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Blair is a disaster for our country

News & Star | 18.10.2005 18:02

The Tower is closer, and he belongs there even more!

"Democracy" means having the power to remove from power those leaders who are a detriment to the greater good - and criminal to boot.

Blair is a disaster for our country

IT’S about time that Tony Blair packed his suitcase, guitar, wife and spin doctors and got the removal van to take him to fairytale land where he belongs.

This man is a failure. Everything he has done since he walked across the threshold of Number 10 has been a failure for the United Kingdom.

He has instigated military action every year he has been in power.

The prudent Gordon ‘pick pocket’ Brown, has systematically taken money through back door taxation at every available opportunity.

We have rises in fuel tax which he blames on everyone but himself.

The claptrap excuses the Labour spin machine has pedalled to get out of that hole are laughable.

The fuel tax is not ring fenced, so the lies about it going into schools and hospitals are deceptive.

If the government did ring fence that money, then perhaps every price rise would be justifiable and we would have the most fantastic health service and education system.

It is blatantly obvious that all these funds that Brown has been amassing have been siphoned off for whichever war Blair happens to be poking his nose in to next.

I wouldn’t presume to say that the Conservatives are any better, looking at their performance in Blackpool.

They have no new ideas as Labour have stolen the Conservative manifesto and called it their own.

The Liberal Party have just disappeared – we don’t seem to hear a peep out of them. They were the only party that stood on an anti war footing but they have not capitalised on their stance at all.

So we are left with no-one suitable to run the country without giving us more tax rises, lower pensions or futile, disastrous wars.

Blair holds everyone in contempt, especially anybody who has a hint of popularity.

Robin Cook was an honourable man, who would rather resign and leave office than dirty his hands with the blood of innocent Iraqis.

Mo Mowlem was rubbished as having lost the plot but she successfully handled the peace process in Northern Ireland.

Blair was jealous when she received a standing ovation during his speech.

Then you have Clare Short, who dared to speak out against Tony. She was also viewed as a loose cannon.

So listen up Tony. It’s time for you to go. Push off and don’t bother to say goodbye to anyone – we’re not interested.


Clementina Terrace

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No problem

18.10.2005 20:07

No problem at all. Voted against him last time anyway.

Just waiting for a credible alternative at Westminster. Any suggestions?

Thank God for the Scottish Parliament and a system of voting that prevents Westminster type total control.


German BOAB speaking in 1934

18.10.2005 23:13

Hitler, no problem at all. Voted against him last time anyway.

Just waiting for a credible alternative at the Reichstag. Any suggestions?

Thank God for the Austrian Parliament and a system of voting that prevents Reichstag type total control.

some of Blair's goons are only good enough for forming human barriers (see documentary about Blair's election tricks) and third rate trolling of places like Indymedia :)


You would hate whoever was in power!

19.10.2005 09:01

In the seventies it was Harold Wilson, in the 1980s it was Thatcher, then in the 1990s John Major, who ever is in power at the time the left hate them! Maybe if Ken Livingstone was in power you would still hate him too. Tony Blair as prime minister has some very difficult decisions to make. In the case of Iraq he would have been damned if he didn't take action and damned if he did! If you think you can do a better job as prime minister or as the government of the UK trhen why don't you form a political party and stand for election? Instead of constantly complaing and whinning about politicians who are in power!

Voice of reason

Tch Tch

19.10.2005 09:22

Bit of a non-reply there, Twilight. What (as they say) is your point, caller? Convinced that Blair's a reincarnation of old Adolf and about to impose the fascist state (oops, sorry, you think its here).

Would you not be better to providing that evidence everyone's calling for on the other links? Or can't you? Is that the problem?


Looking for a political alternative?

20.10.2005 10:14

You could (gasp) try Respect:

Mr Spoon

Parochial Git

20.10.2005 19:48

Respect don't operate in all of the UK, you twit. They deliberately avoid Scotland, for starters. And don't see SSP, the buffoons that lost the Hep sufferers families their compensation because they were playing secondary school protests.
