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New pamphlet: Beating Fascism: Anarchist anti-fascism in theory and practice

KSL | 23.10.2005 17:53 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Social Struggles

"Beating Fascism" is a new compilation about anarchist anti-fascism. From the 'People's commandos' who fought against Mussolini's bootboys, through the Spanish Civil War, to the anti-fascist activists of the eighties, nineties and beyond who took up the challenge from a new crop of boneheads.

Out Now:
Beating Fascism: Anarchist anti-fascism in theory and practice
edited by Anna Key

Anarchists have never hung back in the fight against fascism. This pamphlet covers the physical and ideological battles that anarchists have waged against fascism and its authoritarian dream. It starts with the Arditi del Popolo (Peoples Commandos) against Mussolini's Blackshirts, goes via German anarcho-syndicalists to the Spanish Revolution of 1936. This much can be found (usually well buried!) in the history books. But this pamphlet also uncovers the history of anarchist anti-fascism in fighting against the National Front in Britain in the seventies and the 'No Platform' activities of Anti-Fascist Action & Anti-Racist Action in the eighties, nineties and beyond. Documents from Russia and Australia and an interview with current activists from Britain and North America fill out a comprehensive look at the ideas and practice of anarchist anti-fascism.
Read it and you'll know we don't fight fascism out of loyalty to the current set-up: we want a world without bosses! This reader will give you an insight into the anarchist critique of fascist ideas – and our history of practical opposition to them.

"Know the sort of world you want. Know your enemy and remember this – we have to beat the fascists every time, they only have to beat us once. If they come into power, we are dead and buried. Literally."
– from the 'Anti-fascism now' interview.

52 pages. Contributions from around the world, including: Errico Malatesta, Rudolf Rocker, Buenaventura Durruti, "Fighting Talk" and Anti-Racist Action plus a new interview on "Anti-fascism now" and suggestions for further reading.

Anarchist Sources Series #6 ISSN 1479-9065
ISBN 1-873605-88-9 Price £2.50 + 30p postage / $4
Available now from good book shops or straight from the publisher:
Kate Sharpley Library, BM Hurricane, London WC1N 3XX, UK or
Kate Sharpley Library, PMB 820, 2425 Channing Way, Berkeley CA 94704, USA

From the people who brought you the bestselling "Bash the Fash: Anti-Fascist Recollections 1984-1993" ISBN 1-873605-87-0

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When misdirection is the only game in town

23.10.2005 21:52

"Know the sort of world you want. Know your enemy and remember this – we have to beat the fascists every time, they only have to beat us once. If they come into power, we are dead and buried. Literally."

Is this not the most moronic of statements (in an article that clearly and deliberately DOES NOT define the current fascist danger as Blair, and the forces behind Bush).

The fascists DID come to power in Germany, Italy, Spain etc., so the claim has the clearest test, and falls flat on its face. Facism was such a spectacular failure in Germany (in eliminating the opposition), that post-war East Germany was the most staunch communist state in the USSR empire. In Italy and Spain, the temporary success of the fascists NEVER changed the 50-50 balance of power between fascists and anti-fascists.

When has history EVER shown fascists successful in eliminating (as opposed to suppressing) their opponents???

Who gains from lying about the true nature of political struggle??? To fight an enemy successfully, you had better learn everything you can about your opponent. Blair has his disinfo agents work on a 24hr a day basis because he understands how true this is. Many young people have an idealism, energy, and desire to make an aggressive difference. It is important their efforts are diverted into fighting safe state controlled fronts like the BNP, rather than the true source of FASCIST EVIL in this world, ie., Blair and his works.

For instance, read how Blair's festering zit, Howard, is going to make DISAPPEARANCE a method of law inforcement in Australia. The Australian state will LITERALLY be permitted to make people disappear, with severe penalties for those aware of the disappearance revealing the fact to ANYONE. This becomes even more horrific when combined with their new shoot-to-murder policy. Put simply, from early next year, Australian death squads will be able to murder any target in an identical manner to the execution of the Brazilian guy on OUR underground, and any witnesses to this sickening state crime will be forced to keep silent.

All these giant fascist steps in those territories under Blair's control or influence, and the so-called anti-fascist movements state that targetting a handful of racist nuts, under secret service leadership, is a priority!!!

Remember, Earth History PROVES that New Improved Fascist movements arise from the ashes of Old Failed Fascist movements, largely because anti-fascist activity is ALWAYS capable of being misdirected uselessly at the Old Dead Movements, allowing the New to grow unchallenged and unmolested. Given this fact, and the fact that New Fascist Movements almost always have significant support within the state security apparatus, who is it EXACTLY that does the misguiding??? Doesn't take a genius to work that puzzle out!


"Beating Fascism" interview

31.10.2005 22:19

The interview which ends the pamphlet have been put up on Three Way Fight (the anti-fascist blog who provided one of the interviewees).
Three way fight are at:
The interview is:
check it out!


Do as I say, not as I do...

01.06.2010 15:31

Looks like it's ok for anarchists to publish what they like from AFA's archive.

Quick, rush this lightweight piece out while there's some anti-fascists debating some other shit on here.

You pathetic wretches.

Fighting Talk