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Respect for Black History

red letter | 23.10.2005 17:09 | Anti-racism


Respect for Black History

Sunday 30th October 2005

3pm til late, Jamm, 261 Brixton Road, London SW9 6LH

Black history is a history of black struggle. This October Lambeth RESPECT pays homage to the rich history of black activists and of movements who have fought against racism and for black rights.

A unique blend of politics, culture and music: An afternoon of discussion and debate with speakers including Janet Alder, Weyman Bennett and Tokumbo Oke. An evening of spoken word, hip hop, funk and fusion with Tuggstar, Adrian Anthony, DJ Guy and Ex Central The Tempest & The New Cross Philharmonic.

Tickets £3/£5. For bookings or more information email Xanthe Whittaker on or call 07886 014 205.

Tubes: Brixton, Oval. Buses: 133, 333, 59, 159.

We hope this will be a successful community event providing entertainment as well as education and addressing the issues that face Britain today as well as an evaluation and reflection on the past.

Full Programme

3pm The Real Roots of Poverty in Africa. In the aftermath of the make Poverty History and the G8 Summit in Edinburgh it's time to evaluate the farcical attempt by world leaders to address poverty in Africa. Tokumbo Oke presents an analysis of the causes of poverty in Africa that points to some real solutions for African people.

4pm Before Abu Ghuraib there was Kenya. African Liberation Support Network Campaign members will discuss the movement of Samburu and Masai women in Kenya who are organising against the systematic rape of Kenyan tribeswomen by British soldiers.

5pm Bob Marley: Roots Revolutionary. He took reggae, a musical form indigenous to Jamaica and popularised it across the world. More importantly, in the heady political atmosphere of the 1960s and 1970s he articulated the anguish and the optimism of the oppressed and exploited in a way that had universal appeal. With Brian Richardson.

6pm A conversation on Justice, Racism and Resistance in Britain. The panel includes Janet Alder and Weyman Bennett. Weyman Bennett is national secretary of Unite Against Fascism and veteran anti-racism activist. Alder has fought tirelessly for justice for her brother, Christopher Alder, who was killed in police custody in Hull.

7pm FILM: Strange Fruit is the dramatic story of America's past centred around one of the most influential protest songs ever written.

8pm Spoken Word by Tuggstar. At a time when redundant formulas are rife, the UK has a new champion verbalist on its team. Tuggstar is a lyrical warrior - an intriguing and exciting poet that epitomises everything African British.

Adrian Anthony Describing himself as an Afro-British musician, Adrian was weaned on Fats Domino, Ray Charles, Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder. His music is a unique and subtle fusion of those styles and more. Regime change is his first Album aiming to present 'tomorrows music today'.

9pm DJ Guy. With an impressive and wide ranging set, DJ Guy will get you dancing, reminding us that contemporary black music doesn't start with Marvin Gaye and finish with gangsta rap.

10pm Ex Central The Tempest & The New Cross Philharmonic -13 piece hip hop impro set featuring Conscious the Sage & London's hotly taked about new female mc The Tempest.

red letter


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23.10.2005 20:18

reminding us that contemporary black music doesn't start with Marvin Gaye and finish with gangsta rap

Funny, I notice NO RESPECT in this spectacularly unpleasant phrase. Why does the promotion of one thing involve the trashing of another???

I guess SOMEONE does not like the spectacular success of poetic-expression based rap music. Obviously the WRONG young black men and women had better learn to shut their big mouths, eh!

It should be noticed that Eminem receives a level of success very similar to Elvis Presley- in so far as both are white guys (very talented admittedly) whose overwhelming success and general recognition in a musical form was denied to the black guys (and girls) who invented the form.

Black people are kept down by encouraging a culture of in-fighting, jealousy, and mutual disrespect. Any mass movement in black culture is immediately attacked by so-called black leaders, as the above article proves. This is of no surprise, since white power uses the self-same techniques from slave days, ie., giving status and privilege to carefully chosen 'house slaves' who have proven themselves useful in the art of attacking the ideas and qualities of any independent black person of influence with his/her peers.

I see no reference in the article to the large number of Black Leaders denied entry to the UK by Blair and his nasty band of goons, like Livingstone. The excuse, of course, is that UK jews do not like some of the things that they say, despite the fact that the self same jews REGULARLY invite to the UK jewish-israeli war-criminals, responsible for some of the vilest Crimes against Humanity, with no problem whatsoever (although recently, private individuals thought they could force arrests of the israeli monsters for their crimes when they entered the UK, but jewish warlord Jack Straw has informed the Israeli government that Blair and he will not permit this).

Under normal circumstances, I would have no suspicion about events like these- but times are ANYTHING but normal in the UK. We are now in an age where STATE APPROVAL is everything. Anyone or anything that can potentially be seen as radical that goes untroubled by the state becomes, by definition, an article of suspicion.

I know that people like myself appear excessively sensitive, but I ensure that my memory is LONG, not short, and every detail of state involvement in black affairs and politics is noted. Hitler, during the first Nazi phase, had excellent contacts with many powerful jewish leaders. Blair, as you will have surely noticed, ran his last election campaign with the assistance of powerful muslim leaders in those parts of the UK where that was useful. Blair and Bush both use tame black politicians as their BIGGEST champions of their genocidal war crimes. London is the centre of Blair's spider's web, and anything that happens in that location is of primary concern to him, and will be rendered safe, or useful, or both if at all possible.


Twlight - Long on Vitriol, Short on Facts

23.10.2005 22:56


1. "see no reference in the article to the large number of Black Leaders denied entry to the UK by Blair and his nasty band of goons". Justify that. Who was denied entry, and provide links.

2. Do I see some latent anti-semitism coming out, in the next bit? Showing your colours?



Blatent not latent

26.10.2005 06:50

Why does the promotion of one thing involve the trashing of another???

Of course you are never guilty of that are you, Twilight? with your constant desire to work some anti-semitic rant into your every post, no matter what the topic
