Bereaved families hold 24-hour vigil in Whitehall
Paul O'Hanlon | 20.10.2005 23:28 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | London | World
This is an 800 word report with 9 labelled photos and 6 labelled press clippings of the 24-hour vigil held by families bereaved by the war in Iraq. 3 photos of long-time protester Brian Haw are also included.
Bereaved families hold 24-hour vigil in Whitehall
Tuesday/Wednesday 18th/19th October 2005
Families of British soldiers killed in Iraq stepped up their demands for justice with a 24-hour vigil opposite the barricaded entrance to Downing Street. They are stepping up their demands for a full public enquiry into the conflict, which claimed its 97th British fatality as the protest was taking place. Two prominent mothers were Rose Gentle from Glasgow whose son Gordon was killed by a road-side bomb in Basra in June last year and Susan Smith from Tamworth, Staffordshire whose son Phillip was killed by a road-side bomb in July this year. Tents were erected opposite the sealed entrance to Downing Street. A number of prominent anti-war MPs came to offer support including Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn and Respect MP George Galloway.
Labour MP Claire Short, former overseas development minister, came to offer support on Thursday morning and accompanied some of the families to 10 Downing Street where they delivered a message to Tony Blair.
Military Families against the war (MFAW) are bringing an application for a judicial review under the human rights act. The families will argue that as the soldiers right to life has been interfered with they are entitled under UK and European Court of Human Rights case law to a fully independent and public enquiry. Thus if the case succeeds the resulting public enquiry would see senior ministers called for cross examination to include the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for defence and the Attorney General. The stakes will be high and while Rose was advised that was entitled to legal aid, numerous obstacles have been placed in her way. Without legal aid there is a considerable risk that Rose will be personally liable for thousands of pounds of costs if the government succeed. The government, presumably in an attempt to frighten off any action, have made it clear they intend to pursue the costs vigorously.
Donations are thus especially welcome and you can contact Rose Gentle by e-mail:
The website for Military Families against War is:
Rose Gentle explained that the protest was to end the occupation of Iraq, stop any future attacks on other countries such as Iran and to protest against the unfairness of being refused legal aid to fight their case for a judicial review. While the London protest was just for 24 hours Rose plans to set up longer protests in Scotland including one outside the Scottish Parliament.
There was a reasonable amount of media coverage with pieces in the Metro, the Daily Mirror, Daily Record, the Scotsman and the Glasgow Herald. There appeared to be nothing in the Guardian or London Evening Standard however. The protest was mentioned briefly on Radio Four’s `Today in Parliament` on Wednesday 19th October and I believe it was covered on Channel 5 news though the BBC website had no mention of it.
Here is what was reported in the Scotsman of Wednesday 19th October:
“Sending Another Young Kid To His Death”
19 Oct 2005 Scotsman
A mother whose son was killed fighting in Iraq said the death there of another British soldier made anti-war campaigners even angrier and more determined.
Rose Gentle, who was in Downing Street with Labour MP Clare Short to deliver a letter calling for the Government to get Parliamentary approval before declaring war, said Tony Blair should feel "guilty as hell".
Mrs Gentle's 19-year-old son Fusilier Gordon Gentle, from Glasgow, was killed in a roadside bombing in Basra in June 2004.
She said: "The more boys get killed the more angry we get because we shed a tear for them as well and their families.
"Every time you turn on the telly and see that another soldier has died it just reminds you of our own boys being killed.
"Mr Blair is sitting over there in Parliament and I hope he feels guilty as hell sending another young kid to his death."
Clutching a picture of her son and with tears in her eyes, Mrs Gentle explained that she was supporting Ms Short's Private Member's Bill because it meant people "would have to find out the truth about the war" before it was declared.
"Something stronger has to be done," she said.
"How many more boys getting killed out there is it going to take before Tony Blair says enough is enough?"
9 labelled photos of the protest are included along with 6 news clippings.
Lastly, let us not forget Brian Haw who has been on a one-man protest in London’s Parliament Square for 4 years and 4 months now. His website is:
3 labelled photos of his long running protest are also included.
Word count: 783 words
Tuesday/Wednesday 18th/19th October 2005
Families of British soldiers killed in Iraq stepped up their demands for justice with a 24-hour vigil opposite the barricaded entrance to Downing Street. They are stepping up their demands for a full public enquiry into the conflict, which claimed its 97th British fatality as the protest was taking place. Two prominent mothers were Rose Gentle from Glasgow whose son Gordon was killed by a road-side bomb in Basra in June last year and Susan Smith from Tamworth, Staffordshire whose son Phillip was killed by a road-side bomb in July this year. Tents were erected opposite the sealed entrance to Downing Street. A number of prominent anti-war MPs came to offer support including Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn and Respect MP George Galloway.
Labour MP Claire Short, former overseas development minister, came to offer support on Thursday morning and accompanied some of the families to 10 Downing Street where they delivered a message to Tony Blair.
Military Families against the war (MFAW) are bringing an application for a judicial review under the human rights act. The families will argue that as the soldiers right to life has been interfered with they are entitled under UK and European Court of Human Rights case law to a fully independent and public enquiry. Thus if the case succeeds the resulting public enquiry would see senior ministers called for cross examination to include the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for defence and the Attorney General. The stakes will be high and while Rose was advised that was entitled to legal aid, numerous obstacles have been placed in her way. Without legal aid there is a considerable risk that Rose will be personally liable for thousands of pounds of costs if the government succeed. The government, presumably in an attempt to frighten off any action, have made it clear they intend to pursue the costs vigorously.
Donations are thus especially welcome and you can contact Rose Gentle by e-mail:

The website for Military Families against War is:
Rose Gentle explained that the protest was to end the occupation of Iraq, stop any future attacks on other countries such as Iran and to protest against the unfairness of being refused legal aid to fight their case for a judicial review. While the London protest was just for 24 hours Rose plans to set up longer protests in Scotland including one outside the Scottish Parliament.
There was a reasonable amount of media coverage with pieces in the Metro, the Daily Mirror, Daily Record, the Scotsman and the Glasgow Herald. There appeared to be nothing in the Guardian or London Evening Standard however. The protest was mentioned briefly on Radio Four’s `Today in Parliament` on Wednesday 19th October and I believe it was covered on Channel 5 news though the BBC website had no mention of it.
Here is what was reported in the Scotsman of Wednesday 19th October:
“Sending Another Young Kid To His Death”
19 Oct 2005 Scotsman
A mother whose son was killed fighting in Iraq said the death there of another British soldier made anti-war campaigners even angrier and more determined.
Rose Gentle, who was in Downing Street with Labour MP Clare Short to deliver a letter calling for the Government to get Parliamentary approval before declaring war, said Tony Blair should feel "guilty as hell".
Mrs Gentle's 19-year-old son Fusilier Gordon Gentle, from Glasgow, was killed in a roadside bombing in Basra in June 2004.
She said: "The more boys get killed the more angry we get because we shed a tear for them as well and their families.
"Every time you turn on the telly and see that another soldier has died it just reminds you of our own boys being killed.
"Mr Blair is sitting over there in Parliament and I hope he feels guilty as hell sending another young kid to his death."
Clutching a picture of her son and with tears in her eyes, Mrs Gentle explained that she was supporting Ms Short's Private Member's Bill because it meant people "would have to find out the truth about the war" before it was declared.
"Something stronger has to be done," she said.
"How many more boys getting killed out there is it going to take before Tony Blair says enough is enough?"
9 labelled photos of the protest are included along with 6 news clippings.
Lastly, let us not forget Brian Haw who has been on a one-man protest in London’s Parliament Square for 4 years and 4 months now. His website is:
3 labelled photos of his long running protest are also included.
Word count: 783 words
Paul O'Hanlon
Hide the following 18 comments
21.10.2005 09:55
keep 'em coming mate :)
just someone who reads your reports
Blame Saddam for the war in Iraq NOT Bush or Blair!
21.10.2005 10:07
Iraq is also a much better place now that Saddam has gone. It is now a free democracy where oil revenues can be spent on essentials like housing, schools, hospitals, roads, railways, etc instead of on the vast army kept by Saddam and on his vast presidential palaces. There has been great progess made over the past two and half years since the Baath regime was outsted in Iraq. The discovery of the mass graves containing 300,000 massacred Iraqis, plus the vast number imprisoned and tortured under the Baath regime more than justified the war!
'concerned' - i almost thought you were being serious - haha
21.10.2005 11:08
Oh for fucks sake
21.10.2005 11:24
YOU "seem to forget" that every time you spam IMC with this neo-con "party line" crap it is comprehensively rebutted by people who know much more about the situation than unquestioning servile little "good soldier" shits like yourself ever will.
Sometimes I think you must be some kind of automatic message-generating computer programme (Microsoft WankerWizard 2.0) because your dreary propaganda is always the same, always badly written and seems about as thoughtfully deployed as a bee sting.
Oh - and the exclamation marks make you come across like an arsy 12-year-old who has been allowed to stay up past their bedtime and join in "the grown-ups conversation."
Fuck off.
You. Are. Boring.
Voice of reason, face of concern
21.10.2005 12:07
Ha ha ha!
Go and fucking live there then you pratt!
all dictators are bad
21.10.2005 13:08
I am not justifying Saddam Hussain, who should be shot for his war crimes, but lets keep some sort of political critique on just who the players are in this particular show trial.
All dictators are fascist, from Lenin to Franco, from Bush to Berlesconi and all the way to Saddam and the likes of Musharrif and the leaders of China and Iran. It doesnt matter what creed they claim to adopt. Blair doesnt believe in free speach and self-determination or the principles of the working class. Stalin only gave lip service to communism in so far as it served his self-seeking purposes. It is a common trick to identify one person's crimes as indicative of an entire system they claim to represent - divide and conquer by those in power.
We should stand and unite against all dictators, Bush, Blair and Saddam alike, and not allow their intercine struggles to distract us from our goals of a better world.
Subcommandente Simon
I like the captions
21.10.2005 14:42
Otherwise the photos could be of any demo.
Stop the war
Rikki and You. Are. Boring. are right
21.10.2005 14:51
Stop the war
Most of the 100,000 deasd in Iraq have been killed by insurgents!
21.10.2005 18:07
You seem unable to comprehend the sheer evil of a man like Saddam, a man who before the 1991 Gulf War when months of negotiations were going on, had a western journalist kidnapped and then executed on a trumped up charge of entering the country illegally then gloated to the British government, "you asked for him back, so we sent him home in a box". If that sort of behaviour is not indicative of the fact we were dealing with an totally insane dictator then nothing is! Saddam wasn't another Hitler he was the Anti-Christ!
21.10.2005 19:30
The biggest problem out there is that there is no security. You can simply be kidnapped for ransom money, murdered for your mobile phone. Tell me, who is responsible for the security of the country against crime? The insurgency? Saddam Hussein? This was not a problem under Saddam. Under international law an occupying army has the responsibility of the security of the country, and the US and UK have been so incompetent, so completely inept, that Iraq has descended in lawlessness, where it is easier to murder someone and rob them than simply steal from them, because the police do nothing. Where Shia militias act with impunity in the south, murdering and killing Sunni opponents right under the noses of the British.
Progress has been not only pitiful, but backwards. You can keep repeating your mantra in the hope that it is true, but it is not ( I wish fairies existed...I wish fairies existed ). Here's an idea...why don´t YOU go to Iraq, and put your life at risk for the sake of the Iraqi people, rather than just cheerleading other people's sons and daughters as they go out there to kill and be killed. And as you see your friends blown up around you, and the Iraqi people throwing petrol bombs at your jeep, you can just keep sitting there repeating to yourself 'progress is being made...we liberated the Iraqi people and they love us here...Iraq is much better now than under Saddam'.
Saddam killed thousands of people. The US has killed millions, with wars in Vietnam, Latin America, the Middle East. It has sold weapons and propped up murderous regimes, and been indirectly responsible for millions more deaths, including many of those inflicted by Saddam. If Saddam is the Anti-Christ, then the US is his father, Satan. What are you anyway, some kind of Christian fundamentalist? Go tell Pat Robertson that Hugo Chavez is coming to kick his ass.
21.10.2005 19:50
The biggest problem out there is that there is no security. You can simply be kidnapped for ransom money, murdered for your mobile phone. Tell me, who is responsible for the security of the country against crime? The insurgency? Saddam Hussein? This was not a problem under Saddam. Under international law an occupying army has the responsibility of the security of the country, and the US and UK have been so incompetent, so completely inept, that Iraq has descended in lawlessness, where it is easier to murder someone and rob them than simply steal from them, because the police do nothing. Where Shia militias act with impunity in the south, murdering and killing Sunni opponents right under the noses of the British.
Progress has been not only pitiful, but backwards. You can keep repeating your mantra in the hope that it is true, but it is not ( I wish fairies existed...I wish fairies existed ). Here's an idea...why don´t YOU go to Iraq, and put your life at risk for the sake of the Iraqi people, rather than just cheerleading other people's sons and daughters as they go out there to kill and be killed. And as you see your friends blown up around you, and the Iraqi people throwing petrol bombs at your jeep, you can just keep sitting there repeating to yourself 'progress is being made...we liberated the Iraqi people and they love us here...Iraq is much better now than under Saddam'.
Saddam killed thousands of people. The US has killed millions, with wars in Vietnam, Latin America, the Middle East. It has sold weapons and propped up murderous regimes, and been indirectly responsible for millions more deaths, including many of those inflicted by Saddam. If Saddam is the Anti-Christ, then the US is his father, Satan. What are you anyway, some kind of Christian fundamentalist? Go tell Pat Robertson that Hugo Chavez is coming to kick his ass.
American and British soldiers should leave Iraq
21.10.2005 23:54
Frédéric Nérac of ITV News (UK)
Isam Hadi Muhsin Al-Shumary
Reporters without borders:
73 journalists and media assistants killed while doing their job
since the start of fighting in Iraq in March 2003,
Two other journalists are still missing :
Frédéric Nérac of ITV News (UK), since 22 March 2003
Isam Hadi Muhsin Al-Shumary Suedostmedia, 15 August 2004
53 Journalists killed:
19.10.2005 - Mohamed Haroun, Union of Iraqi Journalists general secretary
21.09.2005 - Firas Al-Maadhidi, Al-Safir
20.09.05 - Hind Ismail, Al-Safir
19.09.2005 - Fakher Haydar Al-Tamimi, New York Times
27.08.2005 - Rafed Al Rubaii, Al Irakiya
02.08.05 - Steven Vincent, freelance journalist
22.06.2005 - Yasser Al Salihy, Knight Ridder
03.07.2005 - Maha Ibrahim, Baghdad TV
01.07.2005 - Khaled Sabih al Attar, al-Iraqia
28.06.2005 - Wael Al Bakri, Al Charkiyah
22.06.05 - Jassim Al Qais, Al Siyada
15.05.2005 - Najem Abed Khodair, Al-Madaa and Tariq al-Shaab
15.05.2005 - Ahmad Adam, Al-Madaa and Sabah
23.04.2005 - Saleh Ibrahim, Associated Press
15.04.2005 - Shamal Abdallah Assad, Kirkuk TV, Kurdsat
14.04.2005 - Ali Abrahim Aissa, Al-Hurriya TV
14.04.2005 - Fadel Hazem Fadel, Al-Hurriya TV
01.04.2005 - Ahmed Jabbar Hashim, Al Sabah
14.03.2005 - Houssam Hilal Sarsam, Kurdistan-TV
10.03.2005 - Laik Ibrahim, Kurdistan-TV
25.02.2005 - Raeda Mohammed Wageh Wazzan, Iraqiya
09.02.2005 - Abdel Hussein Khazaal, Al-Hurra TV
01.11.2004 - Dhia Najim, Reuters
27.10.2004 - Liqaa Abdul-Razzaq, Al-Sharqiya
14.10.2004 - Karam Hussein, European Pressphoto Agency
14.10.2004 - Dina Mohamad Hassan, Al Hurriya Television
7.10.2004 - Ahmad Jassem, Nivive television
12.09.2004 - Mazen al-Tomaizi, Al-Arabiya
26.08.2004 - Enzo Baldoni, Diario della settimana
15.08.2004 - Mahmoud Hamid Abbas, ZDF
15.08.2004 - Hossam Ali, freelance
03.06.2004 - Sahar Saad Eddine Nouami, Al-Mizan, Al-Khaima, Al-Hayat Al-Gadida
27.05.2004 - Kotaro Ogawa, Nikkan Gendai
27.05.2004 - Shinsuke Hashida, Nikkan Gendai
07.05.2004 - Mounir Bouamrane, TVP
07.05.2004 - Waldemar Milewicz, TVP
19.04.2004 - Assad Kadhim, Al-Iraqiya TV
26.03.2004 - Bourhan Mohammad al-Louhaybi , ABC News
18.03.2004 - Ali Al-Khatib, Al-Arabiya
18.03.2004 - Ali Abdel Aziz, Al-Arabiya
18.03.2004 - Nadia Nasrat, Diyala Television
28.10.2003 - Ahmed Shawkat, Bila Ittijah
17.08.2003 - Mazen Dana, Reuters
02.07.2003 - Ahmad Karim, Kurdistan Satellite TV
08.04.2003 - Tarek Ayoub, Al Jazeera
08.04.2003 - Taras Protsyuk, Reuters
08.04.2003 - José Couso, Tele 5
07.04.2003 - Julio Anguita Parrado, El Mundo
07.04.2003 - Christian Liebig, Focus
04.04.2003 - Michael Kelly , Washington Post
02.04.2003 - Kaveh Golestan , BBC
23.03.2003 - Terry Lloyd, ITV News
22.03.2003 - Paul Moran, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
20 Media assistants killed:
21.09.05 - Ahlam Youssef , Al-Iraqiya TV
17.09.2005 - Sabah Mohssin, Al-Iraqiya
28.08.2005 - Waleed Khaled, Reuters TV
23.07.2005 - Adnan Al Bayati, Rai, Mediaset, TG3 and Panorama
02.09.2004 - Ismaïl Taher Mohsin, Associated Press
25.08.2004 - Jamal Tawfiq Salmane, Gazeta Wyborcza
29.05.2004 - Mahmoud Ismael Daood, bodyguard, Al-Sabah al-Jadid
29.05.2004 - Samia Abdeljabar, driver, Al-Sabah al-Jadid
27.05.2004 - Unknown, translator
25.05.2004 - Unknown, translator
21.05.2004 - Rachid Hamid Wali, cameraman assistant, Al-Jazira
29.04.2004 - Hussein Saleh, driver, Al-Iraquiya TV
26.03.2004 - Omar Hashim Kamal, translator, Time
18.03.2004 - Majid Rachid, technician, Diyala Television
18.03.2004 - Mohamad Ahmad, security agent, Diyala Television
27.01.2004 - Duraid Isa Mohammed, producer and translator, CNN
27.01.2004 - Yasser Khatab, driver, CNN
07.07.2003 - Jeremy Little, sound engineer, NBC
06.04.2003 - Kamaran Abdurazaq Muhamed, translator, BBC
22.03.2003 - Hussein Othman, translator, ITV News
Reporters Without Borders want America to release journalists:
20 October 2005 - Iraq
Still no certainty about Nérac’s fate, despite French foreign ministry statement
4 October 2005 - Iraq - United States of America
As Ramadan begins, Reporters Without Borders calls for the release of five detained journalists
22 September 2005 - IRAQ
Another death in Mosul brings number of journalists killed since 2003 to 72
19 September 2005 - Iraq
Journalist shot dead in Basra, 68th killed in Iraq since start of war
9 September 2005 - Irak
News agencies targeted by Iraqi and US troops
2 September 2005 - Iraq
US army recognises firing on two-member Reuters TV crew
30 August 2005 - Iraq
TV reporter Rafed Al Rubaii becomes 67th journalist killed since start of war
25 August 2005 - Iraq
Call for immediate release of Reuters cameraman held by US army
6 August 2005 - Iraq
Iraqi who worked for Italian news media murdered in front of his family
3 August 2005 - Iraq
Who killed Steven Vincent ?
11 July 2005 - Iraq
Cyrus Kar and Farshid Faraji released after being held for 54 days
4 July 2005 - Iraq
12 journalists killed since early April
1er July 2005 - Irak
TV producer shot dead in Mosul is 61st journalist killed since start of war
29 June 2005 - Iraq
Call for an in-depth investigation into death of Iraqi TV producer
24 June 2005 - Iraq
Anne-Sophie Le Mauff has left Iraq
24 June 2005 - Iraq
Horror as journalist and his son shot dead north of Baghdad
21 June 2005 - Irak
Open letter to participants at International Conference on Iraq urges respect for press freedom and protection of journalists
24 May 2005 - Iraq
An APTN cameraman arrested by Iraqi police
23 May 2005 - Iran
Backing for journalists who have begun daily protests
16 May 2005 - Iraq
Horror at gruesome murders of two Iraqi journalists
6 May 2005 - Iraq / United States
US army asked to explain why it is still holding CBS News cameraman after one month
"Concerned" is a New Labour anti Christ.
delete the IndyMedia trolls
Oh get your facts straight
22.10.2005 11:22
"A third of the deaths can be attributed to armed groups fighting the US-led Coalition forces
and the new Iraqi authorities. But in eight cases (14%), US forces were to blame."
So yes, 1 in 3 deaths are by coalition forces. But the vast majority - 2 in 3 - are due to the Iraqis themselves!
Now what you suggest - in fact unequivocally state - is that the media were attacked by Coalition forces to hide war crimes. I'd like you to back that up with hard evidence. Lets see some links and so on. I'd also like to take your hypothesis to its logical conclusion. If the coalition forces killed to hide atrocities, surely the same applies to the Iraqi attacks?
The woolly thinking on this site is incredible.
Boab is a troll
22.10.2005 20:07
Don't you....
22.07.2005 19:31
Don't you just love the smell of unsupported conjecture in the morning?
Lets wait for some more information before jumping to any conclusions, lads.
Big Bad Boab
'Man shot dead was not a bomber'
22.07.2005 23:26
The byline is incorrect and misleading. Reuters do not say whether or not the man was A bomber, merely that he was not one of the 4 being sought. Now it may be that the chap wasn't, but keep ill-informed interpretation to yourself pending further details.
Boab's view of the fascist state Blair and New Labour are creating:
Britian is a fascist undemocratic country...yea, whatever
21.07.2005 21:59
Britain may be many things, but I think you'll find that it is certainly a democracy.
I love an American ex-president's quote being used to extole freedom. Oh the irony....
Boab is a troll, he contradicted himself, and falsely claimed Ediburgh was trashed:
Violence Solves Nothing
07.07.2005 16:46
I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.
Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.
Well, he was one of the great thinkers and won freedom for India. You guys trashed our city and achieved nothing. I think I'll stick with Gahdhi.
Re Aldgate tube bombing
Aye, right
07.07.2005 16:41
Call that an excuse? Yer a vulture, pal, and deserve a good smack.
Delete IndyMedia trolls including Boab the bore
Laugh? I Nearly Paid my Poll Tax
23.10.2005 16:30
Lets see......this kicked off because I pointed out that the post re: media deaths was incomplete. You chose, for whatever reason, and presumably on purpose, to miss out a key section. Is that what's irking you? Someone having the temerity to check your information?
And then you have a go at me over the Menzies affair, because whilst the conspiracy mob kept shouting out 101 theories I suggested we "wait for some more information before jumping to any conclusions". Sorry, seems like quite a sensible approach to me. Stand by it, quite happily.
American? Yer erse, as they say here in Bathgate. And even if I was a yank (heaven forbid), what would that have to do with anything?
Then the final link, you'll find that the fellow got accused of being a vulture because he was trying to flog pictures of the dead bomb victims getting carried out of the station. Again, seems quite a reasonable approach.
Face it Delete, the reason you've attacked me is because I caught you being circumspect with the truth on Indymedia, and you don't like it.
Yes, but who are the real trolls
23.10.2005 17:06
25.10.2005 20:03
Talkin' of which, I'll be in Glasgow at the end of November if anyone fancies a pint heehee!
Gang Canny
25.10.2005 22:35