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BBC 10pm Propaganda?

Yorkie | 18.10.2005 21:36 | Analysis | Anti-militarism

Is the 10pm news being used as propaganda outlet?

On the 17th and 18th of October 2005 the BBC broadcast a two part feature article that seems to have been umprecedented in informing the public about our RAFs preparedness to deal with terrorist attacks using airliners.

Who set up this exclusive and why?
Dare we question journalistic integrity of the BBC?

BBC Complaints can be contacted on 08700 100 222



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The BBC can be influenced, but ONLY by visible protest

18.10.2005 22:47

Only ONE thing would disturb the BBC, continuous anti-War, anti-racist (given their treatment of Palestinians and muslims) protests outside as many of the BBC offices as possible. Most low-level BBC journalist and staff are 'soft' liberal-left (same as with the UK press). Made to face their complicity with Blair's current atrocities and his propaganda paving the way for future ones, they would become very uncomfortable very quickly.

Writing or phoning official BBC contact points is like pointing out to Adolf Hitler in 1943 that jews are being killed by the Nazis. They are already fully aware of what they do, and will happily give you their standard denial!!!


BBC Director General taken on in Sheffield

18.10.2005 23:45

Members of the Notes from the Borderland team took on the BBC at the Sheffield International Documentary Festival - a Session chaired by ex-Panorama Editor Steve Hewlett, who we categorically belittled, saw the Director General Mark Thompson well and truly got the NFB treatment - a proper mauling about the lack of integrity and independence evident in tv documentary making - exactly what the first posting in this thread is on about. We hope to put our leaflet which was the talk of the SIDF inn Sheffield on our website soon so check out

we have now picketed the Royal Television Society Awards, the British Press Awards and the SIDF - all attempts to show that the media propagandists who prop up the state and assault our comrades in the social movements are being taken on. Sheffield was great fun - it's a pity that more Indymedia supporters don't take these issues seriously enough, or attend our protests when we announce them, as we have usually done. Anybody wanting a copy of our broadcast journalism leaflet can email us at . La Lotta Continua!

Billy Tomes

BBC is Tony Blair's propaganda

18.10.2005 23:48

Since Greg Dyke was sacked from the BBC, the BBC reports what New Labour tell them to.

Watch Channel 4 or ITV and non BBC news channels..

Don't watch BBC news

its an advertorial

19.10.2005 00:42

I caught the end of the 10pm news today, looked like a big advert for the typhoon fighter. I guess the BBC were told that they had to have a puff piece about it in order to persuade foreign governments (eg Saudi Arabia) to buy our latest white elephant.

As if its not enough that our taxes provide corporate welfare for the defence industry, we now have to put up with adverts for BAE on the BBC news.


propaganda and advert?

19.10.2005 08:01

The first part, on Tuesday, ran through the whole drill for interception and featured one of the Tornado air crew discussing his preparedness to down an airliner if commanded to do so.


Stupid Question Really

19.10.2005 13:07

Is the 10pm news being used as propaganda outlet? YES!

Of course it fucking is!!! What a stupid question to ask - ALL media outlets are used as propoganda outlets, whether its a reprint of a corporate press release in a newspaper, a new government crackdown terrorism in the BBC, or an announcement of a protest on Indymedia.


I thought this was a Newswire, not a rhetorical question of the week wire!!!
