The media continues to protect Blair
Robert Henderson | 18.10.2005 09:26
Despite the many protestations that the media is the bearer of "the sword of truth", forever keeping the public informed of matters of public interest, the entire British mainstream media continues to protect Blair
10 10 2005
The media is continuing to protect Blair from the exposure of
scandal in his family life. Interestingly, those in the media who complain of the BBC's softness towards Blair and his government are as ready as any to suppress the story of his daughter's attempted suicide in April 2004.
Following John Kampfner's recent New Statesman article "A very corporate loss of nerve" and the BBC's DG Mark Thompson's declaration that the BBC suppressed nothing about Blair or NuLabour, I wrote to Mark Thompson and every senior BBC executive involved in news and current affairs (with copies to every BBC governor) pointing out that the BBC had been suppressing a story of profound public interest, Kathryn Blair's attempted suicide. The letter is below. It elicited not a single reply.
I also wrote to Kampfner with a copy of what I had sent to Thompson et al - copy below. To date he has also not replied or as far as I know used the material. .
Apart from the hypocrisy involved, the fact that the entire British mainstream media are willing to censor in the Blair interest is extremely sinister. One almost suspects that a D Notice has been issued.
John Kampfner
New Statesman
Dear Mr Kampfner,
I have read your article on the BBC. The material below will give you
the heads of Mark Thompson and the rest of the BBC political staff and
Governors on a plate.
You may make public and circulate any of the material I send you.
If I can be of further assistance please contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Henderson
Mark Thompson
Director General
10 10 2005
cc John Kampfner
Each BBC governor
Richard Sambrook
Helen Boaden
Nick Robinson
Andrew Marr
Peter Horrocks
Dear Mr Thompson,
In response to John Kampfner's recent New Statesman article "A very
corporate loss of nerve " accusing the BBC of going soft on Blair and
New Labour, you are reported as saying:
"There has not been a single example of me, Mark Byford, any of the
other senior editors of the BBC, the BBC chairman or anyone else inside
the BBC trying to censor or soften anything. On the contrary, we all
emphasise the need for the BBC's journalism to be robust, courageous
right. I can't relate the claim of a 'loss of nerve' with the reality
the way we're reporting the news at all."
Not a single example eh? How about the failure of the BBC to report the
attempted suicide of Blair's daughter in April 2004? As you will see
from the correspondence below, I have twice brought this failure to the
personal attention of Michael Grade and once to every governor.
Please write to me and explain why this story has been suppressed and
how such suppression fits with your words quoted above.
I enclose at the bottom of this email a short summary of what has
Your sincerely,
Robert Henderson
26 5 2005
Mr Michael Grade
BBC Board of Governors
35 Marylebone High Street
London W1 1AA
cc Gillian Reynolds
Dear Mr Grade
Yesterday, during your address to the Voice of Viewer and
Listener Spring Conference (VLV), you claimed that the BBC
politically independent. This prompted me to ask you how
you squared that claim with the fact that the BBC has not
reported the alleged failed suicide bid of the Blairs'
daughter, Kathryn, last year.
You said in reply that you had no knowledge of the attempted
suicide. This I found more than a little surprising because
the story is well known throughout politics and the political
media. It is also all over the internet. However, be that as
it may, what you obviously need to do now that you have been
told about it is investigate the matter. You can do this
simply by putting "Blair daughter suicide bid" into Google.
Thousands of matches come up - I suggest you use the advanced
search and ask for the words "Blair daughter suicide bid"
in full to make the number manageable.
When you have done that, ask your political editor Andrew
Marr whether he was aware of the story. If he says not, he
needs to explain why he was not on top of it. If Marr admits
he did know the story, he needs to explain why he and his
staff have not broken it. When you have ascertained Marr's
position, please write to me and explain what that position
Having done this, I expect you to take steps to bring this
story immediately to the public so that they may have the
information before polling day. I suggest you reflect on
the fact that more than 100 people are witnesses to the fact
that I asked the question and to your reply. The exchanges
were also recorded because the conference was recorded.
Thus, the probability is that this story will emerge at some
time and you will have to account for your behaviour if the
story has not been put before the public before 5 May by the
This story is absolutely in the public interest. Such an
attempt, if it occurred, would have profound implications for
Blair's state of mind and the public is entitled to know the
pressures the PM is under. If it did happen and if it was
engendered by bullying related to the illegal war in Iraq,
then the effect on Blair will have been even more profound
because his daughter's anguish is a direct result of one of
his policies.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Henderson
BBC Governance Unit
British Broadcasting Corporation room 211,
35 Marylebone High St, London W1U 4AA
Tel: 020 7208 9666 Fax 020 7208 9670
Dear Mr Henderson,
Thank you for your letter of 26 May (sic - April) to Michael
Grade. I am responding on his behalf.
The question you raised at the VLV Seminar on 25 April
relating to the Prime Minister's daughter is not one which
the BBC Chairman will respond to in public or via
Yours Sincerely
Tina Stowell
Head of Communications
Note: I managed to get the email below delivered to ten governors,
For some reason brought up the message person
unknown. RH
Subject: The Blair daughter's suicide attempt and BBC censorship
20 July 2005
To all BBC Governors
I attended the BBC Governor's "AGM" on 19th July. After the programme I
spoke with Michael Grade, Merfyn Jones, Fabian Monds, Angela Sarkis and
Ranjit Sondhi about the BBC's failure to report the story of the
daughter's suicide attempt in 2004 because she was being bullied at
school over the Iraq invasion. There was the clearest public interest
making this story public, not least because its publication would in
probability have forced Blair's resignation - throughout the summer of
204 there were persistent media rumours of a Blair resignation.
I had previously raised this matter with Michael Grade at the April
2005 Voice of the Viewer and Listeners Spring Conference - see my
correspondence with him and Gillian Reynolds below.
When I tackled Mr Grade yesterday he tried to make a joke of it. My
question to him was "Do you doubt the truth of the story?" He refused
answer. 'nuff said. No one refuses to answer yes or no where they have
nothing to hide.
Any political journalist will tell you off the record that the Blair
daughter story is true. The general media blackout suggests that a D
Notice has been issued to keep this story out of the public fold. If
so, that is an abuse of the system which the BBC should not play along
.The BBC does not have any general trouble with reporting teenage girl
suicides - see at the end of the email the BBC's coverage of Rebecca
Ling, the girl who survived a suicide pact in 2004. - there was no
public interest in Rebecca's case. That they refused to reveal the
daughter's attempt can only be explained by a deliberate decision to
protect him or a D Notice. Either way, where is the public's right to
I call upon you all to bring the story to the public and demand
Grade's resignation.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Henderson
Response to my letter to the Governors. The previous letter said
the same as this one. RH
Room 211
35 Marylebone High Street
London W1 1AA
Tel: 0207 7208 9666
Fax: 0207 208 9670
22 July 2005
Robert Henderson
156 Levita House
Chalton Street
London NW1 1HR
Dear Mr Henderson,
Thank you for your letter to the Board of Governors. The
BBC's position remains the same as in my previous letter.
Yours Sincerely
Tina Stowell
Complaint made via the BBC Governors' website
28 July 2005
cc Tom Leonard
(Daily Telegraph)
Dear Sirs, My complaint is about the BBC's censorship of the Blair
daughter's attempted suicide in April 2004, Michael Grade's response to
my bringing this to his attention and the Governors' general failure to
respond after I brought it to their attention, in five instances in
person. . As you will see from the correspondence below ,I first raised
this censorship with Michael Grade at the Viewers and Listeners Spring
Conference in April 2005. He did not merely fail to act upon the matter
he refused even to discuss it - see letter from Tina Stowell below.
I attended the Governors "AGM" at Television Centre on 19 July 2005. I
was unable to ask a question about the matter during the meeting
I was not called. However, after the meeting I spoke with Mr Grade and
five other Governors about the matter - see account below. Mr Grade
attempted to laugh the matter off but the other five Governors agreed
look into the matter if I sent them further details. This I did on 20
July 2005 - see below. I again received a letter from Tina Stowell (22
July 2005)refusing even to discuss the matter - see below.
My complaints are these:
1. The BBC has censored the story of the Blair daughter's suicide.
2. The Chairman has been complicit in this censorship.3. The BBC has
twice failed to address a complaint by me in a meaningful fashion -
refusing to answer a
complaint is by definition a
failure to address the complaint.
Yours sincerely
Robert Henderson
26 8 2005
cc Tom Leonard (Daily Telegraph)
Dear Sirs, I sent the complaint below on 28 July 2005. I have had no
reply. A month is more than adequate to answer a complaint. Please
by return. Yours Sincerely Robert Henderson
Note: During the R5 morning phone in programme of 3 May hosted by
Victoria Derbyshire), I managed to bring up the alleged attempted
suicide of Kathryn Blair in the Spring of 2004 at around 11.20 am
unfamiliar with the story should put BLAIR DAUGHTER SUICIDE BID into
Google to bring them up to speed).
Derbyshire's response to my raising the subject . was to say "We don't
know if that is true". I was then cut off before I could get an answer
to the question of why the BBC was censoring the story. RH
Published on Tony Gosling's website and the Indymedia
The BBC and the public's right to know - a case study
Robert Henderson
The British media claims it is committed to informing the public. The
reality is that it frequently colludes with politicians to suppress
stories. A classic example is the attempted suicide of Blair's daughter
Kathryn in April 2004. Every single newspaper and broadcaster
(including the BBC) has refused to use the story.
The BBC as a public service broadcaster has a special obligation to put
anything of political interest before the public. Consequently, I have
twice confronted its chairman Michael Grade with the failure of the BBC
to run the story.
The first occasion was at the Viewers and Listeners Spring Conference
in April 2005. Grade claimed not to know the story, but refused to
discuss the matter. Later I wrote to him asking him to justify his
failure to make the story public. Grade did not reply but I received a
letter from the BBC's Head of communications Tina Stowell which ran
"The question you raised at the VLV Seminar on 25 April relating
to the Prime Minister's daughter is not one which the BBC Chairman
will respond to in public or via correspondence."
The second occasion was at the Governors "AGM" at Television Centre on
19 July 2005. After the programme, The Governors rashly mingled with
the audience. I managed to corner Grade for about five minutes and ask
him in front of plenty of witnesses why he had censored the story of
the Blair daughter's attempted suicide, especially after I had raised
the matter with him in April 2005 at the Voice of the Viewer and
Listeners Spring Conference. He tried to make a joke of it, but before
he escaped I asked him the following question: Do you believe the story
is true? He refused to answer. 'nuff said.
At the same meeting I lobbied four other Governors: Deborah Bull,
Merfyn Jones, Fabian Monds, Ranjit Sondhi and Angela Sarkis. Without
exception they all seemed painfully startled by the news. I got a
promise from each to look into the matter if I sent them the full
details. I wrote to them and the other Governors on 20 July 2005. None
have replied. Instead, I again received a letter from Tina Stowell
(22 July 2005). This ran "Thank you for your letter to the Board of
Governors. The BBC's position remains the same as in my previous
letter." I then submitted a formal complaint through the governors'
website of 28 July 2005. No reply has been received after a month.
During the BBC R5 morning phone in programme of 3 May hosted by
Victoria Derbyshire), I managed to bring up the attempted suicide of
Kathryn Blair. I was cut off almost immediately.
After the R5 episode I wrote to Feedback, the programme which
supposedly deals with listeners concerns with the BBC, asking them to
investigate the censorship. They have failed to do so.
That the media have no difficulty with reporting failed teenage
generally can be seen from the vivid example of Rebecca Ling, the
surviver of a suicide pact. Both at the time of the suicide pact and
during the inquest into the girl who died the BBC and every other
mainstream media outlet reported the story with her name, in depth and
sensationally. What is sauce for the Man on the Clapham omnibus gander
is sauce for the PM goose. It is not for the media to decided what they
will and w3ill not put before the public.
Politicians are by definition professional moralists because they tell
us how to live through the laws the pass and the moral judgements
theypublicly make. For that reason alone, in a democracy the electorate
need to know how their private lives match up to that which they ordain
for others.
But there are other good reasons. Blackmail is one and the effect on a
politicians mind and behaviour of traumatic events another. Clearly,
this event was such as to potentially at least destabilise Blair's
mental balance. As he is PM we all have a right to know.
The other sinister thing is the way that not one media outlet has
ranks. It is what I call a sociological conspiracy. RH
Robert Henderson
Blair Scandal website:
Personal website:
The media is continuing to protect Blair from the exposure of
scandal in his family life. Interestingly, those in the media who complain of the BBC's softness towards Blair and his government are as ready as any to suppress the story of his daughter's attempted suicide in April 2004.
Following John Kampfner's recent New Statesman article "A very corporate loss of nerve" and the BBC's DG Mark Thompson's declaration that the BBC suppressed nothing about Blair or NuLabour, I wrote to Mark Thompson and every senior BBC executive involved in news and current affairs (with copies to every BBC governor) pointing out that the BBC had been suppressing a story of profound public interest, Kathryn Blair's attempted suicide. The letter is below. It elicited not a single reply.
I also wrote to Kampfner with a copy of what I had sent to Thompson et al - copy below. To date he has also not replied or as far as I know used the material. .
Apart from the hypocrisy involved, the fact that the entire British mainstream media are willing to censor in the Blair interest is extremely sinister. One almost suspects that a D Notice has been issued.
John Kampfner
New Statesman
Dear Mr Kampfner,
I have read your article on the BBC. The material below will give you
the heads of Mark Thompson and the rest of the BBC political staff and
Governors on a plate.
You may make public and circulate any of the material I send you.
If I can be of further assistance please contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Henderson
Mark Thompson
Director General
10 10 2005
cc John Kampfner
Each BBC governor
Richard Sambrook
Helen Boaden
Nick Robinson
Andrew Marr
Peter Horrocks
Dear Mr Thompson,
In response to John Kampfner's recent New Statesman article "A very
corporate loss of nerve " accusing the BBC of going soft on Blair and
New Labour, you are reported as saying:
"There has not been a single example of me, Mark Byford, any of the
other senior editors of the BBC, the BBC chairman or anyone else inside
the BBC trying to censor or soften anything. On the contrary, we all
emphasise the need for the BBC's journalism to be robust, courageous
right. I can't relate the claim of a 'loss of nerve' with the reality
the way we're reporting the news at all."
Not a single example eh? How about the failure of the BBC to report the
attempted suicide of Blair's daughter in April 2004? As you will see
from the correspondence below, I have twice brought this failure to the
personal attention of Michael Grade and once to every governor.
Please write to me and explain why this story has been suppressed and
how such suppression fits with your words quoted above.
I enclose at the bottom of this email a short summary of what has
Your sincerely,
Robert Henderson
26 5 2005
Mr Michael Grade
BBC Board of Governors
35 Marylebone High Street
London W1 1AA
cc Gillian Reynolds
Dear Mr Grade
Yesterday, during your address to the Voice of Viewer and
Listener Spring Conference (VLV), you claimed that the BBC
politically independent. This prompted me to ask you how
you squared that claim with the fact that the BBC has not
reported the alleged failed suicide bid of the Blairs'
daughter, Kathryn, last year.
You said in reply that you had no knowledge of the attempted
suicide. This I found more than a little surprising because
the story is well known throughout politics and the political
media. It is also all over the internet. However, be that as
it may, what you obviously need to do now that you have been
told about it is investigate the matter. You can do this
simply by putting "Blair daughter suicide bid" into Google.
Thousands of matches come up - I suggest you use the advanced
search and ask for the words "Blair daughter suicide bid"
in full to make the number manageable.
When you have done that, ask your political editor Andrew
Marr whether he was aware of the story. If he says not, he
needs to explain why he was not on top of it. If Marr admits
he did know the story, he needs to explain why he and his
staff have not broken it. When you have ascertained Marr's
position, please write to me and explain what that position
Having done this, I expect you to take steps to bring this
story immediately to the public so that they may have the
information before polling day. I suggest you reflect on
the fact that more than 100 people are witnesses to the fact
that I asked the question and to your reply. The exchanges
were also recorded because the conference was recorded.
Thus, the probability is that this story will emerge at some
time and you will have to account for your behaviour if the
story has not been put before the public before 5 May by the
This story is absolutely in the public interest. Such an
attempt, if it occurred, would have profound implications for
Blair's state of mind and the public is entitled to know the
pressures the PM is under. If it did happen and if it was
engendered by bullying related to the illegal war in Iraq,
then the effect on Blair will have been even more profound
because his daughter's anguish is a direct result of one of
his policies.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Henderson
BBC Governance Unit
British Broadcasting Corporation room 211,
35 Marylebone High St, London W1U 4AA
Tel: 020 7208 9666 Fax 020 7208 9670
Dear Mr Henderson,
Thank you for your letter of 26 May (sic - April) to Michael
Grade. I am responding on his behalf.
The question you raised at the VLV Seminar on 25 April
relating to the Prime Minister's daughter is not one which
the BBC Chairman will respond to in public or via
Yours Sincerely
Tina Stowell
Head of Communications
Note: I managed to get the email below delivered to ten governors,
For some reason brought up the message person
unknown. RH
Subject: The Blair daughter's suicide attempt and BBC censorship
20 July 2005
To all BBC Governors
I attended the BBC Governor's "AGM" on 19th July. After the programme I
spoke with Michael Grade, Merfyn Jones, Fabian Monds, Angela Sarkis and
Ranjit Sondhi about the BBC's failure to report the story of the
daughter's suicide attempt in 2004 because she was being bullied at
school over the Iraq invasion. There was the clearest public interest
making this story public, not least because its publication would in
probability have forced Blair's resignation - throughout the summer of
204 there were persistent media rumours of a Blair resignation.
I had previously raised this matter with Michael Grade at the April
2005 Voice of the Viewer and Listeners Spring Conference - see my
correspondence with him and Gillian Reynolds below.
When I tackled Mr Grade yesterday he tried to make a joke of it. My
question to him was "Do you doubt the truth of the story?" He refused
answer. 'nuff said. No one refuses to answer yes or no where they have
nothing to hide.
Any political journalist will tell you off the record that the Blair
daughter story is true. The general media blackout suggests that a D
Notice has been issued to keep this story out of the public fold. If
so, that is an abuse of the system which the BBC should not play along
.The BBC does not have any general trouble with reporting teenage girl
suicides - see at the end of the email the BBC's coverage of Rebecca
Ling, the girl who survived a suicide pact in 2004. - there was no
public interest in Rebecca's case. That they refused to reveal the
daughter's attempt can only be explained by a deliberate decision to
protect him or a D Notice. Either way, where is the public's right to
I call upon you all to bring the story to the public and demand
Grade's resignation.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Henderson
Response to my letter to the Governors. The previous letter said
the same as this one. RH
Room 211
35 Marylebone High Street
London W1 1AA
Tel: 0207 7208 9666
Fax: 0207 208 9670
22 July 2005
Robert Henderson
156 Levita House
Chalton Street
London NW1 1HR
Dear Mr Henderson,
Thank you for your letter to the Board of Governors. The
BBC's position remains the same as in my previous letter.
Yours Sincerely
Tina Stowell
Complaint made via the BBC Governors' website
28 July 2005
cc Tom Leonard
(Daily Telegraph)
Dear Sirs, My complaint is about the BBC's censorship of the Blair
daughter's attempted suicide in April 2004, Michael Grade's response to
my bringing this to his attention and the Governors' general failure to
respond after I brought it to their attention, in five instances in
person. . As you will see from the correspondence below ,I first raised
this censorship with Michael Grade at the Viewers and Listeners Spring
Conference in April 2005. He did not merely fail to act upon the matter
he refused even to discuss it - see letter from Tina Stowell below.
I attended the Governors "AGM" at Television Centre on 19 July 2005. I
was unable to ask a question about the matter during the meeting
I was not called. However, after the meeting I spoke with Mr Grade and
five other Governors about the matter - see account below. Mr Grade
attempted to laugh the matter off but the other five Governors agreed
look into the matter if I sent them further details. This I did on 20
July 2005 - see below. I again received a letter from Tina Stowell (22
July 2005)refusing even to discuss the matter - see below.
My complaints are these:
1. The BBC has censored the story of the Blair daughter's suicide.
2. The Chairman has been complicit in this censorship.3. The BBC has
twice failed to address a complaint by me in a meaningful fashion -
refusing to answer a
complaint is by definition a
failure to address the complaint.
Yours sincerely
Robert Henderson
26 8 2005
cc Tom Leonard (Daily Telegraph)
Dear Sirs, I sent the complaint below on 28 July 2005. I have had no
reply. A month is more than adequate to answer a complaint. Please
by return. Yours Sincerely Robert Henderson
Note: During the R5 morning phone in programme of 3 May hosted by
Victoria Derbyshire), I managed to bring up the alleged attempted
suicide of Kathryn Blair in the Spring of 2004 at around 11.20 am
unfamiliar with the story should put BLAIR DAUGHTER SUICIDE BID into
Google to bring them up to speed).
Derbyshire's response to my raising the subject . was to say "We don't
know if that is true". I was then cut off before I could get an answer
to the question of why the BBC was censoring the story. RH
Published on Tony Gosling's website and the Indymedia
The BBC and the public's right to know - a case study
Robert Henderson
The British media claims it is committed to informing the public. The
reality is that it frequently colludes with politicians to suppress
stories. A classic example is the attempted suicide of Blair's daughter
Kathryn in April 2004. Every single newspaper and broadcaster
(including the BBC) has refused to use the story.
The BBC as a public service broadcaster has a special obligation to put
anything of political interest before the public. Consequently, I have
twice confronted its chairman Michael Grade with the failure of the BBC
to run the story.
The first occasion was at the Viewers and Listeners Spring Conference
in April 2005. Grade claimed not to know the story, but refused to
discuss the matter. Later I wrote to him asking him to justify his
failure to make the story public. Grade did not reply but I received a
letter from the BBC's Head of communications Tina Stowell which ran
"The question you raised at the VLV Seminar on 25 April relating
to the Prime Minister's daughter is not one which the BBC Chairman
will respond to in public or via correspondence."
The second occasion was at the Governors "AGM" at Television Centre on
19 July 2005. After the programme, The Governors rashly mingled with
the audience. I managed to corner Grade for about five minutes and ask
him in front of plenty of witnesses why he had censored the story of
the Blair daughter's attempted suicide, especially after I had raised
the matter with him in April 2005 at the Voice of the Viewer and
Listeners Spring Conference. He tried to make a joke of it, but before
he escaped I asked him the following question: Do you believe the story
is true? He refused to answer. 'nuff said.
At the same meeting I lobbied four other Governors: Deborah Bull,
Merfyn Jones, Fabian Monds, Ranjit Sondhi and Angela Sarkis. Without
exception they all seemed painfully startled by the news. I got a
promise from each to look into the matter if I sent them the full
details. I wrote to them and the other Governors on 20 July 2005. None
have replied. Instead, I again received a letter from Tina Stowell
(22 July 2005). This ran "Thank you for your letter to the Board of
Governors. The BBC's position remains the same as in my previous
letter." I then submitted a formal complaint through the governors'
website of 28 July 2005. No reply has been received after a month.
During the BBC R5 morning phone in programme of 3 May hosted by
Victoria Derbyshire), I managed to bring up the attempted suicide of
Kathryn Blair. I was cut off almost immediately.
After the R5 episode I wrote to Feedback, the programme which
supposedly deals with listeners concerns with the BBC, asking them to
investigate the censorship. They have failed to do so.
That the media have no difficulty with reporting failed teenage
generally can be seen from the vivid example of Rebecca Ling, the
surviver of a suicide pact. Both at the time of the suicide pact and
during the inquest into the girl who died the BBC and every other
mainstream media outlet reported the story with her name, in depth and
sensationally. What is sauce for the Man on the Clapham omnibus gander
is sauce for the PM goose. It is not for the media to decided what they
will and w3ill not put before the public.
Politicians are by definition professional moralists because they tell
us how to live through the laws the pass and the moral judgements
theypublicly make. For that reason alone, in a democracy the electorate
need to know how their private lives match up to that which they ordain
for others.
But there are other good reasons. Blackmail is one and the effect on a
politicians mind and behaviour of traumatic events another. Clearly,
this event was such as to potentially at least destabilise Blair's
mental balance. As he is PM we all have a right to know.
The other sinister thing is the way that not one media outlet has
ranks. It is what I call a sociological conspiracy. RH
Robert Henderson
Blair Scandal website:
Personal website:
Robert Henderson
Hide the following 13 comments
So, Robert
18.10.2005 10:04
Leave her alone
18.10.2005 11:37
And there are many, many important reasons to oppose Blair (or as twilight would say, BLAIR), I don't need to list them do I?
So why pick on this? In what way is the alleged suicide attempt of this young woman of any relevance outside the circle of her family and friends? How would it help her to have this alleged story on the BBC? Do you have a child, Robert? Would you like to see her/his alleged, unproven troubles on the national news?
this is a repost
18.10.2005 11:47
The curtain moves to hide Blair
18.10.2005 18:11
Straw has a family of paedophiles and drug dealers (brother and son). Both stories were ruthlessly supressed. Indeed, the serious sexual assaults committed by the brother led to arrests that NONE of the news outlets in the UK would report!!!. Straw's brother's subsequent trial on the most inconsequential of all his offences got some minor coverage.
Blair has mass murdered millions in Iraq- most through genocidal sanctions maintained through lies and vicious pressure at the UN- but 300,000+ during the Invasion of Iraq (the same defenders of Blair's privacy are also holocaust deniers, stating that you MUST believe a far lower figure, since you can't personally count the victims, and anyway, Iraqis that died in uniform don't count).
Millions of families have been ruined by Blair's actions. MILLIONS. Now, when one of the few issues that would actually damage Blair's support in Britain arises, the horrific conditions within the Blair household, New Reich stormtroopers flood the net with black propaganda techniques to close the story down.
This should seem VERY familiar. Ever seen a biog on Adolf Hitler??? What emphasis do they put on his private life??? LOADS!!! The suicide and attempted suicides of people in Hitler's personal life are seen as of greatest significance, and regret is ALWAYS expressed that full exposure of Hitler's private circumstances never occured to allow the German people to see Hitler as the FLAWED, DISTURBED, and CRAZY person that he was.
Once again, form a mental picture in your mind. Pre-election, and Blair is appearing at a photo op. Press is waiting for the speech to finish so they can ask a few questions. THE VERY MOMENT BLAIR FINISHES SPEAKING, THE CROWD OF 'ORDINARY PEOPLE' MOVE AS ONE TO FORM A HUMAN WALL BETWEEN BLAIR AND THE PRESS, PREVENTING ANY NON-SCRIPTED ENQUIRERS. This scene was caught on the documentary shown shortly after Blair's election 'victory' on ITV. It is how Blair's New Reich does things. The exact same thing happens on indymedia to the WRONG stories. Seeming innocent regulars SUDDENLY move to express outrage at anything that would really harm Blair, or his New Reich party.
On the net, watch the actions of people carefully. It DOES NOT MATTER what position they seem to take normally. If they are there for a nefarious purpose, they will attempt to build a reputation as a person with one kind of outlook, but will act immediately for their true position when duty calls!!!
So, Twilight
18.10.2005 22:04
Twighlight has finally lost it.
19.10.2005 15:00
No this story and Twighlight's response is a load of crap for a few reasons. Firstly leave the poor girl alone - if Tony Blair was my father i'd feel like topping myself! Secondly the media had a field day with his son getting pissed and being face down in a gutter. The media also had a field day with Jack Straw's sons drugs issue (his brother is news to me though). The Daily Mail would play this story as much as they could.
According to Twighlight - Adolf Hitler had some personal family issues and so does Tony Blair - so in Twighlight's paranoid eyes that is cause and effect? So there's some mental health problems with Hitler and Blair's family - big deal, it doesn't mean shit Twighlight, get a grip.
I have family members with mental health problems and have good friends who are "Mad" - is it all the fault of one Hitler/Blair character - no its a common medical condition, it is the stress of everyday life, it is the product of living in a fucked up world.
If anyone has mental health problems i think its Twighlight and the rest of the conspiracy goons. Either that or Twighlight is a Neo-Labour goon trying to disrupt Indymedia.
Miss Point
The children of the elite and privilege
21.10.2005 09:38
18.10.2005 11:04
Correct me if I'm wrong, here, but you're saying that the BBC has a duty to run the story of this poor girl's attempted suicide, devil take the consequences, and that it has refused to do so not out of any desire to protect her but rather to help out her dad. Is that a fair summary?
Boab "
Correct. The public interest in knowling (1) Blair's state of mind, (2) how he conducts his own family life (politicians are professional moralisers who tell the rest of us what to do and we consequently have the right to compare their own behaviour with that they ordain for us) and (3) the need to guard against the PM being blackmailed outweighs any other consideration.
To argue that a child must be given anonymity at all costs is nonsensical. It would, for example, prevent the release of names and details for a child who has gone missing. Moreover, the media, as in the case of the failed 13-year-old suicide Rebecca Ling, generally have no qualms about identifying failed teenage suicides. Clearly, the Blair child's case is being suppressed because of political pressure.
Nor is there any reluctance on the part of the media to constantly name children who have done something wrong which stops short of an appearance in a criminal court. In additiuon, in some criminal cases, the ban on identifying children is lifted and the media again is only to happy to identify them, often in ways which may incite attacks on the child or parents.
It is also true that children generally have to bear the humiliation and shock of seeing their parents and other adult relatives named in the media when they have committed a crime or behaved immorally. That is at least as traumatic as the child being named.
Finally, the children of the elite gain great privileges simply by virtue of their accident of birth. The downside is that they may be under greater scrutiny than the ordinary child in the street. RH
Robert Henderson
The Blairite rapid response unit
21.10.2005 09:44
Robert Henderson
Personal Insults, eh?
21.10.2005 13:59
Yes, the kind of offensive and unhelpful language that asks for back-up? That has the temerity to pose akward questioning or point out woolly thinking. Ban it now!
Blairite Goon, Apparently
Warning, Warning! Man with Agenda!
21.10.2005 14:25
For those who might want to see the man's writing for themselves, his web site is particularly amusing: All you "Scotch" (sic) will love it. Although in fairness he's nasty to all the Celtic races. Robert believes that Americans should indeed have the right to own military-grade weapons and keep them at home. Apparently liberal attitudes are a great threat and the people are rising up against them. Robert seems to think this is good.
This fellow has an agenda, or possibly several. Do not be fooled by the apparently innocuous guise of his original post.
21.10.2005 14:35
2. and
Don't expect any sympathy from this quarter.
Big Bad Boab Fae Bathgate
Journalistic Impartiality, Eh?
21.10.2005 17:13
Of course this would have nothing to do with your ongoing war with the Blairs, would it? I mean, you'll be holding an objective position as a journalist, eh?
Replies to "The media still protecting Blair"
24.10.2005 09:32
21.10.2005 14:59
"Blairite defenders come forward immediately. They all use the same sort of language, a particularly repulsive blend of hypocrisy and threat"
"Yes, the kind of offensive and unhelpful language that asks for back-up? That has the temerity to pose akward questioning or point out woolly thinking. Ban it now!
Blairite Goon, Apparently "
No, the kind of language used to intimidate and obfuscate. RH
"Warning, Warning! Man with Agenda!
21.10.2005 15:25
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Mr. Henderson, he has quite a history and has been involved in a rolling battle with the Blairs (amongst others) for a good number of years. I suggest you take a look at:
For those who might want to see the man's writing for themselves, his web site is particularly amusing: All you "Scotch" (sic) will love it. Although in fairness he's nasty to all the Celtic races. Robert believes that Americans should indeed have the right to own military-grade weapons and keep them at home. Apparently liberal attitudes are a great threat and the people are rising up against them. Robert seems to think this is good.
This fellow has an agenda, or possibly several. Do not be fooled by the apparently innocuous guise of his original post.
Amused "
As the Blairs attempted to get me prosecuted on bogus criminal charges on 11 March 1997 - see - I do indeed have an agenda, namely to rid the country of the neo-Fascist Blair and his neo-Fascist government. Anyone should ask themselves about thesafety of having a man as PM who attempted to use his position to obtain a criminal prosecution which as a lawyer he must have known was a non-starter - it was so feeble a case that the CPS rejected it within an hour or two of it being submitted to them, despite the intense pressure which was on them to act to please the man who was about to become PM.
Even more troubling is the fact that though the CPS said that I had committed no crime and had never threatened Blair in any illegal manner, Blair used Special Branch and MI5 to spy upon me and harass me - Special Branch and MI5 admitted to having files on me after after I submitted to them subject access requests under the DPA.. This behaviour is all part and parcel of the Blair mentality: essentially criminal and psychopathic.
But my relationship with the Blairs has absolutely no bearing on the truth or value of my attempts to bring the collusion of the media with the Blairs to suppress the story of his daughter's attempted suicide. Ask your self what other stories have been suppressed. Ask yourself how the public can make a judgement of the man if such stories are suppressed.
21.10.2005 15:35
Robert, two things:
2. and
Don't expect any sympathy from this quarter.
Big Bad Boab Fae Bathgate "
The Scotch must learn to stand on their own feet and stop whining incessantly and holding out their hands for English gold. RH
"Journalistic Impartiality, Eh?
21.10.2005 18:13
Of course this would have nothing to do with your ongoing war with the Blairs, would it? I mean, you'll be holding an objective position as a journalist, eh?
Pete "
Irrelevant to the truth or falsity of the story or to its importance. RH
Robert Henderson