Fasting in London as the media continue to lie for the wrongdoers
MUHAMMAD HAQUE | 26.10.2005 15:31 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | World
Fasting in London on the day when Geoff Hoon [The warmonger on Iraq] stood in the House of Commons for Tony Blair to field 'the Prime Minister's Questions' and in a week of ‘mainstream’ media promoting the profiteers and slotting GW Bush as claiming any identity with the struggles of Rosa Parks !
Fasting in London in a week of ‘mainstream’ media promoting the profiteers and slotting GW Bush as claiming any identity with the struggles of Rosa Parks !
1508 Hrs GMT
London Wednesday 26 October 2005
I fast in London far away from the location
from where they bring images of starvation
I fast in London subjected to a subject city
that is robbed of freedom with regularity
I fast as I suffer the noise
of Geoff Hoon at PMQs
and wonder about choice
as I look for truth in the news
I fast on the day after they played the cruellest of tributes
to Rosa Parks adding GWBush as one of the attributes!
I fast as I examine the knowledge about the tricks of TV news
which rehabilitated Clinton and GWB in the same item of news
as it also reduced the legacy and sacrifices of all those who died
as they defied the violators and rejected the oppressors who lied
about the origins and the bases of rights and status of humanity
I fast as I overhear murmurs, typically muted, about the vulgarity
of some occupiers of some state-paid offices in the UK today
I fast in real agony as I wait for a critical item on the BBC Today
I fast as I recall the BBC Matt Frei
I fail to focus however hard I try
I fast frustrated by the lack of mention of the UNO
I fast knowing that Frei will suppress the truth that he does know
Unless he is recalled from Washington and resigned to Bali
or another convenient location in Indonesia
from where he can file dispatches hoping to rally
‘civilisation’ against any token of ‘backwardness ‘ in Asia!
I fast in full knowledge that Matt Frei is concerned about ‘the Senate’
more than he will ever be about millions rotting after the Asia-quake
I fast almost within hearing distance of an obsolete radio set
which does the job for Blair and GWBush. That I certainly get!
I fast in the week of the women speaking out against Gate Gourmet
I fast in the knowledge that none of the TUC fixers will ever regret
the latest exposed betrayal of the rights of the women and their mates
For the fixers know as do their secret pals: the workers are barred at the gates!
I fast as I imagine scenes of the riot against another group of low-paid
workers treated disgracefully by ‘civilised’ employer firm in London
I fast as I remember the tricks used to ‘sell’ surrender of the low-paid
in this very same London
I fast in London where a daily bulletin is found
barring ‘the poor’ and profiteering does abound
I fast in London not all that far from visions of tall buildings
I fast in the knowledge that some are busy smashing homes
wrecking neighbourhoods smashing ‘less vital’ buildings
I fast in London in a year that saw mass robbery of homes
by local councils embarked on the giving away of homes
reversing any tend that there might have been towards dignity
I fast in a London that is in the grip of the greedy and creaking under the weight of their wanton decivilising profiteering vulgarity....”
1508 Hrs GMT
London Wednesday 26 October 2005
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26.10.2005 20:07