Geldof, Bono and Live 8 Are Blairpoop and Bushit.
Lloyd Hart | 27.10.2005 03:50
Today the U.K. newspaper The Independent published an article by Stuart Hodkinson which finally exposes the truth about Bob Geldof and Bono
Geldof, Bono and Live 8 Are Blairpoop and Bushit.
By Lloyd Hart
Today the U.K. newspaper The Independent published an article by Stuart Hodkinson which finally exposes the truth about Bob Geldof and Bono to a broader public as simply being corporate Stooges for what merely is just a debt reorganization scam by the G8 and not real debt relief after all the hype of the Live 8 concerts supposed impact on the G8 Vampire Nations.
But of course all rock stars are corporate Stooges. After all that's where their money comes from, corporate scumbags who rig the radio playlists through payola bribery. You know, prostitutes and parties in Las Vegas all disguised as a corporate junket, paying off other corporate scumbags who run the conglomerate communications companies who bought up all the radio stations to play the next piece of shit they think their conning the kids into believing is cool. And when con job isn't working anymore and the kids created the new radio paradigm that has a much more democratic process with no advertising but still promotes the artists while cutting out the whole corporate scumbag thing and is done via file sharing over the Internet the Corporate scumbags who the own record companies sue 12 year-old children for downloading a file which is no different from recording a song off the radio to a cassette but thanks to the wonders of American capitalism you can buy a U.S. Supreme Court and get them rule against the more democratc ruling of the "Fair Use" precedent set by a previous U.S. Supreme Court ruling when the Cassette was originally introduced.
I mean, it does make sense that record companies would have to bribe radio stations into playing that last piece of shit that U2 put out. I wonder how many children sexually abused by Catholic priests that grew up thanks to the abuse to become prostitutes that in turn sucked the cocks of the corporate scumbags from the communications companies in a party in Las Vegas in order to get U2s piece of crap album played on their radio stations across America and around the world.
The prostitution to get the song played however does not compare to the prostitution of all the artists who played at the Live 8 shows which were really designed to distract the kids and the folks away from protests like the previous G8 meetings where cops beat the crap out of young people killing one or two because the G8 leaders were confronted with the truth of their Vampiric selves. Not to mention the grand smokescreen the Live 8 shows effectively created endorsing what is really a common IMF and World bank practice to roll over old debt into new loans creating a whole new era of prostitution of corrupt leaders in Third World nations who are willing to do backwards somersaults through burning hoops of fire in order to sellout their own people.
You see, its not important whether a third-world nation pays back the loans it gets from the IMF and World Bank and the greater international loan shark industry. No, it's more important that the Third World nation is financially in debt. With debt leverage and a foaming at the mouth Military to back it up the psychotic white people in Europe and America can rape the resources of said third-world nation while at the same time getting that Third World nation to pay back the loan that it got to get its nation to spread its its legs and take it up the ass from transnational corporations with the no morals clause in their corporate mission statement.
So while the Third World nation is paying back the new of loans and the population of the Third World nation goes without basic human services and laws to protect them from the pollution and labor strife brought on by transnational corporations, the psychotic white people in Europe and America get to live high on the hog off all the resources that have been raped out of the said third-world nation.
I gotta hand to ya Bob and to you to Bono you really conned the shit out of all lot of people this year, but now you have been exposed and your super ego shallow rock star veneer has been punctured I'm wondering how long it'll take for the record buyers to discover what a pair of steamy piles of shite you really are.
Just as a parting shot Bono, I guess you learned nothing when you were used by the Bush regime in a photo op on a campaign stop in the 2002 midterm elections where George "Back ground noise" Bush had you prancing around on a stage in front of thousands of Bush supporters when Bush stated "heh, heh, I can't be all that bad I've got Bono with me." No you couldn't resist an invitation to have lunch last week with and provide another photo op for the most hated man on the planet who just murdered over 100,000 Iraqis in order to set up hegemonic shop on top of the strategic oil supply in the Middle East. For this, your a little bit larger of the two steamy piles of shite.
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By Lloyd Hart
Today the U.K. newspaper The Independent published an article by Stuart Hodkinson which finally exposes the truth about Bob Geldof and Bono to a broader public as simply being corporate Stooges for what merely is just a debt reorganization scam by the G8 and not real debt relief after all the hype of the Live 8 concerts supposed impact on the G8 Vampire Nations.
But of course all rock stars are corporate Stooges. After all that's where their money comes from, corporate scumbags who rig the radio playlists through payola bribery. You know, prostitutes and parties in Las Vegas all disguised as a corporate junket, paying off other corporate scumbags who run the conglomerate communications companies who bought up all the radio stations to play the next piece of shit they think their conning the kids into believing is cool. And when con job isn't working anymore and the kids created the new radio paradigm that has a much more democratic process with no advertising but still promotes the artists while cutting out the whole corporate scumbag thing and is done via file sharing over the Internet the Corporate scumbags who the own record companies sue 12 year-old children for downloading a file which is no different from recording a song off the radio to a cassette but thanks to the wonders of American capitalism you can buy a U.S. Supreme Court and get them rule against the more democratc ruling of the "Fair Use" precedent set by a previous U.S. Supreme Court ruling when the Cassette was originally introduced.
I mean, it does make sense that record companies would have to bribe radio stations into playing that last piece of shit that U2 put out. I wonder how many children sexually abused by Catholic priests that grew up thanks to the abuse to become prostitutes that in turn sucked the cocks of the corporate scumbags from the communications companies in a party in Las Vegas in order to get U2s piece of crap album played on their radio stations across America and around the world.
The prostitution to get the song played however does not compare to the prostitution of all the artists who played at the Live 8 shows which were really designed to distract the kids and the folks away from protests like the previous G8 meetings where cops beat the crap out of young people killing one or two because the G8 leaders were confronted with the truth of their Vampiric selves. Not to mention the grand smokescreen the Live 8 shows effectively created endorsing what is really a common IMF and World bank practice to roll over old debt into new loans creating a whole new era of prostitution of corrupt leaders in Third World nations who are willing to do backwards somersaults through burning hoops of fire in order to sellout their own people.
You see, its not important whether a third-world nation pays back the loans it gets from the IMF and World Bank and the greater international loan shark industry. No, it's more important that the Third World nation is financially in debt. With debt leverage and a foaming at the mouth Military to back it up the psychotic white people in Europe and America can rape the resources of said third-world nation while at the same time getting that Third World nation to pay back the loan that it got to get its nation to spread its its legs and take it up the ass from transnational corporations with the no morals clause in their corporate mission statement.
So while the Third World nation is paying back the new of loans and the population of the Third World nation goes without basic human services and laws to protect them from the pollution and labor strife brought on by transnational corporations, the psychotic white people in Europe and America get to live high on the hog off all the resources that have been raped out of the said third-world nation.
I gotta hand to ya Bob and to you to Bono you really conned the shit out of all lot of people this year, but now you have been exposed and your super ego shallow rock star veneer has been punctured I'm wondering how long it'll take for the record buyers to discover what a pair of steamy piles of shite you really are.
Just as a parting shot Bono, I guess you learned nothing when you were used by the Bush regime in a photo op on a campaign stop in the 2002 midterm elections where George "Back ground noise" Bush had you prancing around on a stage in front of thousands of Bush supporters when Bush stated "heh, heh, I can't be all that bad I've got Bono with me." No you couldn't resist an invitation to have lunch last week with and provide another photo op for the most hated man on the planet who just murdered over 100,000 Iraqis in order to set up hegemonic shop on top of the strategic oil supply in the Middle East. For this, your a little bit larger of the two steamy piles of shite.

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Lloyd Hart
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