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What's going on?

in the dark | 23.10.2005 22:07 | Birmingham

Corporate media are broadcasting news of rapes, riots and deaths in Birmingham.

The TV shows TSG on the streets, & peeps who look like Black Block stealing fish'n'chips. Even the chip shops need video security :-?

What's happening in Brum? Be nice if the new indymedia kollective could shed some light on all this.

in the dark


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Ordinary people riot too you know, and not only for right-on reasons.

23.10.2005 23:22

That's easy. Like everything else, it is all the fault of the corporate media, who failed to spread heavy rumours about a sex attack which then got people so angry they had no choice but to run around killing each other, so as to draw attention to the plight of endangered seagulls or something.

Seriously, apparently a race riot between Asians and Afro-Carribeans. Not everything revolves around anarchists and cops, things happen for reasons other than "the corporate media" and "black bloc peeps". People who live in shit areas get all pissed off and racist and beat each other up, simply because they're poor and being a racist and blaming others for all their problems seems like a way to make them feel better about their plight.

BTW, I don't like the way your site tosses certificates my way.


Please wait patiently

24.10.2005 08:46

Thanks a lot 'wierdo'... Very helpful.

Yes, understood we need to have a report on this incident on the newswire, but unfortunately our networks are having trouble getting eyewitnesses to report on it. Please be patient.

As it goes, the history on this one does go back a little way, and I definately wouldn't start believing the corporate media on the riot, as some groups have more fingers in the local media pie than others.



still waiting patiently

24.10.2005 22:16

10 comments over on imc uk, all wondering what's going on...

still in the dark