Britain Apologizes For Basra False Flag Attempt | 21.10.2005 19:35
Oh, how the story shifted, after the initial 24 hours, and the media was more than willing to partake in their charade.
Recordings from simon mayo programme, on the day of the incidents 20-09-05."
Monday, October 17, 2005 -
Britain has apologized to Iraq for attempting to send two soldiers into Basra disguised as natives with military equipment including - according to some sources - bombs or bomb-making equipment.
Also some audio clips of BBC reports, thanks LNL.
..."recordings from simon mayo programme, on the day of the incidents 20-09-05.
The first file is a short news report.
Second file is news summary, with report by BBC Baghdad correspondent Richard Galpin.
Third file is a live, on-air interview of Galpin, by Simon Mayo. In this segment, the issue of explosives is broached. Listen to to their voices - and what they say.
They steer clear of the obvious implications. Unsurprisingly, the official BBC line eventually omitted the most damaging details.
But this was LIVE, and only self-censored."
Drat, try the link below.
Posted: Thu - October 20, 2005 at 08:46 AM Dacha Dude Weblog Announcements Previous Next Comment (0)
Recordings from simon mayo programme, on the day of the incidents 20-09-05."
Monday, October 17, 2005 -
Britain has apologized to Iraq for attempting to send two soldiers into Basra disguised as natives with military equipment including - according to some sources - bombs or bomb-making equipment.

Also some audio clips of BBC reports, thanks LNL.
..."recordings from simon mayo programme, on the day of the incidents 20-09-05.
The first file is a short news report.
Second file is news summary, with report by BBC Baghdad correspondent Richard Galpin.
Third file is a live, on-air interview of Galpin, by Simon Mayo. In this segment, the issue of explosives is broached. Listen to to their voices - and what they say.
They steer clear of the obvious implications. Unsurprisingly, the official BBC line eventually omitted the most damaging details.
But this was LIVE, and only self-censored."

Drat, try the link below.

Posted: Thu - October 20, 2005 at 08:46 AM Dacha Dude Weblog Announcements Previous Next Comment (0)
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