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Universal Terrorist sought

Robert Henderson | 21.10.2005 10:01 | Terror War

Hurricaes, earthquakes, floods, wars....where the Hell is God?

As the world reels under a series of terror strikes by the universal
terrorist known as God - Hurricane Katrina and earthquakes in the
sub-continent - the question is being asked "Does God have any
realisable or consistent demands of Man?"

Taxed with this question, the Rev Dr I M A Believer said "God's ways
are mysterious and not for Man to question. It is all part of His
divine plan".

An unbeliever, Mr Thomas Doubting, would have none of this. "One
has to look around the world to see what a nonsense this God idea is.
Christians say he is a loving God, a good Shepherd and Muslims say he
is all merciful, while Jews have believed just about everything about
their God at some time in the past 3 millenia, including believing He
has chosen them as His favoured people. Try squaring that with these

"As for the rest of religion, you run the gamut from folks believing
that rocks and rivers have spirits in them to the likes of Budhists who
say there is no God, merely states of existence. If all that's sending
coherent message to Man I'm Charlie Chaplin."

Following the media claim that God is in frequent communication
the President of the United States of Moronica, George W Moron, the
President was asked at his weekly press conference why God didn't warn
him of the terror strikes. President Moron said "God talks ter me
but he don't tell me everythin' an' sometimes he tells me things I
ain't ter tell anyone else."

However, dissenting voices have been heard. A structural engineer Mr Al
Putogether blames the series of disasters on poor design. "Just look
at how poor the construction of Man is. He can only walk upright by
adopting a permamnet falling tactic and women often die in
childbirth because the baby's head is too big for the mother's pelvis.
And what about viral diseases? They just mutate all on their own.
there's the big one: genetic coding which is mistranslated to give
mutations. And is it beyond the wit of an omniscient being to avoid
ageing process and senile dementia? Clearly no one is in proper

Mr Putogether was backed up by a fellow engineer, Mr Lou Tension.
"Everything we see is jerry built. You've got a planet where molten
lava keeps breaking through the crust. What kind of safety cover is
that? Then there are these damned tectonic plates which just keep
slipping about and causing earthquakes. And what about the oceans and
the weather? Where's the quality control? Where are the safety
failsafes? How come we have tidal waves and hurricanes? Hasn't God
heard of negative feedback? Hell, I could come up with something better
over lunch!" RH
Robert Henderson
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Robert Henderson
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