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Yahoo Wipes Clean EDO Corp Message Board

edowatch | 21.10.2005 11:58 | South Coast

In the last weeks before the EDO injunction trial Yahoo have wiped clean several thousand messages from their finance page message board that discuss EDO Corpoartion .

In recent months the board has contained postings of UK press articles revealing what EDO have been up to in Brighton.

Censorship for all to see at:

Message titles remain but oddly no messages.

Freedom of Speech ends with corporate rule.



Hide the following 3 comments

Um, they're all there now.

21.10.2005 12:50

All 2777 messages are up:

Looks like it was just a server problem. Relax.


They're back up as of 21/10/05 1436 GMT

21.10.2005 13:27

I looked at the link and they seem to be back...

a b

Making a drama out of not much of a crisis

21.10.2005 19:35

They're all there, ya daftie! Did it not occur to you it might be a simple server-side problem?
Quit drafting the article on it for Rense or and get back to normal.
