Deedahist | 25.10.2005 20:53 | Culture | Free Spaces | Sheffield
a curated contemporary art exhibition that looks at Urban Decay and the Invasion of Space.
Michael Bowdidge,

Samantha Donnelly,

Elaine Brett,

Lesley Boulton,

*Mark Our Musician

Also featuring:
Amy Hirst, Katya Oicherman, Daniel Barret, Mozaz, Nina Petchey, Carlos Barcode, Isin Onol, Ginny Reed, Silvia Champion and Eric Winnert at

The Sydney Works
111 Matilda St.
S1 4QF
Open times:
Thursday to Saturday
The 28th of October till
the 26th of November
'''Art 05'''
thurs 3 - sat 5 nov. 12-4pm
thurs 10 - sat 12 nov 12-4pm
thurs 17 - sat 19 nov 12-4pm
thurs 24 - sat 26 nov 12-4pm
''On the evening of Thursday the 27th of October, Art05 will open. Across the city all the spaces that have an exhibition will host an open evening. For this, in conjunction with Matilda, a social event will be organized that will work the theme of the show and promote Matilda. This will hopefully involve a '05 party' group of Matilda Members.''
Join them...
*Carlos Barcode
The Deedahist movement began in Sheffield as early as 1987. Anarcho-tribalists sought to express themselves through painting, photography, and poetry...

*mozaz | zamoz

Let's tentatively say that a Matilda art collective is inspired by our hetherodox free thought, Marxism included. "All Artists are Anarchists" may also be a true way to define us. But again, Anarchism is as fathomless-deep as any Ocean.
Needed by some, treasured by others, stored (hoarded and looted) by some, created by others, diverted from their original recipients and inspirers (the people), art sometimes loses its capital(-ist) "a" to become '''Artivism''', as it reclames urban streets, accessing public space for free enjoyment or as graffiti. Revolutionary art has always been feared, felt as a threat and categorized as vandalism... Revolutionary art and even non revolutionary art has been always censored. But art with a capital A also meant a source of joy, waste and excess ('''Carnivals''').
We believe that Art may be recreated, used and recycled, if necessary, by a new generation of artists in the widest sense, without being restricted to the use of a specific medium (sounds, shapes, colours, meanings, associations, texts & textures, etc.). This is both a resistance and a creative process. By "preserving" Art in museums and academic shelves, we are desecrating it, confining it and making narcissistic authors where there are only common and shared languages. By recycling it, we keep this human tool alive for ours and future generations. By using it as a humble tool (banner making) to change reality, we alter that reality. By using cheap or free materials and equipments to create Art, we show that Art for all is not just another cliche and empty motto.
Thus we share the same feeling and notion with the '''Laboratory of Insurrectional Imagination''', and Creative Resistances Networks, in that we aim at exploring with our work "the relationship between art and activism ... We will look at ways that creativity can be applied directly to movements for social and ecological change, (at) live work which does not merely represent a political issue, but is directly confronting and transforming the issue itself."
Which final quotation (by John Jordan), by the way, seems to encapsulate what M.A.T.I.L.D.A. stands for right now...