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Sedition/definitions - KMA

Editorial Team - Cleaves Independent Publishing | 19.10.2005 07:05 | Repression | Social Struggles | World

Should we mention how concerned media magnates are in the age of free information? Blogs, free presses and numerous other independent media groups, all have ultra-right regimes jumpin'. They cannot tolerate real free speech and the 'voices' of protest and dissent. Congratulations to all the people of the world who cherish their rights and freedoms – we salute you! All your combined small voices have become a deafening roar – the new sedition laws in Australia are an indication that you have been heard to the extent that you require silencing – the nefarious forces are on the run!

One highly valued aspect of pre-Howard Australia was the ability to 'slang-off' at the government without fear of legal reprisal – I would go so far as to say it was a national pastime. But no more, the media magnates and right wing lackeys have learnt that the internet is a medium of the people; the impact of those who oppose tyrannical regimes has been felt by the minority interests.

The “sedition” law is an attempt to control free speech by intimidation and undemocratic totalitarian methods. The internet proved too difficulty to control so the option of directly attacking authors, journalists and independent media outlets with ancient draconian laws is being tested (for the whole ultra-right world) by the famous lackey John Howard and his infamous (lackey of a lackey) Attorney General, Ruddock. [There are no words to adequately describe the cowardice, servility and fear of Howard and his circus of servile fleas.]

Certain other nations watch the Australian experiment with keen interest – will the population tolerate a cultural reversal and accept the dissolution of democratic rights or will they reject any attempt to eliminate one of the most fundamental rights in any democracy, free speech?

For those who would never forfeit their rights, I congratulate you, we congratulate you! Opportunity has presented itself once again; criminal elements masquerading as governments have hijacked democracy. [The consequences of inaction would be more dire than those experienced in Nazi Germany.] We all have the opportunity to resist and correct those most foul forces that would rob us of our hard-earned freedoms and rights.

We would consider it a privilege to be the first group arrested under the new/old totalitarian laws – in fact we challenge Howard and Ruddock directly. Next to a Gandhi, what are Howard, Ruddock and Downer? [Very little indeed.]

We are waiting!

Signed: Cleaves Publishing editorial committee and contributing authors [Individual exceptions noted.]

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