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Hundreds Turn Out for Anti-Racist March

sinisterpenguin | 22.10.2005 19:23 | Anti-racism | Liverpool

Hundreds of anti-racists from across the region made a strong stand in the wake of an unhappy summer in Liverpool.

Upper Parliament Street
Upper Parliament Street

James Larkin Marching Band
James Larkin Marching Band

Anti-Racist Kensington
Anti-Racist Kensington

at St George's Hall
at St George's Hall

Students: get a job
Students: get a job

The colourful parade assembled at the Caribbean Centre on Upper Parliament Street, and worked its way through Toxteth, an area of town with a large black population, before turning towards the city centre. The march organised by the Campaign Against Racial Terrorism started with around 300 people but finished with around 600 picking up local residents and shoppers.

The bombing of the Mosque in Birkenhead, coupled with the racist murder of Anthony Walker has led many to view Merseyside as a bad light. However the vigil for Anthony Walker held one week after his tragic death and the show of solidarity after the murder of Charles de Menezes demonstrated the strong anti-racist attitude in the region.

Today, however, was more than a reaction to disturbing events; today was an affirmation that the people will not tolerate racism and will fight to keep it out of their cities. There were those pushing a strong anti-BNP message, warning of the dangers of the local scum such as Joey Owens who occasionally takes time out from ripping the ears of students to get rejected by the Norris Green electorate. Some people were talking of a trip to Leeds on November 2nd in eager anticipation of Nick Griffons latest court appearance. Many more were talking of the upcoming anti-BNP march on November 5th in Keighley Yorkshire, to oppose the fascist demo on the same day.

As the March ended on the steps on St Georges Hall, Tony Excell, Chair of CART asked the crowd to ‘acknowledge Liverpool’s racist past, understand that Liverpool was still racist today and ensure that Liverpool would not be racist in the future.’

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24.10.2005 10:30

yeah, students get a job...

...and sinister penguins should stop advocating the perpetuation of capitalist relations of production by advocating 'getting a job' ;-D

howdy from your scouser in the big smoke xxx

london defector (antoine)

Trade Unions hide behind BNP

24.10.2005 17:01

well done to the trade unions for denouncing BNP racists, but you might want to consider stopping your funding and support for the racist Labour party if you are truly 'anti-racist'. official state racism [harmering asylum seekers, locking up child immigrants, bombing Iraq, arming Israel, privatising housing, stop and search, etc] is more damaging than even a thousand fascist thugs. stop hiding behind the BNP!


James Taylor

Smaller pics please..

25.10.2005 22:01

Any chnace you could reduce the size of these picture files before uploading next time? They are HUGE...


Not A comparison

22.11.2005 01:49

James, to compair the racism of the Labour government (and I don't deny that some policies of the Labour Party which are discriminatory) to racism perpetrated by the BNP is both rediculouse and short sighted. Although you might want a anti racist movement full of ideologicaly pure anarchists or what ever like your self I think it was totally positive for trade union groupes and other large forces in the city to join the demostration. Less Sectarianism please it is boaring.

Joshua Fenton-Glynn
mail e-mail:

the police is not the only institution

02.12.2005 20:36

i am a teacher...brown in colour...29 yrs of age...born and brought up in this Great Britain. over the years i have grown to understand that io am not part of Great Britain...just a second generation brown girl(in the hostile ring)...i now teach and am HURT to say that even the education institue is RACIST and looks after it's own of which i the brown girl will nbever be i understand from 29 yeras of being that i am second here, in no way am i equal...but i may come first in a booty shakin contest...brap brap



28.03.2006 10:04

Racism is everywhere - and we have a long way to go to tackle it.
I'm sorry the person above is stil facing it.

I think Liverpool, although a friendly place, there is still a lot of racism around - and we all have to challange it.


Anti Racist IRA?

10.08.2006 19:52

Can anyone tell me why IRA supporters are allowed openly to parade under the guise of anti-racists.

The James Larkin IRA band can be found on several 'youtube' pages spouting their rubbish and singing about their murdering IRA 'heroes'.

Why has Merseyside trade unionism been allowed to let them parade - and infultrate worthy causes?

Chris Johnson