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Does Al Qaeda exist?

Pravda/Al Jazeera | 18.10.2005 17:33

Better late than never to ask, I suppose. A disturbing pattern has emerged, in that, everytime someone is identified as belonging to the group, there is either no evidence offered to prove their existence, or more often, they turn out to be working for the intelligence services of either the USA, Britain, or Israel.

Does Al Qaeda exist?
10/17/2005 1:30:00 PM GMT

Why hasn't Osama Bin Laden, the alleged leader of Al Qaeda network, been captured up till now?

Does Al-Qaeda exist or not?- Several analysts tried to answer this question- But a previously published editorial on Pravda Website suggests that there’s no such thing as Al Qaeda- it doesn’t exist and never has.

Al Qaeda, a fake enemy created by the United States and its ally Britain, was produced for the sole purpose of using it as an excuse to invade and terrorize Arab and Middle East nations to swallow the world’s oil resources, the editorial said.

We never heard of such a name "Al Qaeda", defined by President Bush as the center of a vast and well-organized international terrorist cell, before 9-11- Nor did hear about the network’s alleged leader Osama Bin Laden, or his family, believed to have huge business with President Bush’s family.

Bush is trying to tell his nation that “your enemy is a well-known maxim, but one that is difficult to observe in practice,” and expects them to digest this lie.

• The Power of Nightmares

If we’re criticising the supine acceptance of the American President claims, we must as well mention Adam Curtis’s brilliant three-hour film that came to light earlier this year, challenging those lies and many other accepted articles of faith in the so-called “war on terror”.

According to "The Power of Nightmares", aired on the BBC, much of what we have been told about this mega threat labeled by the world super powers as international terrorism "is a fantasy that has been exaggerated and distorted by politicians. It is a dark illusion that has spread unquestioned through governments around the world, the security services and the international media."

Simply, if Osama bin Laden, the alleged leader of Al Qaeda network, does lead such a huge and dangerous international organization with trained “terrorists” operating in some 40 countries, mostly Arab countries, as stated by Bush, why has the American President and his powerful and influential administration failed to produce hard evidence of it? Why hasn’t he been captured up till now?

Britain arrested 664 “terror suspects” since 9/11 attacks, only 17 have been found guilty, most of them with no connection to extremist groups or Al Qaeda network?

Why despite claims made by the U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld "Meet the Press" in 2001 that Al Qaeda network controls massive high-tech cave complexes in Afghanistan, British and U.S. occupation forces never found such thing?

If "Al Qaeda" was such a huge and group of well-trained operatives, or “terrorists” why haven’t we ever been told about such a threat when the U.S. Cole was bombed a few months before 9-11?

"Al Qaeda" has become a euphemistic umbrella classification, the U.S. president uses to group any Middle Eastern fighter as an enemy. Now Bush can label any group he deems necessary to attack an organised “terror group” with links to Al Qaeda.

Going back to the U.S. President’s questionable motivations that were used to convince the Americans and the world that attacking Iraq was a necessity, you’ll get the feeling that Bush’s persistent rhetoric about Al Qaeda and the terror threat is nothing more than a smoke and mirror illusion.

When you come to think of it, how can a group of people, with very primitive equipment ever have any real central organization structure? If they were that powerful, high-tech equipped operatives as we’re being told, they would have certainly attacked the U.S. again after September 11.

Also if Al Qaeda was such a well-organised terror group, it’s supposed to have numerous cells on the soil of its foremost enemy, the United States- There has never been a single domestic terror cell captured since Bush has been in office! Also most of the terror suspects the U.S. arrested in the immediate aftermath of Sep. 11 attacks haven’t been charged with crimes in anyway associated with terrorism.

The only “really suspicious” activity of people detained after Sep. 11, were a group of Israelis caught in New Jersey filming themselves in the foreground of the burning World Trade Center with "looks of jubilation on their faces".

It later turned out that two of the gentlemen arrested had link to Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency. The men, however, were released from jail weeks later and were allowed to go back to Israel.

"Al Qaeda", if it really existed to anywhere near the extent that we have been told then there would have been another attack on the U.S. But unfortunately, the information we receive comes from two sides that both have great benefit in exaggerating Al Qaeda threat: tapes by the group’s members and the military and intelligence agencies that have great interest in maintaining the facade of an extremely dangerous terror cell.

Pravda/Al Jazeera
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18.10.2005 18:45

It's not THE al jazeera.

Last time I looked, there was no war in Chechnya according to Pravda- it had such a reputation for honest reporting too tsk!

What does 'The War Cry' have to say?



18.10.2005 19:30

This isn't the real Al-Jazeera web site, which is at, but a lame conspiracy site cashing in on its name.


Whatd'ya mean do I believe in Babbo natale

18.10.2005 23:04

Oh come on now you conspiracial theorists how can you doubt that Al Quada exists after all the Disney videos and we worked very hard to set up 9.11 what will you be adding a bilderberg link next ..
yeah the obelisk just happens to be in the back ground, well holy shit their all over the place and we use them as war memorials .. hey Boab stop making sense, weren't those talking heads refering to TV personalities
or is that a Clash of opinions, I dunno if punx gonna die tommorow what do you think ?

Disney time

No Al Qaeda don't exist thats why they have killed so many people!

19.10.2005 09:07

No of course Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups dont exist, thats probably why they have managed to kill so many people! We are back to "blame the west for everything". Some people just can't accept that there are evil terrorists out there who hate us and want to destroy us can they?


Stupid question in

19.10.2005 13:00

Stupid answer out!

Does Al-cia-duh exist?

Yes off course it bloody does!

Is it controled by the CIA?

Not 100% no.

Was it created by the CIA?

Yes, partially.

Do the CIA and it share common objectives?


Is it a convienient boogie-man, used to pass of false flag operations?

Now there is a question worth answering!!!


howdy pardner

20.10.2005 10:06

I don't know if al quada exists, but Tony Blair and George Bush both exist, and they are scarier and more dangerous.
