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Terrorist Law to be Used on Activists

suspect | 25.10.2005 09:18 | Terror War | London

Todays Times reports Charles Clarke saying the new anti-terrorist law will be used on Animal Rights activists.

How long after that before it is used against you?



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25.10.2005 11:26

....arguably the kind of tactics used by a small minority at Huntingdon Life Sciences do go so far beyond the pale that they might be considered animal rights terrorism. Just a thought.


fin de siecle

25.10.2005 11:36


this looks like a government running scared from a righteous cause which has history on its side.

for 2005 and animal rights activists read 1905 and suffragettes/gists.

a profound change in the way with interact with nature is happening everyday, and no government minister is going to stop it!


leonardo da invincible

you want it

25.10.2005 15:44

You all cheered when communist clarke took power, now he wants to install some good old communist law and order you complain...oh hang on . you wanted to be the leaders...sorry, stand in line and obey komrads

freddy krugar

Just use USA based computers with encryption to avoid Uk authorities.

25.10.2005 15:57

Just use USA based computers with encryption to avoid Uk authorities.

Earth Liberation Army

First they came for...

25.10.2005 18:49

Look at what happened with the injunctions. First it was use to outlaw legal protest by animal rights people by using the illegal actions of a few. Of course the media was screaming hysterical about AR people so all you nice liberals believed what the Guardian, Times (ask regular reporter Nicola Woodcock why she is in and out of Timothy Lawson Cruttenden's office so often) and the Daily Mail were saying. For all the professed cynicism about spin in the media, how come so many of you fell for that one!

Anyway, once the injunctions were firmly established the lawyers started going for other campaigns such as Stop Bayer GM and more lately EDO in Brighton. If people had helped stop the dreadful precedents by supporting the AR people defending the injunctions (without the aid of barristers for the most part), we'd have never got as far as the attempt at EDO in the first place. Once you start sacrificing civil rights because a movement's politics make you feel uncomfortable, you open the flood gate for them to removed altogether. It is the narrow-minded nimbyism which is as much to blame here as anything else. Otherwise we'd all end up like the Green Party, RSPCA and FoE - so desperate not be seen as extreme that they've just helped the greenwashing.

Dont believe everything you read in the corporate press - they are happily demonising animal rights people and tarring everyone with the same brush precisely because they have proven to be so successful. This is the price any movement worth its salt will have to pay - the more successful you are the more you challenge the status quo and hence the more repression doled out.

This was precisely why the Freedom To Protest conference was held on Sunday just gone.

The Pastor


25.10.2005 22:30

Do remind me to dig up your granny's dead body, threaten your employees and suppliers with physical violence, and attempt to break into your office. I might also stand outside your house and shout obscenities if the fancy takes me. But its okay, I'm doing it because I disagree with your views on animal liberation.

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