Justice now! War criminal on the run in Tanzania
RW | 17.10.2005 10:12 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | World
Agathon Rwasa, a Burundian Hutu-extremist and documented war criminal, has reportedly been denounced by his own forces for "gross human rights violations", and sacked. He is now reportedly on the run in Tanzania, where he has found protection in the past.
Earlier this year Indymedia reported on the family of Richard Ndereyimana, one of many Burundians murdered at the hands of the Hutu-extremist group Palipehutu-FNL.
The family described their anguish at reports that the FNL leader, Agathon Rwasa, whose forces have been behind hundreds of other vicious ethnically-motivated attacks, was about to be given an amnesty and a plumb government job. Their appeal was a simple one:
"The parents of all those who lost loved ones... know each other; we are ready to go to court, but here we are nothing - this place is corrupt and there are killers everywhere. Tell those who are abroad, in Europe, to carry our voice..."
It seems that Rwasa has recently become too nasty even for his own murderous forces. He has reportedly been sacked at an extraordinary meeting of Palipehutu-FNL in Muyira, Burundi, over his attacks on civilians and continued refusal to engage in peace talks.
Following that meeting, this statement was released, announcing Rwasa's removal and denouncing him for a series of gross human rights abuses. More extraordinary still, the FNL statement denounces last year's Gatumba massacre and criticises the world's "silence" over the attack. Rwasa's own comrades are now demanding justice over these atrocities.
We are now urging people around the world to write to their local representatives, urging pressure on Tanzania to enforce the international warrant issued in the aftermath of Gatumba, and deliver Agathon Rwasa to justice. The government of Tanzania can no longer claim that arresting him would damage the prospects of peace in Burundi. There are no excuses any more.
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The family described their anguish at reports that the FNL leader, Agathon Rwasa, whose forces have been behind hundreds of other vicious ethnically-motivated attacks, was about to be given an amnesty and a plumb government job. Their appeal was a simple one:
"The parents of all those who lost loved ones... know each other; we are ready to go to court, but here we are nothing - this place is corrupt and there are killers everywhere. Tell those who are abroad, in Europe, to carry our voice..."
It seems that Rwasa has recently become too nasty even for his own murderous forces. He has reportedly been sacked at an extraordinary meeting of Palipehutu-FNL in Muyira, Burundi, over his attacks on civilians and continued refusal to engage in peace talks.
Following that meeting, this statement was released, announcing Rwasa's removal and denouncing him for a series of gross human rights abuses. More extraordinary still, the FNL statement denounces last year's Gatumba massacre and criticises the world's "silence" over the attack. Rwasa's own comrades are now demanding justice over these atrocities.
We are now urging people around the world to write to their local representatives, urging pressure on Tanzania to enforce the international warrant issued in the aftermath of Gatumba, and deliver Agathon Rwasa to justice. The government of Tanzania can no longer claim that arresting him would damage the prospects of peace in Burundi. There are no excuses any more.
In the United Kingdom, you can contact your MP directly via www.faxyourmp.com.
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