.

1) Art and the artist. NEVER think a human good or moral or decent simple because you like the art that they produce. Artistic talent HAS NO CONNECTION TO MORALITY. Great art can (and often does) come from the world's biggest scumbags, in much the same way that most really nice people couldn't create great art to save their lives.

2) Why do you need "heroes"? Do you not love yourself enough to see within yourself the potential to be your own hero? Who told you that this was not the way that things are done, and why are you still following their advice?

3) If you have been genuinely inspired by someone who is revealed to be less in your eyes than you would wish, should you not realise that the inspiration part was good regardless, AND DID NOT REQUIRE HERO WORSHIP TO BE USEFUL.

4) Why is a famous person inherently better than you?

5) Did it not occur to you that the whole concept of 'fame' is a psy-ops racket, good for both making the elite richer, and for population mind-control.

6) Do you not know the role of "hero" in human history? A person, promoted to King on the back of a lucky skill or act (despite the fact that in reality, the group was benefitting from endless such acts by group members). Later HIS kids and friends became the ELITE, gaining power, money, land, property etc., from the hierarchy artificially created on the reputation of the so-called hero.

By all means, be inspired by the ACTS of individual humans. By all means, be impressed or enlightened by the WORDS of individual humans. However, for the sake of all of us, but yourself in particular, DO NOT MISTAKE THE WORDS AND DEEDS THAT YOU LIKE WITH THE PERSON BEHIND THE WORDS OR DEEDS. You only 'know' the people that you are lucky enough to have close to you. These famous people, you will never know, and never NEED to know if you treat the relationship between their fame and your interest in that fame properly.


What was Bush supposed to do when America was attacked on September 11th?

28.10.2005 09:06

And what was Bush supposed to have done when America was attacked on September 11th 2001??? I bet you can't answer that can you. Millions of people around the world and especially in America saw on their TV screens the brutal slaughter by muslim terrorists of 3,000 innocent people! Was Bush supposed to have turned around and said "Sorry but we can't do anything about it for fear of inflaming arab and muslim opinion"? Or was he to say; "We will go after the people responsible for this atrocity, we will also make no distinction between terrorists and those states which support international terrorism".

But no the whole of the left dispite the fact that Afghanistan had Al Qaeda terrorist training camps and dispite the fact that the man who materminded the attack on America Osama Bin Laden lived there, refused to agree with a war to root out Al Qaeda from Afghanistan.

The left were also very quick to come up with reasons why America was attacked, despite the fact that Al Qaeda had themselves given no reason. America throughout its history has pissed off a lot of people such as native Americans but native Americans never resorted to terrorism! The people of central America and Cuba who America pissed off never resorted to terrorism against America!

The real reason Al Qaeda attacked America in 2001 was to drive America out of the Middle East to make was for a new Islamic empire in the Middle East. That has been Osama Bin Ladens' stated aim since day one of him taking up terrorism against the west!

The left seems to blame all the worlds problems on the west and especially America! In the eyes of the left the west is responsible for everything bad that happens in the world. It is time that the left stopped its hatred of the west and took a look at how the world really is!

Voice of reason

Bush, the Revenger

28.10.2005 11:10

Bush must retaliate. He would pay blood for blood, suffering for suffering, agony for agony, and death for death in the behalf of his profits.

An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth.

Bush was supposed to continue brutally attacking the muslim People.

Lex Talionis